Marina Plan & WaterfrontOverview
Administrative Draft - 12/17/99
1.1 Plan Concept and Vision
The Berkeley Marina is a valuable community resource offering
recreational opportunities and open space amenities to the community
and visitors from throughout the Bay Area. It is one of the largest
marinas in the Bay Area and also one of the most beautiful containing
extensive plantings of trees and lawn areas. The Marina is the focal
point of the Berkeley Waterfront and Provides the primary public access
to the San Francisco Bay shoreline. In addition to the boating and
recreation facilities, parks, and open space, the Marina includes a
variety of commercial uses: boat repair, boat charters, ship chandlery,
bait and tackle shop, sailing schools, restaurants and hotel.
Commercial uses are intended to support the overall marina function and
be compatible with marina use. The Marina Plan and Waterfront Overview
(the Plan) seeks to build on its San Francisco Bay setting and
magnificent atmosphere to guide Marina development to the year 2019.
The purpose of the plan is to provide a blueprint to direct change
in response to future conditions and trends. The focus of the Plan is
to offer a variety of recreation, educational and commercial
opportunities balanced by the need to protect and enhance the open
space and natural resource value of he Marina and Berkeley Waterfront.
The Plan is intended to strengthen the role of the Marina as a major
public amenity and add to the vitality of the City and region. The Plan
presents a comprehensive recreation and open space program that will
ensure the Marina continues as one of the premier marinas in the Bay
The Plan does not propose land use changes at the Marina. Existing
recreational facilities and open space areas will be maintained and
enhanced. The majority of existing commercial uses are under long-term
lease arrangements and, therefore, do not offer potential for
significant change. The primary focus of the Plan is to direct future
growth and change within a framework of conservation and environmental
quality. The Plan identifies necessary facility improvements as well as
appropriate new uses and facilities that will reinforce and strengthen
important Marina features.
The Plan will be adopted as an implementing tool of the General
Plan. The bulk of the Marina Plan will consist of policies affecting
boating facilities; infrastructure and programs rather than land uses,
and, therefore, should be considered an implementing plan rather than
an Area Plan. The Plan goals and land use designation will be included
in the new General Plan to provide the broad policy framework for the
separately adopted Marina Plan and Waterfront Overview.