Books on the possibiliy of contacts between ancient cultures -July 26, 2005

Leo Wiener, Africa and the Discovery of America, Philadelphia: African Publication Society, 1922 - see notes

Zelia Nuttall (1957-1933): The Fundamental Principles of Old and New World Civilizations, in Archaeological & Ethnological Papers of the Peabody Museum. Volume II & Appendix II
This writer has been ignored and/or discredited. Why? She notes imagery suggesting North Star worship in the artwork of many ancient cultures. Especially interesting was the account of the Sabaeans, still-existing star worshippers of the Mid East. (Remember the Magi of Cahldea, the Three Kings?) Makes sense of a lot of otherwise curious things, including roots of HIndu cullture. Especially see Appendix II - Sabaean customs throw a lot of light on Hebrew tradition.

Thor Heyerdahl: American Indians in the Pacific: The Theory behind the Kon-Tiki Expedition, London: Allen & Unwin, 1952.
Suggests migrations through Oceania to NE coast of North America (Kwakiutl, Salish, Tlinget, etc. of British Columbia and Washington) who have Asian-related cultures; then further migration of some Northwest coast peoples to Hawaii. - $75!!!!

Miguel Covarrubias (1902-1957): The Eagle, the Jaguar and the Serpent, Alfred A. Knopf New York 1954
Similarities in art imagery of Asia and South America

Charles H. Hapgood: Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings 1966
Great detective work on Renaissance period maps to piece together remains of very ancient maps.
Maps made by Ptolemea (166 AD) are compared the first global maps made by Piri Re'is, an Ottoman admiral, Hadji Ahmed, Oronteaus Finaeus, and Mercator between 1513 and 1560, and it was noticed that the Antarctic continent appears accurately on all,
but as it would be with no ice covering. This leads to the possibility that the maps were based on much earlier maps made before the current ice covered Antarctica.

Dr. Cyrus H. Gordon: Before Columbus, Crown, 1971.

Old World script in the Americas (by head of the Department of Mediterranean Studies at Brandeis University, NY)
Cyrus H. Gordon, Riddles in HIstory, NY: Crown, 1974. <<<<<<<<<<

James Bailey: The God-Kings and the Titans: The New World Ascendancy in Ancient Times. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1973
Bailey recounts the Odyssey saga of Ulysses as a map-guide to tin mines of Brazil and Lake Titicaca.

Barry Fell (1917-1994): America B.C.: European Settlers in the New World, 1976.
Old World sites and scripts in the Americas (Dr. H. B. "Barry" Fell, Harvard)
Also solved the riddle of the Phaistos disk, determined that the Etruscan language was related to and decipherable using Hittite, and found the secrets in the Rongo-tongo tablets of Rapa Nui (Easter Island). First paper, 1940, was on petroglyphs. First research was search for roots of the Polynesian language and dialects.
-------------- Saga America
-------------- Bronze Age America

Hugh Fox: Gods of the Cataclysm, NY: Harper's Magazine Press, 1976
Fox has the idea of early settlement by pre-Asiana (Nagas?) from the west, incipient-Hindu imagery in South American art, ties between Shang China and Chavin culture of Peru, later settlement by Phoenicians from the east in search of copper, bringing customs of human sacrifice, etc.

Salvatore Trento: The Search for Lost America, Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1978.
Records actual research trips to old world sites and scripts in New England

Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002): Early Man and the Ocean: The Beginnings of Navigation and Seaborne Civilizations, London: Allen and Unwin, 1978.
Heyerdahl explains his reasons for believing in early voyages from Asia to the Americas and gives technical aspects of boats, equipment, food, etc.

Nigel Davies (1920-2004): Voyagers to the New World: Fact or Fantasy?, Morrow, 1979.
Intelligent criticism, for the most part of the other authors' contact theorires.

N. K. Sandars: Sea Peoples: Warriors of the Ancient Mediterranean, London, 1985.
Good background on the Minoans, Phoenicians, etc. and why they might traveled all over for tin, etc. Also why it ended - huge battle between the Sea Peoples and the Egyptians which left a power void in the Mediterranean shortly before the volcano on Thera/Santorini erupted and destroyed the remnants. Also King Solomon's power alignments.

