Marina Ordinance Progress Report 7June 18 Update: Yes, it's another delay, and they STILL don't have the revisions ready to go to press.Latest word from Parks and Waterfront Staff is that the City Manager has requested that no consent calendar items with even that smallest probability of provoking a discussion be allowed on the agenda for the next Council meeting. That's the excuse, anyway. Probably true, but tt turns out that they still can't provide the final copy of the ordinance. Lisa says they're working on an undisclosed "emergency" today, and can't get the Marina Ordinance report ready for the Council packet. What were they working on for the last two weeks? This would not be a big deal without the revenue implications. One of the things the new ordinance does is to give the Marina the authority it needs to charge full fare for boats that are longer than the nomiinal length of their berths. This affects probably between 30% and 50% of the boats in the Marina, with a potential $50,000-$100,000 aditional revenue per year. (And yet, when the Marina staff went out to measure boats, they only found 47 over-length bots. They used a VERY stretchy tape measure. I found 11 oversize boats just by measureing the 19 boats on my own section of O-dock. They are off by a full order of magnitude.) The Marina Management and the Parks and Waterfront department seem to have an institutional reluctance running the Marina in the black. |