Empuries at L'Escala

On the outskirts of a small Mediterranean fishing village called L'Escala sits Empuries, the ruins of what was once a Greek city dating back to the 6th century BC. By the 1st century AD, the Romans had established their own outpost on the slopes above the Greeks and the two cities merged under one government with a single massive stone wall surrounding both, uniting them.

By the end of the 2nd century, the site was essentially abandoned. Since 1908, archeological excavation of Empuries has been ongoing, with only about 25 percent of its rich content revealed so far.

David stands in the main entrance of the stone wall surrounding the city. The building in the distance marks the far side of the city's main square.

And we approach the building

The specific function of this building is not known, but it is believed to have religious significance.

A close-up of the cornice work on the edge of the building's roofline

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