Viridian Note 00477: Worldchanging, the Book![]()
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0810930951/ref=sr_11_1?ie=UTF8&tag2=worldchangi0b-20 http://www.hnabooks.com/product/extended/3421?imprint (((If you read Viridian List, you want this new book. The proper time for you to buy it is now. Why? Because the modern publishing system, such as it is, has become as deranged and sclerotic as the movie business, so a big early roll-out counts for a lot in their ridiculous biz calculations.))) (((There are two thousand of you out there, and what we Viridians lack in raw numbers we make up for in culture-hacking perspicacity. So I want you to buy three of them. Buy one for yourself, buy two more as propaganda, I mean "gifts," and give them to someone older than yourself and younger than yourself, so as to induce a nice demographic spread across the reader-buyer user-base.))) (((If this tome becomes as big a hit as its spiritual ancestor the WHOLE EARTH CATALOG, we can accelerate the change to a high-tech green 21C by years. Furthermore, even though it's reasonably priced, it comes in a gorgeously designed Stefan Sagmeister slipcase that looks really classy, so your gift recipients will not feel politically and culturally manipulated but will be all impressed by your good taste.))) (((They're going to read this thing, and they're going to have stretch-marks all over their heads, because in their morose sorrow during years of domination by fundie creeps, they've forgotten what new ideas look like and this book is full of them. You won't have to lift a finger to affect this change within them -- for these are the heavy guns of the movement here, assembled in battalion. I've been showing my copy to scientists, engineering professors, government workers -- serious, seasoned people, reality-based-community people. They are awestruck. And justly so.))) (((As it so happens, I wrote an introduction to this book. Then Al Gore muscled in and wrote a second introduction. That's how good this book is. It's heavy-duty. It's so heavy that guys who should have been President of the United States are all concerned. If you are into cybergreen issues you can't call yourself informed without WORLDCHANGING. Furthermore, the people involved in this effort are the absolute salt of the earth. They're bright, fluent, capable and they genuinely get it. They don't merely "get it," they are inventing that which it is necessary to get. These are people you need to know a lot more about.))) (((After buying some books, for the system requires financial stimulation, go talk about it. Talk it up, talk about it incessantly. Word-of-mouth the living daylights out of it. Normally this is annoying behavior, in the case of this book we can make a moral exception. This book demands discussion because it's full of amazing and completely apt material which can't be found anywhere else.))) (((Further note that there is an associated book tour. If your town is being graced with WORLDCHANGING authors you should get up, leave the screen, go there, press the flesh, vow some Bright Green fealty and buy more of the book, so that the tour is extended. Yes, I am completely in earnest about you doing this. That's practical, it's doable and it can make a serious difference. But, you know, not five months from now. The iron is red-hot right now.))) (((You may have been reading Viridian Notes for eight years. Lord knows I have. Imagine those hours of labor and, uh, occasional amusement. Well, the release of this book is a crux event. If this book is a hit, the world will actually change. And in a direction of which we strongly approve. If that happens, you're going to see sprightly, forward- marching Viridian Notes full of cheery news about cool Bright Green developments hitting mainstream acceptance, like, for instance, the Googletorium bedizened with a zillion solar panels. Who can't like that?))) (((Otherwise, you'll be locked in the souring terror-bunker watching black water pour in over the sill as a society poisoned by Lysenkoist denial drowns in its own spew. Okay, frankly, you're just bound to get some black darkside spew from Viridian List, no matter how grand things are going, but let's face it: this is a unique opportunity for you to take a direct and personal action that briskly heaves that slider-bar into the direction of light and reason. So do it.))) (((If you are one of our non-Anglophone readers, go pester somebody to translate it.))) WORLDCHANGING TOUR LAUNCH: SEATTLE, WAWorldchanging, the Book "In just over a week we'll be officially launching our book, Worldchanging: A User's Guide for the 21st Century, from WC's hometown of Seattle on October 28. Our first event kicks off a 6-week tour, and it should be a spectacular evening. "Worldchanging Executive Editor, Alex Steffen will take the stage in conversation with super-ally (and author of the book's introduction), Bruce Sterling, to talk about imagining, designing and building a bright green future. "Please join us if you are nearby. We love to meet our readers and supporters, and we're looking forward to having a chance to spend some time with you and create an opportunity for the local community to connect and build networks. The big event: Saturday, October 28
