blue shirt........................ Late afternoon.
soft fur...........................The grass under our feet
warm milk......................was still damp from a long series of rainy days.
the sound of water......... Shelly was sitting across from me,
..............................leaning her elbows on the oilcloth - ......................drinking coffee.
............................."What did I tell you about Italy?" I asked her.
brown grass on the hills... a flowered dress.............. a glass of beer................. sleep............................... background noise............ low flying planes............. the necessary information ............... the smell of green grass.... warm sun......................... a red front door................ cold cereal........................ working............................ making things.................... a white shirt....................... on the meadow above the creek...................... the children laughing.......... blue jeans......................... potato soup...................... footprints.......................... unwashed windows........... the pine trees overhead...... walking............................. riding................................ the horizon........................

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