Person Sheet

Name Mor(itz) (Morris) Goldsmith
Birth 4 Apr 1891, Bad Hersfeld, Hessen Kassel, Germany
Death 23 Aug 1965, New York City
Father Samuel Goldschmidt (1851-1924)
Mother Johanna (Hannchen) Furst (1857-1933)
1 Ilse Goldstein
Birth 16 Mar 1895, Oppach Bez. Schweinfurth
Death 7 Sep 1982, New York City
Marriage 1921
Children (living)
Notes for Mor(itz) (Morris) Goldsmith
Served in German army 1914-18. Partner with his brother Sally (Sidney) in paper goods manufacture in Bamberg, Germany. Nazis caused him to sell factory to a Swiss. Visited Palestine and USA before deciding to come to New York (arrived in New York December 14, 1936) where he developed a paper goods business. Later took his sons-in-law into the business.

Money came to USA smuggled into Belgium during the Nazi period, at great risk, by a Nazi border guard who took half. Sent to Max Goldschmidt from Belgium.

Moritz accumulated much of the family data on the Goldschmidt ancestors (but only back to Minna Wetzstein) while working as a sales representative of his German business.
Last Modified 25 Jul 2002 Created 26 Aug 2002 by Reunion for Macintosh

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