Public Intellectuals
My models of American public intellectuals are John Dewey in the 1920's and Walter Lipman in the 1930's. Public intellectuals disappeared during the cold war because most were lefties and a discussion of how much communism America needed was too boring a subject. Only Sidney Hook and Daniel Bell escaped the lefty pall of irrelevance.
Today we have a plethora of emerging public intellectuals. Many have websites.
Foud Ajami, professor middle east studies
Joyce Appleby, Historian,
Pascal Bruckner, writer
David Brooks, journalist
Fredrick Crews, English
Mary Douglas, anthropologist,
Daniel W. Drezner
Catherine Elgin, philosopher
Stanley Fish, English
Francis Fukayama
Clifford Geertz anthropologist
Todd Gitlin
Stephan Greenblatt, historian
Victor David Hanson
David Hollinger, historian
Christopher Hitchens, journalist
Michael Ignatieff, journalist, professor
Robert Kagan
Irving Kristol
William Kristol
Laurence Lessig, lawyer
Martin Peretz New Republic
Daniel Pipes
Richard A. Posner
Virginia Postrel
Jonathan Rauch
Richard Rorty
Elaine Scarry, English
Andrew Sullivan, journalist;
Leon Wieseltier, New Republic
Daniel Yergin, oil economicsSome are online all the time, some write for magazines and newspapers and others write on occasion -- as needed.