Brown's interim dilemma involves moving from the role of conciliator
to that of public policy proponent. It entails -- if he wishes to leave
a legacy -- transforming himself from a prominently quantifiable Democratic
Party entity into a less predictable San Francisco Democrat, of the sort
the crusty Jeane Kirkpatrick equated with Bolshevism. To provide leadership
here, as Brown already senses, is to regard San Francisco as a unique city-state,
and nothing less than the conscience of the United States.
How completely he makes that leap will define his administration and, because
they are inseparable, his own notion of self-fulfillment. Brown is surely
cognizant of the fact that no other Democrat in America could stick his
finger in Clinton's eye and get away with it. Similarly, he must face the
fact that that is precisely what he should do. It is impossible, as he will
learn, to laud San Francisco for its innovative and humane proclivities
and remain tethered to a Democratic Party now mainstreamed into sniveling
In outline, at least, Brown's preelection agenda is one in which progressives
can feel some reassurance. And in coming to terms with the means needed
to implement its various facets Brown will find himself more in accord with
Jesse Jackson and Ralph Nader than with the Democratic Leadership Council
and its coveted suburban constituencies.
Eventually, given the distinctive politics of the city, Brown must assume
a fixed stance and deal from that position. What renown he has as an arbitrator
should be applied to further a set mode of operation -- a philosophy and
vision, if I may be so crude. Squishy, myopic liberalism here provides no
imitable tone for the rest of urban America.
Economics is politics, someone not to Jeane Kirkpatrick's liking once
wrote. Ironically, corporate patriots currently subscribe to that truism,
and many of them, along with their federal nanny-subsidizers, will attend
the economic summit. It will be an unparalleled opportunity for Brown, through
the singular locus of San Francisco, to assert the interests of working
Brown must utilize his leverage with admiring CEOs and wealthy friends to
create and expand employment. Keynote declaration: We rise and fall together
in this resplendent city-state; we're unique, a beacon to the country, and
the objective and the reward is fashioning community consistent with our
view of ourselves.
Semi- and unskilled labor-intensive jobs paying at least $8 an hour are
the first priority. The notion that the U.S. must relinquish such jobs to
slave labor countries or through odious trade agreements demands Brown's
input. All vacant commercial buildings should be considered potential factory
sites (put a damn moratorium on new restaurant openings). Strive to have
100% of hires be city residents, with the able-bodied homeless hired first.
ESOP businesses should be encouraged, and tax breaks given to companies
instituting such plans; enterprise zones should be expanded to attract new
businesses. Capital accumulation for other start-up ventures could be accomplished
with sports franchises, restaurant and entertainment venues and hotels contributing
a few day's proceeds to a general fund. Have the social types put on a yearly
Black and White Ball expressly to raise investment capital, and explore
the use of pension funds for the same purpose.
Revitalize the port by emphasizing break-bulk cargo. Explore the possibility
of the city buying and operating some older freighters from the Suisun Bay
Fleet, thereby controlling revenues while boosting maritime employment.
Look long-term at an industrial role for the city with electric cars. Coordinate
existing environmental, agricultural, planning and alternative energy efforts
into a "habitat" industry, and make it a model for the nation.
Define your world view early-on. Accompany Oakland Mayor Elihu Harris and
Global Exchange on their forthcoming trip to Cuba. Afterward, inform Clinton
that you and your corporate pals will test the embargo. Not only for our
commercial expertise in organic farming, bio-tech, software and eco-tourism
which the Cubans want, but also because that's the sort of thing a San Francisco
Democrat does.