a white shirt........................ I had been merged with the screen for days,
soft fur...........................cutting and pasting bytes
warm milk......................from the four corners of the earth.
the sound of water.........
rain................................Outside, the sun was settling on
cold water......................yellow green May grass on the Mesa.
the daily in and out flow of a billion bytes............
.........................................Inside, the text was black,
brown grass on the hills...and the links were blue
soft fur.................
the sound of water.....
a flowered dress..............served up as specified
a glass of beer................. by my preference settings
sleep...............................on a stark white background.
traces of supernatural activity............ the smell of green grass.... warm sun......................... a red front door................ cold cereal........................ the daily in and out flow............................ making things.................... blue shirt....................... making love...................... the children laughing.......... blue jeans......................... potato soup...................... cutting and pasting bytes............... nausea.............................. footprints.......................... as if on the same server our minds were somehow linked........... the pine trees overhead...... the horizon........................ so that the city can begin to exist

[about this work] [opening interface]