the lingering debris................None of the non-loadbearing interior walls remained
ancient struggles on vast plains Milton's white wooden Georgian house with the red shutters.
the sound of water......................I wondered if it was Milton who had had them removed
truncated dark days.........and if he had painted the marblized ceilings himself.
black icy streets......
bare trees.....There were no fish in the aquarium behind the foam rubber couch
...................where we were sitting with after dinner instant coffee.
rivers that flow too fast after heavy snows ................Immersed in the aquarium water instead of fish
................were plastic cars and trucks of many vintages.
brown grass on the hills... a flowered dress.............. arriving almost simultaneously............ come on across to the Internet.............. in search of uninhabited meadows....... warm sun......................... cold cereal........................ working............................ just outside the walls.................... blue shirt....................... making love...................... blue jeans......................... potato soup...................... never know why............... while Mary and Trevor looked on............. a dark corner.................... walking............................. riding................................ the horizon........................

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