crestwahl hibernations
routine rejuvenation; reflection and intention assessment retreats

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Hibernations are a Sanctuary Vine practice of Ehn Tao, in the Bvelavian observance of Seht Wahl. Seht Wahl is an exercise of physically; mentally; and emotionally rejuvenating oneself, and reflecting on the continuing relevance; impacts; and mature insights of one's kata parhma, during a scheduled routine of rest and a process of focused examination and resetting of intention.

at present, there is one hibernation in ehn Tao called "Crestwahl". it occurs during the winter season, to model natures period of slowness and environmental rest. it initiates on December 30th, and continues through the last Friday of January.
[the remainder of this section awaits encoding into web format, and shall be appended here upon completion of this process.]

i emerge from this cycle’s crestwahl clear that the study of how populations mature beyond inadequate formulas of living into those that expand, instead of interfere with, the collective well-being of all life has become my primary calling…or Life Song, and crestwahl is a sanctuary for meticulously exploring my relationship to, and method for, the roles i have in expanding social cohesion­–and being true to myself.
it, very much, stands that the concert i want to have with others can be imagined as orchestrating all of the ways that enabling people in their inherent genius and interlinking the meaningfulness  they live for are instrumental to social cooperation.
and yet, i’ve observed that building the bridges from that idealistic way of thinking over to pragmatic understandings of being accessible to others is what i can’t be ignoring.
the briefest explanation i have for thinking the way i do in general is that the antenna through which i filter meaningfulness seem attuned to the fringes of what modern living endorses. throughout memory, what has affectionately drawn my attention to it–more than “a basic gratefulness for the gift of life” and “the appreciation for how pleasant mine has been, overall”–have been questions of “what if”­…
as in “what if things we previously deemed impossible are merely coming to us prematurely…and require more examination into where they are viable answers to some of the many needs we have?”. this was a general curiosity i once had that’s become a concentration on how populations must investigate “what doesn’t altogether exist yet” for overcoming the dire challenges they face. in purposeful living, the role of this concern  seems to be visualizing beyond what we pragmatically and diligently uphold so that we may assert an unfamiliar and, perhaps, eccentric re-imagination of things, a perspective that’s as relevant to “what should, but doesn’t exist yet” as that of enduring living struggles.
if such conclusions have you curious about their author’s frames of mind,  then he hasn’t misread his audience, in believing it wise to explain himself…and with an explanation that i both hope and expect to be trusted as much as i truly feel trusted, though not well understood, among you.
mastering what i believe is credible about myself and being true to it are things i attempt in crestwahl…so that the way my thoughts come to me aren’t expressed in such patented ways. crestwahl doesn’t defend me from all the offenses in life we hear of (far too often), though it does afford this very thankful lad the enormously valued experiences of generously thinking on things; of grasping intricacies in the process for that thinking (which might otherwise be missed); and of, rewardingly, wielding the reins of that intrinsic process. these experiences are helping me improve how the radical outlook i bring to nearly everything finds accord with other interests…such as providing for one’s self and family in life’s uncertainty.
i’ve considered that reaching  such conclusions, along with the world views that spring from them, is because of peering so far into the, utterly fascinating, “what/why” dimensions of life that truly connecting with you all in the “what need/when” and “gratefully celebrating now” dynamics of what people are doing in their lives is going to require better instruments for relating among ourselves than the prevailing ones. new and nearly forgotten methods that accomplish what common cooperation, compromise, courtesy, and others, do not…which is to draw upon the soulful interconnections we have to get through our dissonance.
what i’ve come to use most is the notion of “concert”…as much for it being how i hope to consentingly re-connect in my relationships, as for believing concerting to be a pattern of living that populations must mature into (beyond mere “cooperation” and “trust”) to ever realize
undeniably desirable futures.
to "concert" is to perform ones' characteristic traits in the ways these unique qualities feed into; extend from; or would otherwise naturally react with what is unique in others. concerting is not compromise, nor sacrifice, it is complement­. it isn’t “doing what we can with what’s available” (though it may begin there). it is devising and introducing what synergizes your genius with the snowflakes of distinction that are others’ genius. concert results from the specific combination of contrasting qualities that reciprocate between respective souls… which they draw on to serve callings of purpose in ways that likely wouldn’t occur in any other mingling of qualities or lived experience. concert is unique to every relationship, and is signaled by what is uniquely resonant in these relationships.
among the insights of recent crestwahls is that i have a personality excited more by the possibilities of life than what’s necessarily occurring in it…though i  give myself credit for being mindful enough of how pressingly the latter matters, and how much i’m in the minority with this position. it’s an example, though, of thinking that conceptualizes in dispassionate abstracts. there are those close to me whom wished for it to draw from more sympathetic wells, and have been disappointed. leaning abstractly into life has provided an intuitive sense of home to this wondering, and wandering, psyche–where it has made sense of, and endures what occurs in our world, and what we do to one another, that obstructs any of us from divining our own sense of mental and spiritual home, and embarking on pathways toward them. its a manner of thinking that doesn’t accept what it is capable of dreaming may be deemed unrealistically insupportable. 
and, boasting possession of such a psyche, i indulge the “everything is possible” imagination that arouses what I aspire for myself, the whole world, and in life…and i now assume it my duty to be the agent for this way of reasoning and the nuances of mindfulness it introduces.
these impressions emerged from the speculative freedom that crestwahl affords me, which i encourage others to cultivate in any ways that similar praxis may become assets for you, deserving such advantages obliges us to model them where we can, and to petition that society adequately support everyone in cultivating the developmental assets they divine for themselves,  whatever their state of living may be.
my crestwahls have helped me become soberingly clear that i have very little, if any, remaining desire to relate or interact with others in the familiar patterns, systems, and formulas of living that many (rashly) continue to deem acceptable…patterns such as choosing what is “plausibly familiar” over what may be “less imaginable” (as in “majority rule” over “consensus”); systems such as “competitive job markets” to constrict social contribution instead of “living stewardships” to enable the inherent gifts and competencies we’re all born with; and formulas such as commodifying basic social needs as markets instead of as communal assets that are justly­ and regeneratively distributed throughout communities.
these, and other, compromising ways of functioning as populations are having the ultimate result of prolonging social imbalance and injustice by generating some kind of disadvantage, disparity, discord, disconnection, or disrespect in  the forms of success they proffer to us. Living Society must mature beyond such distortions into better possibilities, especially untried ones, in order to realize anything approaching “collective well-being”.
therefore, i now wish to join you all in activities that familiarize us to our respective genius more than to opportunities in our sometimes misdirected society, and to set aspirational trajectories toward UTW rather than docility to no-longer-supportable subsistence modes of living…and such that we are all manifesting this re-imagined society in the ways that are most naturally suited and soulfully fulfilling to us.
there’s a line in my song “wash” that reads …not to drown acquiescence to ways and means, but to bath our souls of the need. i wasn’t aware when writing it that i was tapping into my genius of dreaming into systematically idealized living. social cohesion, as a living interest, has been an undercurrent of my living agenda that was, at first, too vague to comprehend, but is now quite plain. though vague, it still lured me to join many social change efforts only to latter withdraw after realizing their scopes of aspiration concentrated too narrowly on existing ways of living and didn’t consider beyond them enough to aspire for ideal possibilities in their forward planning, hence, my commitment is to activities and movements that already have, or are willing to develop, dimensions of their strategies that at least put populations on trajectories to no longer rely on familiar social constructs that are so under-serving that retiring them should be calculated and achieved. we must be formulating pathways or conduits from pressing realities to the ideals of promising possibilities…not just what is already realized in them–which may require investments from us that we’ve disparaged in the past. an example is to believe in, then ask ourselves, “when to withdraw from money and exchange architectures (in the form of “trade”) to develop and introduce communal assets resourcing?, when to retire leadership for co-creating in what we practice and also emphasize?, when have we adopted inherent genius as comparable to distinguishing accomplishment? these concepts are included in my visualization of just transitions in our social movements and general aspirations.
over time, a personal struggle i’ve had has been maintaining ties with you in customary ways that are unsettling for me. crestwahl and other studies reveal many of these mores as contrary to the mature living that current crises in the world are signaling as seriously overdue. discovering how to pose these observations without greatly offending those who would question these findings has taken much of the time that would’ve been given to keeping in touch with you,