Town Hall Seattle WORLCHANGING TOUR: VANCOUVERWorldchanging, the Book "We often show our love for Vancouver in posts on Worldchanging, but now we can show it in person. Please join us for an evening of big ideas and fun people on November 5 at Workspace. Continue reading "Worldchanging Tour: Vancouver" Posted at 06:55 PM on October 17, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) WORLDCHANGING TOUR: PORTLAND, ORWorldchanging, the Book "We've always had a lot of great friends and allies in Portland. That's part of the reason we chose to make it our first stop after our Seattle launch event. If you're in town October 29th and 30th, come on out! Continue reading "Worldchanging Tour: Portland, OR" Posted at 05:08 PM on October 17, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) WORLDCHANGING TOUR: NEW YORKWorldchanging, the Book "New York is such a big town, we can't get it done in just one stop. We'll be in New York City three times, hosting four events. So although we're not covering too many cities on the east coast (D.C. and Toronto are the only others), you have ample opportunity to plan ahead for a trip into NY to celebrate with us. Please come! Details after the jump... Continue reading "Worldchanging Tour: New York" Posted at 06:49 PM on October 17, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) WORLDCHANGING TOUR: DENVERWorldchanging, the Book We're ending the tour with a Rocky Mountain high in
Colorado. We'll be holding a reading and reception
at the legendary independent bookstore, Tattered Cover,
on December 14 at their Lower Downtown location.
In addition to that, we'll be spending a couple of
extra days around Denver (hometown of our Managing
Editor, Sarah Rich) and Boulder. Please do come to
the main event, and we may organize an informal
gathering at a bar during one of our other evenings.
Stay tuned. WORLDCHANGING TOUR: SAN FRANCISCOWorldchanging, the Book We have a lot of friends, allies and colleagues in
the Bay Area, so we're incredibly excited to be able
to offer up several big events there. As a hub of
all things green, we hope to get great a turnout
at 111 Minna on December 5 and the Commonwealth Club
on December 7. Spread the word! WORLDCHANGING TOUR: LOS ANGELESWorldchanging, the Book From Austin, we're heading west to LA for several
SoCal readings and parties. We'll be there from
November 30 - December 4 when we swing up to SF.
These events are still in the works, so please check
back here for more details. WORLDCHANGING TOUR: AUSTINWorldchanging, the Book Austin's been an important star in the Worldchanging
constellation from the start. Right after Thanksgiving,
we're zipping down to Austin, TX, to join with some
core WC teammates and a number of great groups,
including Solar Austin, to have a reading at Book
People. WORLDCHANGING TOUR: WASHINGTON, DCWorldchanging, the Book In DC, it's a tour of the worlds, with Worldchanging
teaming up with our friends at Worldwatch, the World
Resources Institute and elsewhere to create several
terrific events. Come on out and celebrate with the
extended worldchanging network! WORLDCHANGING TOUR: TORONTOWorldchanging, the Book Our Toronto stop is shaping up to be one of the biggest of the entire tour. It's been really amazing to see the way all our Canadian colleagues have come together to create what looks to be an absolutely phenomenal evening of big ideas, worldchanging innovation, and community celebration. Ed Burtynsky, the noted photographer (and WC board member) and Ron Dembo (of Zerofootprint) will be joining Alex on stage to present an evening of Worldchanging ideas on November 14. Folks from the Art Gallery of Ontario will be creating an installation. Various DJs will lay down some sounds while we meet and mingle and party until late. This promises to be one of the most exciting events of the year. We hope you'll plan to attend. Continue reading "Worldchanging Tour: Toronto" Posted at 03:29 AM on October 18, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) WORLDCHANGING TOUR: CHICAGOWorldchanging, the Book In the Windy City WC is going aquatic with a big event at the Shedd Aquarium on November 12. We can't wait for this fantastic evening, with opportunities to hear about some breakthrough innovations (including appearances by a couple amazing special guests), meet and mingle with other folks out there trying to make the world a better place, and generally celebrate the whole worldchanging community. Continue reading "Worldchanging Tour: Chicago" Posted at 03:18 AM on October 18, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) WORLDCHANGING TOUR: MINNEAPOLISWorldchanging, the Book Minneapolis is a hub for activity in arts and
sustainability. We're eagerly anticipating a lively
meetup with readers and allies at Kingman Studios
on November 8. O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O