Berkeley Marina Berth Rates
as approved by the Waterfront Commission
on December 8, 1999
and passed by the City Council
on January 25, 2000

Berth rates, not including power or dock box 
(per ft per month)

           Downwind or crosswind      Upwind or end tie     
  Berth     Single       Double      Single       Double 
  size      finger       finger      finger       finger   

  20-21      4.60         4.80        4.80         5.00
  22-24      4.70         4.90        4.90         5.10
  25-29      4.80         5.00        5.00         5.20
  30-39      4.90         5.10        5.10         5.30
  40-49      5.00         5.20        5.20         5.40
  50-59      5.10         5.30        5.30         5.50
  60-69      5.20         5.40        5.40         5.60
  70-79      5.30         5.50        5.50         5.70
  80-89      5.40         5.60        5.60         5.80
  90-up      5.50         5.70        5.70         5.90

   Adjustment for unmetered power (per ft per month)

          20-21          0.00
          22-24          0.10
          25-29          0.20
          30-39          0.30
          40-49          0.40
          50-59          0.50
          60-69          0.60
          70-79          0.70
          80-89          0.80
          90-up          0.90

Charge for dock box: $5/month flat fee (not per ft)

Other boat storage options, per month

         Dry boat storage, 24'x8':               65.00
         Dry boat storage, 28'x8':               75.00
         Kayak storage:                          25.00
         Dinghy storage:                         25.00
         Skiff berthing*, inside tie:            65.00
         *Skiff berthing is available only to open powerboats or rowboats
          less than 19'-11" long (including outboard and all extensions)

Wide vessel (end tie for multihull)   
          berth rate (excluding power surcharge) plus 20%

Live-aboard fee, per month     

          125.00 + 75.00 per additional resident

Launch ramp and parking       

          Hoist fee: 36.00/year

Misc. fees

          Visitor berthing:               0.35/ft/day
          Storage locker:                12.50/month
          Vessel chaining:               35.00
          Labor fee:                     35.00/hour
          Wait list fee:                 40.00
          Key deposit:                   25.00
          Electronic key card deposit:   15.00
          Tide book:                      1.00


                   T O T A L     M O N T H L Y     B I L L       
             (for berths with unmetered electricity and dock box)
 Berth or       Downwind or crosswind         Upwind or end tie  
 boat size                                                       
 (whichever    Single       Double           Single       Double 
 is larger)    finger       finger           finger       finger 
    20         $97.00      $101.00           $101.00      $105.00
    21        $101.60      $105.80           $105.80      $110.00
    22        $110.60      $115.00           $115.00      $119.40
    23        $115.40      $120.00           $120.00      $124.60
    24        $120.20      $125.00           $125.00      $129.80
    25        $130.00      $135.00           $135.00      $140.00
    26        $135.00      $140.20           $140.20      $145.40
    27        $140.00      $145.40           $145.40      $150.80
    28        $145.00      $150.60           $150.60      $156.20
    29        $150.00      $155.80           $155.80      $161.60
    30        $161.00      $167.00           $167.00      $173.00
    31        $166.20      $172.40           $172.40      $178.60
    32        $171.40      $177.80           $177.80      $184.20
    33        $176.60      $183.20           $183.20      $189.80
    34        $181.80      $188.60           $188.60      $195.40
    35        $187.00      $194.00           $194.00      $201.00
    36        $192.20      $199.40           $199.40      $206.60
    37        $197.40      $204.80           $204.80      $212.20
    38        $202.60      $210.20           $210.20      $217.80
    39        $207.80      $215.60           $215.60      $223.40
    40        $221.00      $229.00           $229.00      $237.00
    41        $226.40      $234.60           $234.60      $242.80
    42        $231.80      $240.20           $240.20      $248.60
    43        $237.20      $245.80           $245.80      $254.40
    44        $242.60      $251.40           $251.40      $260.20
    45        $248.00      $257.00           $257.00      $266.00
    46        $253.40      $262.60           $262.60      $271.80
    47        $258.80      $268.20           $268.20      $277.60
    48        $264.20      $273.80           $273.80      $283.40
    49        $269.60      $279.40           $279.40      $289.20
    50        $285.00      $295.00           $295.00      $305.00
    51        $290.60      $300.80           $300.80      $311.00
    52        $296.20      $306.60           $306.60      $317.00
    53        $301.80      $312.40           $312.40      $323.00
    54        $307.40      $318.20           $318.20      $329.00
    55        $313.00      $324.00           $324.00      $335.00
    56        $318.60      $329.80           $329.80      $341.00
    57        $324.20      $335.60           $335.60      $347.00
    58        $329.80      $341.40           $341.40      $353.00
    59        $335.40      $347.20           $347.20      $359.00
    60        $353.00      $365.00           $365.00      $377.00
    61        $358.80      $371.00           $371.00      $383.20
    62        $364.60      $377.00           $377.00      $389.40
    63        $370.40      $383.00           $383.00      $395.60
    64        $376.20      $389.00           $389.00      $401.80
    65        $382.00      $395.00           $395.00      $408.00
    66        $387.80      $401.00           $401.00      $414.20
    67        $393.60      $407.00           $407.00      $420.40
    68        $399.40      $413.00           $413.00      $426.60
    69        $405.20      $419.00           $419.00      $432.80
    70        $425.00      $439.00           $439.00      $453.00
    71        $431.00      $445.20           $445.20      $459.40
    72        $437.00      $451.40           $451.40      $465.80
    73        $443.00      $457.60           $457.60      $472.20
    74        $449.00      $463.80           $463.80      $478.60
    75        $455.00      $470.00           $470.00      $485.00
    76        $461.00      $476.20           $476.20      $491.40
    77        $467.00      $482.40           $482.40      $497.80
    78        $473.00      $488.60           $488.60      $504.20
    79        $479.00      $494.80           $494.80      $510.60
    80        $501.00      $517.00           $517.00      $533.00
    81        $507.20      $523.40           $523.40      $539.60
    82        $513.40      $529.80           $529.80      $546.20
    83        $519.60      $536.20           $536.20      $552.80
    84        $525.80      $542.60           $542.60      $559.40
    85        $532.00      $549.00           $549.00      $566.00
    86        $538.20      $555.40           $555.40      $572.60
    87        $544.40      $561.80           $561.80      $579.20
    88        $550.60      $568.20           $568.20      $585.80
    89        $556.80      $574.60           $574.60      $592.40
    90        $581.00      $599.00           $599.00      $617.00
    91        $587.40      $605.60           $605.60      $623.80
    92        $593.80      $612.20           $612.20      $630.60
    93        $600.20      $618.80           $618.80      $637.40
    94        $606.60      $625.40           $625.40      $644.20
    95        $613.00      $632.00           $632.00      $651.00
    96        $619.40      $638.60           $638.60      $657.80
    97        $625.80      $645.20           $645.20      $664.60
    98        $632.20      $651.80           $651.80      $671.40
    99        $638.60      $658.40           $658.40      $678.20

0 $645.20 $664.60 98 $632.20 $651.80 $651.80 $671.40 99 $638.60 $658.40 $658.40 $678.20

Downloadable Berth Rate Calculator Program:
This is a windows program to quickly calculate berth rate and monthly charges for all berth configurations. It's written in Visual Basic, and requires the file MSVBVM50.DLL (1.3 MB) in your WINDOWS/SYSTEM folder.