and hasn’t always been successful in avoiding any unintended offense. so, i trust this message explains, somewhat, my lack of recent (or any) contact over the years, before reconnecting with you in specific, and very likely radical, propositions for scrutinizing the living patterns of our circles. i really can’t identify the evidence that concentrating so much on fixing the under-serving and obsolete ways we live will be as beneficial, or as necessary, as moving on to ways of living that our contemporary understandings indicate are better.
however, these scrutinies mustn’t be absent respect for the diversity involved in satisfying collective interests, despite the unavoidable tensions involved in genuine social reconciliation. to ensure the integration of this compassion in our concerts, i need your help.
i now close crestwahl with a dinner gathering and online forum called Gesiurhe (ge - sure) for appraising (as mentioned earlier) the impressions that are conjured for me during crestwahl. these i call Wahlseize (val - size). this is the first disclosure of crestwahl i’ve ever revealed, and so its content must serve as this cycle’s wahlseize, though, later ones will be in the format posted at:
gesiurhe also emphasizes an agenda of formally establishing where there is commonality in what we hold meaningful…that is more than what we’re against in the futures we envision. i’m cultivating initiatives for this that interlink the purposes we’re inviting others to support. i don’t often see us allowing ourselves to deliberate the value of our respective pursuits to what we’re mutually striving to realize, or build together, which has been a priority to me for some time. the images of this that i promote may be unusual, but are to demonstrate how expansive what we imagine the future as should be. for example, i wouldn’t alter the purposes of our pursuits (in compromise) as much as i’d expand the umbrella of our common interests to broadly cover as many as possible. and use the resources available for constructively achieving this…non-violent and non-defensive communicating methods, and social pattern studies, for example. establishing accords on how we are interdependent and accepting the choices we each make for fostering it are prerequisites, i suspect, for compatible solidarity…both in mutual efforts as well as in common interrelating.
when it is further along in its planning, this gesiurhe will be organized and announced, and it would honor me for you to attend or contribute. if you have observations on the posted wahlseize that you’re willing to share, please do publically using the POB link that will be on the wahlseize web page, or privately by email, phone, or what-have-you.
these are bearings my experiences in life underscore as true, and that i’m embarking anew on at this stage of life. i believe they’re set toward horizons in which we all, including those against us, are singing what our souls truly crave, that our spirits may also champion, and that we’re able to find ways of collectively harmonizing. if the wisdom our species has accumulated may also be believed, those deeper motivations are more resonating across our ideologies and agendas than our social and political differences might imply. this deserves being explored to avoid relationship-ending conflicts. my efforts at this are detailed at and

so, here’s to conducting a rousing concert of our respective life songs, in concert halls that invite us all to compose worthwhile efforts we may all believe in, and that result in the orchestrated possibilities of living…with purpose…that are collectively needed from us!

precedents and references supporting the proposition of crestwahl hibernation in social practice include:

Categorical Focus(s)
Reference/Subject Data
4a_adopted practices/ practice initiatives
-Ehnian Winter Hibernation Retreat
1a_general concepts/data
0a_other data

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