Discussion by Mary Culnane
Manager, Marine Engineering, WTA

Paper Number: A4 (D28)
Paper Title: Urban Passenger-Only Ferry Systems: Issues,
Opportunities and Technologies
Authors: Christopher D. Barry, P.E. and Paul Kamen, N.A.
Discusser’s name: Mary Frances Culnane
Discusser’s Business Affiliation: Manager, Marine
Engineering, San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority
Discusser’s SNAME membership affiliation: Member

It is with pleasant anticipation that I was informed that there was a Kamen/Barry paper to discuss,

As their ideas for ferries floating in my domain may cause a bit of a fuss.

Imposing design constraints that only an engineer and architect could devise,

For my “unique state” of the San Francisco Bay area just may not be wise.

As in the end it is not the technical staff that will decide-

It is the customer that “votes” with their ride.

Many a planner and tech team have remained in shock,

As they view their creation tied up at the dock.

Just drill down to Market Segmentation for Ridership Forecasting by Cambridge Systematics, Inc.,

And this revelation is explained on www.watertransit.org for those who really like to think.

From descriptions of “Joe Six Pack”, “Anxious Ambler”, “Tense Trekker,” and “Calm Charger”,

These customer characterizations assist us to design a system that will endure.

Beyond the passengers we have the local transportation commission directives to satisfy,

By insuring the farebox recovery is larger than any other public transit mode – it is high!

So creating a regional ferry system is not just a technical feat,

There are many considerations for us engineers and architects to meet.

In conclusion I’ll say that the Kamen/Barry papers are always thought provoking indeed,

And their reference to dogs makes me proud of my teacup poodles – a fine breed.

With German heritage, bred as bird dogs, their fancy haircut allows them to swim,

Between the reeds and weeds with ease and no harm to their fair skin.

Boutique pups designed to retrieve,

If only building boats was done with the same ease.