8-man Crew Plan for IXXIS
Olson 911s, Draft 2.0
Commands in all caps are commands I want to hear!
- Prestart:
- in the pulpit as soon as the jib is up, shore ranges, call traffic, call line, run time, set pole, hookups
- Tacking:
- on foredeck, under jib, pull foot across, skirt jib
- Upwind:
- lead man on rail, sail changes, hookups, pole reset,
- Spinnaker Set:
- assist chute under jib, take jib down and secure it on deck, loosen outhaul and cunningham.
- Downwind:
- sail resets, sail changes.
- Jibe:
- in pulpit, bring lazy guy forward, pull pole in w/foreguy, insert new foreguy, call "MADE"
- Douse:
- pulling chute into forward hatch, assisting with pole down, call "CLEAR TO TACK" when clear
- Prestart:
- at mast or on rail, position on rail is 2nd behind bowman. Jump halyard on main set, jump halyard on jib set.
- Tacking:
- In front of mast, clear clews around shrouds on both sides.
- Upwind:
- assist bow with sail sets or changes when needed. When possible stay on rail, or behind mast until needed, top inboard end of pole as we come into the windward mark
- Set:
- jump spinnaker halyard, when up call "TWO-BLOCKED" -- this is very important, trimmer can't trim until chute is all the way up, so he needs to know.
- Downwind:
- assist with pole top on mark rounding, assist with chute set if needed, adjust inboard pole end if needed, relead jib sheets for change, jump jib halyard on set, on "Tighten up the Boat" pull on outhaul, cunningham.
- Jibe:
- on "Prepare to Jibe" mast uncleats and raises mast end of pole to mark. on "Trip" mast pulls trip line to free working guy from pole jaw. on "Made" reset pole inboard end in normal position.
- Douse:
- Assist with gather. Get pole down as soon as is possible but do not sacrifice boatspeed to windward if it is not a priority. Do not drop pole on hatch or bowman's head. Assist bowman in clearing lines once pole is down to call for "Clear to Tack."
- Prestart:
- Tail halyards for main and jib. Call time, relay messages forward, support bowman at all times -- every extra second he is *not* on the bow is time and speed saved. 3rd on rail behind bow and mast man.
- Tacking:
- move into cockpit, tail new jib sheet, move to high side as grinder goes low to trim.
- Upwind:
- halyard adjustments, flake jib halyard prior to set, top pole on final approach to mark.
- Spinnaker Set:
- tail spinn halyard fast, fast, fast, release jib halyard
- Downwind:
- vang, weight balance, pole adjustments, spaghetti patrol
- Jibe:
- on "Square Back" set up topper to mark for release. On "Trip" open clutch and release topper to mark. on "Made" tail in to bring pole up to previous position. Pole should come up as guy trimmer brings it back.
- Douse:
- tail jib halyard for jib set, flake spinn halyard to cabin top, on "Douse" release spinn halyard until chute is over the water then watch for the gather and release halyard. Release topping lift when bowman/mast is ready.
Jib/Spinnaker trimmer
- Prestart:
- trim jib to course
- Tacking:
- watch to clear jib sheet on low side, grind and trim jib
- Upwind:
- Fourth on rail behind pit and in front of runner trimmer, trim jib (reach leads if needed for close reaching can be set), call traffic
- Spinnaker Set:
- ease jib on the bear away, on "Hoist" tail in excess spinn sheet, listen for "Two Blocked", chute should fill as soon as halyard is up, trim.
- Downwind:
- trim sheet
- Jibe:
- on "Prepare to Jibe," load up lazy sheet; on "Trip", sheet to sheet free fly with grinder standing by, on "Made", cast off old spinn sheet so guy trimmer can bring pole back.
- Douse:
- clear sheet, lazy sheet and guy, trim jib to course, then trim in for rounding.
Main Trimmer:
(call to mast for cunningham, outhaul; runner trimmer for runner, backstay; pit for vang; main trimmer does, traveller, sheet
- Prestart:
- trim main, call backstay, call runner, outhaul, cunningham set.
- Upwind:
- trim main, work traveler, on rail next to driver
- Tacking:
- work traveler
- Spinnaker Set:
- trim main, call for backstay off, runner off, outhaul off, cunningham off
- Downwind:
- trim main, telltales should be streaming.
- Jibe:
- trim main, on "Square Back", centerline the main, on "Made" bring main across, and call "MAIN'S ACROSS"
- Douse:
- on "Tighten up the boat", backstay on, runner on, cunningham, outhaul on.
Runner Trimmer/Guy Trimmer:
- Prestart:
- Set backstay, runner with main trimmer.
- Upwind:
- Fifth on rail in front of main trimmer, Set runner, tend shockcord for runner.
- Tacking:
- Move to new high side, put on new windward runner before boat loads up.
- Spinnaker Set:
- pull back and trim after guy/foreguy
- Downwind:
- trim guy with chute trimmer
- Jibe:
- slack lazy guy for bowman, tail back on new guy as soon as it's made while trimmer free flies sheets (if light)
- Douse:
- let guy off, trim jib
- Prestart:
- course, overall race strategy with crew, driver, call time, confirm shore ranges, time line, etc.Overall calls of sets, douses, etc. Tactical calls with other boats, traffic calls, current, wind shifts, etc.
- Upwind:
- Leeward watch, etc., then on rail behind driver, work with driver on layline
- Tacking:
- Blow old runner, stern rail to stern rail
- Spinnaker Set:
- blow old runner, call "HOIST", take backstay off
- Downwind:
- work with driver on downwind position for leeward mark rounding, Call "PREPARE TO JIBE," call SQUARE BACK,, call "TRIP"
- Jibe:
- work with driver on lay line
- Douse:
- call to "TIGHTEN UP THE BOAT", call douse, call "HALYARD OFF", preset runner
- Prestart:
- Check line squareness, run/time line, luff for wind direction, close-hauled compass headings, transits for bowman's shorerange, timed run of start, drive
- Upwind:
- drive, ask for weight distribution if needed.
- Tacking:
- drive, call "READY ABOUT", call "HELM'S DOWN"
- Spinnaker Set:
- bear off, indicate when ready for set, drive
- Downwind:
- drive
- Jibe:
- on "Prepare to Jibe," hold boat on course, on "Square Back" slowly rotate boat to DDW position, hold boat dead down wind for "Trip", continue holding boat after made until guy has come back, move to new course.
- Douse:
- drive into leeward mark, primary goal on all maneuvers is to keep boatspeed up while tactician/crew boss deals with problems.
When it is windy enough for a spinnaker sheet grinder, the main trimmer will grind the kite on the downwind leg and tactician will trim main.