a white shirt........................A silver gray wolf --
soft fur............................his coat shimmering in the
afternoon sun --
warm milk......................loped across the path
the sound of water..........about 10 yards in front of me.
rain................................ I stopped and watched him as he
ran up the hill.
cold water......................He stopped on a ledge above the trail
and watched me.
blood stains....................I continued along the trail.
brown grass on the hills...................When I looked back he was gone.
a flowered dress.............The pine needles beneath my feet were
a grove of redwoods................New green grass was growing between
the brown grass on the hills.
background noise............
low flying planes.............
a white frosted birthday cake...............
the smell of green grass....
warm sun.........................
the doorway at dinnertime................
and at night, trailing their
where the water meets the
making things....................
blue shirt.......................
making love......................
the children laughing..........
blue jeans.........................
bundled with other electronic love letters
unwashed windows...........
a dark corner....................
the pine trees overhead......
the horizon........................