the sound of water....................
Browser's empty dish remained on the mat
out of
control...........................beside Winsock's.
in the clearing
...........................Gunter's hat still hung on a hook on the
across the river
......................Although almost everything else that he owned
was gone.
cold water......................
blood stains....................
against the wall........ brown grass on the hills......
a flowered dress..............
a glass of beer.................
low flying planes............
every pebble glistened...............
the evening sunlit leaves
the smell of green grass....
warm sun.........................
a red front door................
cold cereal........................
to the shores of Tripoli....................
a white shirt.......................
making love......................
the children laughing..........
blue jeans.........................
potato soup......................
the unbidden flood...............
because I have never been there
unwashed windows...........
a dark corner....................
the pine trees overhead......
the horizon........................