--------------- Sound interesting:

Henriette Mertz: Pale Ink: Two Ancient Records of Chinese Explorations in America - Chinese in the New World, 1953 / 1972 $25!!
Hwui Shan 499 AND xxxxxx
Charles Godfrey Leland, a Princeton graduate studying at Heidelberg, heard Carl Friedrich Neumann lecture on the topic. In 1847 published "Fusang".
Edward Payson Vining - An Inglorious Columbus 1875??
Steiner, Fusang

Betty Meggers, Clifford Evans, and Emilio Estrada, Early Formative Period of Coastal Ecuador: The Valdivia and Machililla Phases (Smithsonian 1969)

Nancy Yaw Davis, The Zuni Enigma - late 1200s, Japanese crossed Pacific, pressed into the N. Am. southwest, & became the partial ancestors of the Zuni

Joseph Needham, Trans-Pacific Echoes - has 20 page bibliography

Constance Irwin: Fair Gods and Stone Faces, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1963. (Phoenicians) $50!!

When the Sky Fell: In Search of Atlantis - Rand Flem-Ath
Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings explores several long-standing, unsolved, and ignored problems through the fresh lens provided by the theory of earth crust displacement. i. e. The parts of Greenland and Antarctica that hold the thickest ice sheets receive the least annual snowfall and vice versa. Mass extinctions of species 9600 BCE / Charles Hutchins Hapgood: born in NY city May 17, 1904. Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, post-grad studies at University of Freiburg, Germany. During WW II joined US Office of Strategic Studies. After the war, became professor of anthropology and the history of science at Keene State College in New Hampshire. May 8, 1953, Einstein letter to Hapgood: I find your arguments very impressive and have the impression your hypothesis is correct. One can hardly doubt that significant shifts of the crust of the earth have taken place repeatedly and within a short time.

William Ryan and Walter Pitman (from Columbia University), Noah's Flood 1997 - theory that a massive flood through the Bosporus occurred about 5600 B.C. and that the Black and Caspian Seas were vast freshwater lakes, into which the Mediterranean spilled over a rocky sill at the Bosphorus. Subsequent work has been done to both support and discredit this theory, and it remains an active subject of debate among archaeologists.

more books to look at, from notes and bibliographies:

Henry Heras, Studies in Proto-Indo-Mediterranean Culture. Bombay: Indian Historical Research Institute, 1953.
Around 1935 Fr. Heras became interested in the discoveries at Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, and soon all his sttttention was centered on the problem of deciphering the Indus Valley script. In this pioneering work he put forward the view that the language of the Indus Valley civilization and the other ancient civilizations of Sumer, Egypt and the Mediterranean [were similar?].

Dr. M. D. W. Jeffreys, "Pre-Columbian Negroes in America," Scientia (Bologna, July -August 1953)

M. W. Smith, Asia and North American Trans-Pacific Contacts, The Society for American Archaeology, 1953


Chaman Lal, Hindu America, Bombay: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1940 / 1960.
Lal, Who Discovered America?
"At present we are studying the native tongues and find that at least as far as Nahuatl, Zapoteca, and Maya languages are concerned, they are of Indo-European (Sanskrit) origin."

Swami Sankarananda, Hindu States of Sumeria: When India Ruled the West, Calcutta, Mukhapadhyaya, 1962

Nicholas Lahovary, Dravidian Origins and the West: Newly discovered ties with the ancient culture and languages, including Basque, of the pre-Indo-European Mediterranean world, Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1963.

M. Homet, Sons of the Sun, London: N. Spearman, 1963. (on Brazil)

Pierre Honore: In Quest of the White Gods, Hutchinson, 1963.

L. Deuel: Conquistadors Without Swords, Macmillan, 1967.

Col. Percy Harrison Fawcett, Lost Trails, Lost Cities, NY: Funk and Wagnalls, 1953. p. 83-4 & 272-3 liquid rock <<<<<<<<<< THE ONE

G. Bibby, Looking for Dilmun, NY - - - Bahrein older than Mesopotamia
from UC search cards:
Boland, They All Discovered America

Riley, ed. Man Across the Sea, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1971 - p. 135: Edwin Doran Jnr, 'The Sailing Raft as a Great Tradition' - "Japanese slaves were held by the Salmon Indians of the north-west coat of America when the Europeans first arrived."

