To: Mayor Shirley Dean and Members of the Berkeley City Council
From: Janet Cobb
Date: March 5, 2002
Re: Solar Calendar Proposal for Cesar Chavez Park

This note is to voice my concern that the proposed solar calendar rock structure and calendar of events present several conflicts with existing park uses. In addition, I believe there are still many unanswered environmental questions which were not sufficiently addressed at the Waterfront Commission meeting.

Large rocks on hills where the International Kite Flying event takes place and where hang gliding clubs train University students will present not only an obstacle challenge, but a potential danger. I'm not convinced that an adequate plan has been developed to assess the potential impacts of large trucks and other heavy equipment moving big rocks over the capped methane- producing mounds. Although the structure has been reduced from prior plans, these large bolders will have to be set in some fashion because there is always the possibility that people will climb on them in a public park.

If this project can be another scheduled event for the park with removable props, these concerns could be set aside.

Thank you for your careful consideration.