peach colored
sink........................Above me,
soft fur............................there was a gaping hole
warm milk......................made by the absence of the heat lamp
in the bathroom ceiling.
the sound of water.........
rain................................It was unlike Marlin to leave a
bulb unreplaced.
cold water......................I imagined a video camera hidden in
its recesses --
blood stains....................observing the movement of my
brown grass on the hills.......................and the traces of white toothpaste foam
flowered dress................that lingered on my lips.
a childhood accident............
on the sidetable............
background noise............
low flying planes.............
intermittent pain...............
the smell of green grass....
warm sun.........................
a red front door................
cold cereal........................
hidden by the yellow roses...........
making things....................
a white shirt.......................
making love......................
the children laughing..........
blue jeans.........................
potato soup......................
never know why...............
unwashed windows...........
a dark corner....................
the pine trees overhead......
the horizon........................