Surface-piercing propeller applications
Small craft accident reconstruction
Forensic naval architecture
Urban ferry system design
Surface Propulsion Analysis
1224 Campus Drive, Berkeley, California 94708
510-540-7968 510-540-6324 (fax) 510-219-8106 (cell) -- www.SurfacePropulsion.comPapers and Abstracts
Why pierce the surface? article published in Professional Boatbuilder magazine
Applications of Surface Propulsion Systems (co-authored by D. Railton) presentation and paper for the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Northern California Section, March 1989
Urban Passenger-Only Ferry Systems: Issues, Opportunities and Technologies (co-authored by C.D. Barry) published in the 2006 SNAME annual proceedings
An Overview of Ocean Renewable Energy (co-authored by C.D. Barry) published in the 2009 SNAME annual proceedings
Forensic Engineering Analysis of Propeller Contact Injury (co-authored by Laura Liptai, Ph.D.) Presented to the American Academy of Forensic Scientists and the National Academy of Forensic Enginners, 2008
Personal Watercraft Steering, Braking and Testing Presented to the Chesapeake Bay Power Boat Symposium, 2010Software
Planing hull and surface-piercing propeller performance prediction program
Curriculum Vitae
Professional CV
Client list for expert witness projects
Sailing and small craft CVMisc