E. D. Phillips, The Royal Hordes
E. D. Phillips, The Mongols

Harris - Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches

R. A. Jairazbhoy, Ancient Egyptians and Chinese in America, London: George Prior 1974

Ashe, The Quest for America 1971

Graves, Mammon and the Black Goddess

Robert Graves, Difficult Questions, Easy Answers - see notes
p. 127 - Athenian tragedies presented conflicts between public morals (the Olympian code) & secret doctrine taught at the mysteries.

Larry J. Pierson and James R. Moriarty (Univ of San Diego) - Anthropological Journal of Canada 1981 - shipwreck off Palos Verdes - stones of feldspathic sandstone, only from southern Chinese coast, similar to stone anchors used by Chinese ships 2000 years ago

from: Nigel Davies, Voyagers to the New World, NY: William Morrow and Company, 1979

91-92 Negroid peoples in Asia: Philippines, Melanesians, India, Baluchistan, Ceylon, etc

94 Paraguay 1700s - shamans changing into jaguars

Robert Heine-Geldern of Vienna - The Problem of Transpacific Influences in Mesoamerica
--- AND
American Metallurgy and the Old World, in Early Chinese Art and Its Possible Influence in the Pacific Basic, ed. N. Barnard, 1974.

Robert Heine-Geldern, 'Representation of the Asiatic Tiger in the Art of the Chavin Culture: a proof of early contacts between China and Peru, in Proceedings of the 33rd International Congress of Americanists, volume 1, San Jose, Costa Rica, 1958.

Robert Heine-Geldern, 'A Note on Relations between the Art Styles of the Maori and Ancient China', in Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik, Band XV, Vienna, 1966.

Robert Heine-Geldern, 'Traces of Indian and Southeast Asian Hindu-Buddhist Influence in Mesoamerica', in Proceedings of the 35th Internationl Congress of America, volume 1, Mexico City, 1964.

Gordon Ekholm and Robert Heine-Geldern, 'Significant Parallels in the Symbolic Arts of Southern Asia', in 29th International Congress of America, Selected Papers, Chicago, 1951.
Gordon Ekholm (American Museum of Natural History, NY) - (Chinese junks wrecked in Pacific)

113 Dr. Paul Kirchhoff - religious calendar similarities between India, China, Java, Mexico - notes previous discovery of parallels in names of days in China and Mexico by German anthropologist Fritz Graebner

Dr. Paul Kirchhoff, 'The Diffusion of a Great Religious System from India to Mexico', in Proceedings of the 35th International Congress of America, volume 1, Mexico City, 1964.

115 Sir Edward B. Taylor, Anthropology: an introduction to the study of man and civilization, London: Macmillan, 1881. - similarities between Hindu Pachesi and Mexico Patolli

115-116 Dr. Alfonso Caso, Mexican archaeologist - also critical of diffusionist theories, but: pitchers - Bronze Age Palestine and Monte Alban, Mexico - braid between parallel lines pattern - Mycenae, Pompeii, Monte Alban

196 Y. H. Sinoto, 'An Archaeologically Based Assessment of the Marquesas as a Dispersal Center in East Polynesia,' in Studies in Oceanic Cultural History, volume 1, Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1970. - Polynesians had pottery, then is disappeared

pottery New Caledonia 2000 BC, by 1300 BC / Fiji to Tonga, 1140 BC / Samoa 800 BC - richard Shulter Jr and Mary Elizabeth, Oceanic Prehistory, Menlo Park, California: Cummings, 1975 - AND - Green, Auckland Star, 1 July 1973 (dates earlier than previously thought).

255 "The detailed aspects of the Greek myth of Demeter, Hekate and Persephone are strikingly similar to the Indonesian rites of Sätene, Rabin and Hainuwele . . ."

Douglas Fraser, The Many Faces of Primitive Art, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966 - p. 36-99 "Heraldic woman" (splayed-legged)

Frances Gibson, The Seafarers: Pre-Columbian Voyages to America

Robert Stacy Judd, Atlantis, The Mother of Empires - compares Egyptian and Mayan periods

Ivan Van Sertima (teaches anthropology and linguistics at Rutgers), They Came Before Columbus
Journal of African Civilization

James Bailey, Sailing to Paradise
Patrick Huyghe, Columbus Was Last
Gloria Farley, In Plain Sight
Harold Bayley, The Lost Language of Symbolism
Steven Collins, The "Lost" Ten Tribes of Israel . . . Found!

