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ACTION MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Waterfront Commission March 14, 2001 Hs Lordships Restaurant 199 Seawall Drive
3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Approval of the Agenda Motion
(Cobb/Staneko) to approve the agenda without changes.
The motion passed unanimously. b. Approval of Minutes of the March 14, 2001 Regular Meeting Motion
(Staneko/Minasian) to approve the minutes without changes. The motion passed
unanimously. 4. COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR Chair KAMEN thanked Commissioner KAWCZYNSKA for her service in the past year as Chair. He noted two short-term goals to resolve: the berthing overhang policy and the billing procedures for berthers. Long-term goals are to participate in developing a plan for the Eastshore State Park and to develop a balanced budget with accurate revenue estimates. Chair Kamen also noted that the minutes of the special meeting on January 29, 2001 with the Planning Commission are still missing. The Commission asked for a report on these minutes. Chair Kamen then introduced the new Harbor Master, Ms. Ann Hardinger. Ms. Hardinger gave a brief description of her background and said she was very pleased to be part of the Marina staff and looked forward to working with the Commission. 5. ACTION ITEMS a. Recommendations for FY 2002 Marina Budget Cliff Marchetti distributed a Five year Marina Fund Budget analysis prepared by staff. Discussion focused on the revenue projections and why they were so different from earlier estimates. Mr. Marchetti stated it was difficult to get accurate and consistent amounts from the Finance Dept. The Commission agreed to place the issue of raising berth rates on the next agenda and asked staff to properly notice this item throughout the Marina. The Commission asked staff to present a proposal for berth rate increases, with the goal to keep rates for small berths stable and to raise the rates for the larger berths. Commissioner KAWCZYNSKA asked to see the results of the berther survey. The Commission also requested that the 25% allocation for the new grant writing staff position was too low and asked that this allocation should at least be doubled. The Commission also asked that after the person is hired, the Commission should receive regular reports on the status of the grant applications. Commissioner COBB asked staff to provide a list of Proposition 12 projects. The Commission also requested a breakdown of each staff position (both in the Marina and City-wide) funded by the Marina budget. The Commission also asked for information about revenue from the sale of methane gas, wind and solar power. b.
Sunset Provision Cliff Marchetti presented a staff report that recommended extension of the term of the Waterfront Commission for five years. The Commission asked that the report to Council, in describing past work by the Commission, should include mention of the off-leash dog area in Cesar Chavez Park, leases in Aquatic Park, oversight of the various projects, and the Marina budget. Motion (Smith/Cobb) to approve the recommendation to extend the term of the Commission from June 1, 2001 to December 31, 2006. The motion passed with a vote of 6-1-0-0, with Commissioner Staneko opposed because the Council Report was not available for review. 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Improvements to Hs Lordships Restaurant Regional Director Hoss Barbie described proposed improvements to the restaurant. Commission members made the following observations: 1) make every effort to save the trees near the front entrance; 2) send the proposed plans to BCDC to check on public access to the second floor and around the ground floor of the building; 3) provide information on how the improvements will increase revenue; 4) provide a time schedule; 5) ask the owner if there was any interest in selling or leasing the property; and 5) make efforts to improve the menu. The Commission was extremely concerned over the poor condition of the property and the very low revenues generated by the property. Mr. Barbie acknowledged that the restaurant building had deteriorated and he promised to rectify this situation. He also stated that the owner was concerned about the lack of revenue and he said new management and the new improvements would increase the revenue stream. He stated that he would send the Commission a business plan with revenue projections. b. Marina Plan Update Cliff Marchetti stated that the Final Plan and the environmental document would be completed by mid-April, 2001. c.
Marina Work Plan The Commission asked staff to provide a list of work plan items to the next meeting. They should include the goals mentioned earlier in the meeting by the Chair. d.
Marina Aquatic Park Sub-Committee Ed Murphy stated that only one proposal was received in response to the RFP for the two properties: the “Bird Rescue Site” and the Rod & Gun Building. The Audubon Society submitted a proposal for the “Bird Rescue Site”. The Commission was very much in favor of this proposal, but indicated that the lease rate should be substantially more than the amount offered by the Society. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a. Berth Occupancy Report The Commission received the report and the Chair noted that the strong demand for the larger berths. e.
Council Report on the Urban Park Grant The Commission received the report without comment.
Cesar Chavez Celebration The Commission asked that the Public Works Dept. to review this proposal for this event to make sure the protective cap on top of the fill material is not penetrated or compromised in any way. d. East Shore State Park The Commission accepted a Council Report designating both the Waterfront Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission as the joint lead Commissions to work with the East Bay Regional Parks District to ensure public input into the planning process. e. Purchase of KBLX Radio Property The Commission accepted a Council Report that provided information on the possible purchase by the City of the KBLX Radio property in Aquatic Park. The report stated that the owner was not interested at this time in selling the property. f.
Annual Statement of Economic Interest Cliff Marchetti reminded Commissioners to send these statements to the City Clerk. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM. |
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