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ACTION MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Waterfront Commission January 10, 2001 Hs Lordships Restaurant 199 Seawall Drive 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair KAWCZYNSKA called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Secretary Marchetti called the roll: COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COBB, COLLIGNON, KAWCZYNSKA, MINASIAN, & SMITH. COMMISSIONERS TARDY: STANEKO & KAMEN. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: NONE. VACANCIES: TWO (DISTRICTS 3 AND 7). STAFF PRESENT: Cliff Marchetti & Ed Murphy 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Eleanor Pepples, a Berkeley resident, asked if any new fee increases in the Marina would support increased amenities for the berthers, such as improved showers and restroom facilities. She said this should be the primary criteria for any fee increases. She also wrote that she supported the SFMOMA Art Project that is being developed by Landscape Architect Tom Leader.
3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Approval of the Agenda Commissioner COLLIGNON made a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner SMITH KAWCZYNSKA seconded the motion. The Chair added a resolution to the agenda recognizing Hampton Smith for his excellent service to the City and the Commission. The motion was then approved by a vote of: 5-0-0-2, with Commissioners KAMEN and STANEKO absent and with two vacancies.
STANEKO arrived at 7:15 PM. b. Approval of Minutes of the December 13, 2000 Regular Meeting Commissioner COBB made a motion to approve the December 13th minutes, provided various typographical corrections were made, as noted in written form distributed to the Commission and staff. Commissioner SMITH seconded the motion and it was adopted by a vote of 6-0-0-1, with Commissioner KAMEN absent and with two vacancies. Commissioner
KAMEN arrived at 7:30 PM. 4. COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR Chair KAWCZYNSKA stated that she has appreciated serving as the Chair for the past year and was honored to serve the City in this capacity. The Chair then asked for the following items to be placed on the agenda of the next Commission meeting: 1) sunset provision of the Waterfront Commission; 2) election of officers; 3) budget presentation to the Council, including berth rates; and a report on the waiting list for berths and a berth transfer policy. 5. ACTION ITEMS a. Art in Aquatic Park Landscape Architect Tom Leader, a Berkeley resident whose office is also in Berkeley, presented material that described the proposed art project sponsored by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA). Mr. Leader explained that his budget is $15,000 to design, prepare, install, and remove all the artwork. The schedule is to install the art work in mid-May and to remove it in mid-September. Mr. Leader explained that the installation would probably be done in phases and be located on several different sites in West Berkeley and the waterfront. The artwork would consist of two pieces of screen netting separated by about two feet. The pieces would vary in length. The concept is to place cultural compost within the space between the two screens. The intent is for visitors to experience the history of the various sites by viewing this cultural compost. Commissioners made the following comments/questions/suggestions: 1) is the budget sufficient to remove the artwork; 2) time schedule seems tight, especially of permits are required; 3) investigate the need to obtain permits and other approvals; 4) will the screens be a threat to wildlife; 5) will the screens block views of the Bay and access to the Bay; 6) post a bond to ensure removal of the artwork; 7) is environmental review required; 8) will the City designate a person to assist in obtaining all permits and in managing the project. Kurt Madden, a Berkeley resident, expressed opposition because the artwork would spoil the natural environment. After discussion, Commissioner SMITH made a motion to recommend that Mr. Leader and a City staff person return to the Commission’s next meeting with a more detailed report that addresses the Commissions’ comments. The motion also stated that the Commission supported the concept of the artwork, provided the practical concerns raised by the Commission are satisfactorily resolved. Commissioner STANEKO seconded the motion and it was approved by unanimous vote: 6-0-0-0, with two vacancies. b. The Chair proposed a motion that stated the Commission’s appreciation to Hampton Smith for his excellent service to the Commission and the City. Commissioner COBB seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted by a vote of 6-0-0-0, with two vacancies. 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. East Shore State Park Status Report Commissioners discussed a one page written report submitted by the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) and made the following comments/questions: 1) requested the EBRPD provide written reports at every stage of the planning process, instead of when a plan is prepared; 2) show on the project schedule when written reports will be available; 3) who are the stakeholders and who selects them; 4) requested that the Waterfront Commission be included as a stakeholder; and 5) would like advance notice of all public and stakeholder meetings. The Commission requested that EBRPD’s Project Manager be invited to the next Commission meeting to understand that it is the City’s lead Commission in advising the City Council on this project. b.
Marina and Aquatic Park Leases Ed Murphy reported that two properties in Aquatic Park are now being advertised for re-use: the Rod and Gun Club Building and the property now occupied by the International Bird Rescue Group. Proposals are due on February 21st. He also stated that renovation work is due to start on Hs Lordships Restaurant, after many delays. Finally, he stated that the Nautilus Institute has moved into the building at 125 University Avenue. The Institute has requested a new ground lease because it has an option to purchase the remaining term of the existing lease (13 years) and wants a longer term. c. Berth Rate Policy Commissioner Kamen discussed some options for increasing berth rates as a means of helping to reduce the Marina’s annual operating deficit. The Commission discussed these options and asked staff to consider this issue when preparing the next year’s budget. The Commission also requested that staff provide an updated survey of berth rates in nearby and comparable Marinas. d. Marina Budget Cliff Marchetti presented a written report from the City Manager’s office that outlined the requirements for budget submissions by each Department and gave the schedule for review and adoption. The Commission asked staff for recommendations on how the proposed budget will comply with the requirements of page 20 of the report concerning balancing the budget without using the Marina budget reserve account. Commissioner KAMEN asked staff to illustrate when these reserves will be depleted. The Commission agreed to have a special meeting on February 7, 2001 to discuss the budget prior to the Council meeting on February 13th. e. Replacement of Restrooms at Launch Ramp & ABC Docks Cliff Marchetti presented a brief report on the status of the City’s application for a $290,000 grant to replace the restrooms that service the launch ramp and ABC docks. The Marina budget will provide an additional $100,000. If approved, the grant funds will be available in October. b. Marina Master Plan Cliff Marchetti stated that a consultant might be needed to complete the environmental documents required to describe the new Marina Master Plan. The plan itself should be completed by April, 2001. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a. Berth Occupancy Report The Commission received the report without comment. b.
Marina Newsletter dated January, 2001 Cliff Marchetti briefly discussed the one page newsletter that was distributed in the agenda packet. The Commission accepted the newsletter without comment. 8. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner KAMEN made a motion to adjourn that was seconded by Commissioner COBB. The motion was adopted at 10:00 PM by a vote of 6-0-0-0, with two vacancies. |
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