Thomas G. Brophy, The Origin Map: Discovery of a Prehistoric, Megalithic, Astrophysical Map and Sculpture of the Universe

Giorgio De Santillana, Hamlet's Mill: An Essay Investigating the Origins of Human Knowledge And It's Transmission Through Myth

Dr. Cavalli-Sforza, in his article, "Genes Peoples and Languages" (November 1991 issue of Scientific American) had shown the world distribution of peoples with Rh negative blood and concluded that a sea migration was involved from NW Africa north along the west coast of Europe as far north as arctic Norway, the only peoples in the world to have 25% or higher frequency of this blood type.

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Thor Hyerdahl talk:

Bahrein and Malta - earlier than Mesopotamia, Nile, Indus civilizations, earlier than Egypt's first pharoahs

Nile to Red Sea area AND Sahara - boats depicted, and shown with water bek & types of cattle not present since pharonic times

no papyrus in Egypt now, except at Nile source

Sardinia reed boats

Morocco - Lixus

Peru / Bolivia - Mochica boat / Aymara (boat flattened out when dry)

Asia Minor - Hittite: boat relief before Phoenicians - learned from Sumerians (also Babylonians & Assyrians did)
Iraq / Mesopotamia - cf. Egypt relief
Iraq - still put bitumin on boats - boats built of different reed, must be cut in August

He's now working in India, west coast: pitch + shark liver oil / bitumin asphalt

Food Preservation: eggs stored in lime?

Copper found on Bahrein (Dilmun) <<<<<<<<<
Seals from Mesopotamia & Indus Valley
Beautiful cut stone masonry - the limestone is imported - prison island of Gita: quarries
Bahrein: date palm stem boats still built / do absorb water, but used to go to Saudi Arabia with them
Oman - enormous Sumerian copper mines <<<<<<<<<<<<
mini-zigguarat = Makan

Mohenjo-daro = melucca
seals all the way to Syria
steatite seal with reed ship
reeds Taifa ambustat as in Tigris-Euphrates area
still use ancient type of anchor
port of Lothal on Indian side

Egypt Saquara pyramid (oldest) & Sumerian pyramids were stepped
Mexicans cut down jungle & imported stones to build pyramids
Palenque - tomb in pyramid, ceilings & architecture same as Egypt
American & Mesopotamia - temple on top
stone sarcophagi
mummies - mummie mask: Cadiz

Wheels - Olmec of Veracruz: "toys" found with adult burials - but too swampy for use
cf. Sumerian Ur + Mohenjo Daro + thru Mediterranean to Ibiza (Phoenician): pottery animals on wheels

Caracol - sun worshippers - Peru, Egypt, etc etc
Egypt - Ra bird with sun / Hittite - bird-man with sun
Tiahuanaco bird-men / Mochica bird-man (pot) (messenger runner)
& associated with reed boats + snake on board - Mochica & Egypt
Feathered serpent - Egypt (associated with sun) / Hittites sculpture-relief
Horned serpent - Egypt / Hittites & Olmec: hero fighting horned serpent
holding "purse" = water of life - cf. Sumerians & Hittites
Monolithic statues + Olmec "scribe"
Inlaid eyes - Aleppo museum - Olmec, Mexican - Easter Island: 44 found - white coral + dark stone in middle
Baalbeck quarry - huge stone block -- cf. Peru etc, Easter Island
Fresco / mural painting - Egypt, Crete / Mexico
Paper + wrote on it
Writing on stone
Hittite - Olmec writing
Cylinder seals & stamp seals - Sumeria, Mexico - (Canary Island museum)
Surgical trepanning - Asia Minor, Mexico, Peru
Earth Mother - flat
Tripod - Atlantic coast of Morocco - Phoenician! / Mexico coast
Loopfoot - Ph?, Mexico, Peru
Ceramic animals with geometric patterns - Mexico, Peru
Ring base + vertical
Three-lobed vase - Cyprus, Mexico
Ring dancers

120 similarities
Loom, cotton, spinning whorl
Cultivated hybrid of Peru & Egypt cotton - 13 short + 13 long chromesomes
Feather crown - Peru, Hittites
Olmec portraits - "Baal" bearded man / Hittite disc / Head with pointed beard / Stone sculpture Olmec / Peru (Mochica)
Chichen Itza frescoes - boat arriving, man escaping - Phoenician beads in hair, shields on boat + sacrificial man - light skin, yellow hair

I added:
Star worship
Chavin - Shang
Dissolving stone
