Viridian Note 00486 Energy Policy for Europe
Links: http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/005784.html http://renu.citizenre.com/ http://blog.wired.com/wiredphotos14/ http://makower.typepad.com/joel_makower/2007/01/is_gm_reviving_.html http://www.arborday.org/media/zones.cfm http://www.2010imperative.org/ January 10, 2007 11:37 AM Eastern Time European Commission Proposes an Integrated Energy and Climate Change Package to Cut Emissions for the 21st Century WASHINGTON – (BUSINESS WIRE) – The European Commission today proposed a comprehensive new Energy Policy for Europe to combat climate change and boost the European Union's energy security and competitiveness. (((Okay Wikipedia, what the heck is the "European Commission"?))) Link: Setting a series of ambitious targets on greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy, the package of proposals aims to create a true internal market for energy and strengthen effective regulation. The Commission believes that when an international agreement is reached on the post-2012 framework this should lead to a 30% cut in emissions from developed countries by 2020. (((That's a lot. Nowhere near enough, but a lot.))) To further underline its commitment the Commission proposes that the European Union commits now to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% by 2020, in particular through energy measures. "Today marks a step change for the European Union. Energy policy was a core area at the start of the European project," said Commission President José Manuel Barroso. (((That's because the European Union was invented in 1951 in order to dig up coal! True fact!))) Link: "We must now return it to center stage. The challenges of climate change, increasing import dependence and higher energy prices are faced by all EU members. A common European response is necessary to deliver sustainable, secure and competitive energy. The proposals put forward by the Commission today demonstrate our commitment to leadership and a long-term vision for a new Energy Policy for Europe that responds to climate change. We must act now, to shape tomorrow's world." "If we take the right decisions now," Commissioner for Energy Policy, Andris Piebalgs said, (((what names they have))) "Europe can lead the world to a new industrial revolution: the development of a low carbon economy." (((Well, it wouldn't be their first industrial revolution, that's for sure.))) "Our ambition to create a working internal market, to promote a clean and efficient energy mix and to make the right choices in research and development will determine whether we lead this new scenario or we follow others." (((Actually, if you're European, you don't follow anybody on the climate issue, but you do get ruthlessly shaken down by petrocrat Russians. Which really, really won't do. This is basically a unilateral, internal European Kyoto. They don't care what the rest of the world says any more: they're gonna do it themselves and build a big legal-economic Schengen moat around it. If you don't want to play, you can go sit on your own bayonets.))) Stavros Dimas, Commissioner for the Environment said: "Climate change is one of the gravest threats to our planet. Acting against climate change is imperative. Today, we have agreed on a set of ambitious, but realistic targets which will support our global efforts to contain climate change and its most dire consequences." Link: (((Malaria returns to Italy.))) "I urge the rest of the developed world to follow our lead, match our reductions and accelerate progress towards an international agreement on the global emission reductions." (((Hey, what about the anti-developed state-failure world? They don't even have governments, but they're still selling tons of oil. In fact, the more oil they sell, the faster they un-develop.))) "Europe faces real challenges. There is a more than a 50% chance that global temperatures will rise during this century by more than 5 degrees Celsius." Link: "On current projections, energy and transport policies would mean that rather than falling, EU emissions would increase by around 5% by 2030. With current trends and policies, the EU's energy import dependence will jump from 50% of total EU energy consumption today to 65% in 2030. In addition, the internal energy market remains incomplete which prevents EU citizens and the EU economy from receiving the full benefits of energy liberalization. (((Russian gas for everybody, even the Irish!))) The package proposed by the Commission today seeks
to provide solutions to these challenges.
For further information and details on each facet
of the package, please visit: O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O