Leslie Jackson
Rocket Stoves
Jack's Picks
Watson Wick
Natural Building

Rocket Stove

Rocket Stoves to Heat Cob Buildings

Rocket Stoves are highly fuel-efficient down-draft wood stoves for heating interior spaces. The object of the game is to hang on to the heat being generated by a wood fire, instead of letting it be pulled out of the building.

Ianto Evans has been playing with the design of these things for years. They have developed into many shapes, functions and efficiency levels. The book describes how to build one that runs through thermally massive furniture, such as beds and couches made of cob. Cob is a building material.

The book is in it's first edition and there are many more editions predicted, as the form is getting honed down and peolple are experiementing with their own styles and solutions.

Would you like a copy? They are available for $15. Simply drop me a line and I will send you a copy.

Rocket Stoves to Heat Cob Buildings: How to Build A Super-Efficient Wood Burning Stove. Written by Ianto Evans. Produced by Leslie Jackson.

This page was last modified on Thursday, October 13, 2005.