The Internet Directory of Camera Collectors (the "IDCC") is a casually moderated membership group with a singular broad area of interest: collecting, preserving, and using antique and classic cameras. The following list represents only about a fourth of the total current membership, but these members are here because they have chosen to share their interests with the public, and are willing to deal with and offer guidance to others. For more information on the IDCC, please visit the group's information page at...

If you are already a member of the IDCC and wish to be included in this public list, or you'd like to modify your current entry, please contact David Silver, the IDCC moderator, here. Additions to this public list are not automatic or mandatory with membership in the IDCC e-mail forum. The public list is a voluntary bonus with IDCC membership, and is simply a way for members to advertise their camera collecting interests. However, members only qualify for the list by regularly participating in the e-mail forum, and they must specifically ask the moderator to have their listings included.

The general public is invited to contact these members with questions regarding antique and classic cameras and vintage photography gear, but only contact one member at a time. Mass mailings and simultaneous messages to multiple members will be regarded as spam and reported to the necessary internet authorities! Please be sure to only contact members whose interests are appropriate to your inquiry. If in doubt, contact the IDCC moderator here first. Thank you!

  1. Tommy Aaron ~~ Northern CA ~~ "I'm a BIG fan and collector of classic German and Japanese cameras, especially Leica, Leitz, Zeiss Ikon, Voigtlander, Nikon, Canon, Rolleiflex, Rolleicord, also stereo 3-D cameras, and MUCH more! I will gladly provide spot appraisals on such items, or offer guidance on buying and selling them, so feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance!" E-mail: zeissnikon-at-mindspring-dot-com

  2. Harris Aaronson ~~ Pittsfield, MA ~~ "I am a charter member of IDCC and a long time member of PHSNE. I continue to enjoy the wealth of information that is shared by IDCC members. I collect sub-miniature, Hit type, and other small cameras, including 4.5 x 6 cm plate cameras, as well as special event and colored cameras." Web page: E-mail: hnaaronson123-at-aol-dot-com

  3. Floyd Abrams ~~ Tualatin, OR ~~ "I maintain a large collection of precious antique wood and brass cameras from the 19th century (including many choice models from companies like Blair, Rochester, Anthony, Eastman Kodak, Scovill, and the other great American and European manufacturers), and rare "spy" or "detective" cameras (including Stirn's Concealed Vest, Bloch's Photo-Cravate, Stereo Le Physiographe, and many more). I am always interested in finding new items or better items to improve my collection, and I am also available to provide free consultation and historical information." E-mail: kdwall-at-pacifier-dot-com

  4. Jack Ackermann ~~ Fresno, CA ~~ "Anything to do with KODAK cameras and their many products...I'm your man! Buy, sell, trade, appraise...hey, I'd love to hear from you! And Folmer and Schwing Graflex and Graphic cameras as well! Also, any of Kodak's competitors from early in the 20th century, like Ansco, Agfa, Seneca, Conley, Rochester, and any of the fancy antique pretty wood and leather cameras. Drop me a line, even if you're looking for help in an unrelated camera area, because I'm your man!" E-mail: gryku-at-yahoo-dot-com (This e-mail will also reach Jack's camera collecting co-worker, Frank West, the noted authority on Kodak cameras!)

  5. Benjamin Adam ~~ Rochester, NY ~~ Important collector of stereo and 3D cameras (Stereo Realist, Colorist, TDC, Jules Richard Verascope, Homeos, Rolleidoscop, Heidoscop, Voigtlander Stereflektoskop, Zeiss Ikon, and much, much more), tiny subminiature cameras (Minox and many others), art deco and fancy colored cameras (especially from Kodak, such as Petite and Vanity, and also vest pocket models from Ansco)), special event and worlds fair cameras, View-Master and Tru-Vue products, and much more. Will buy these items, and can provide appraisals ad historical information as well. E-mail: 333ddd-at-mindspring-dot-com

  6. Bill Adams ~~ Seattle, WA area ~~ Fancy colored and art deco styled Kodaks. E-mail: badams6456-at-aol-dot-com

  7. Larry Adams ~~ San Francisco, CA ~~ "I am a user and collector of all types of classic cameras. I especially am interested in the use and restoration of vintage panoramic cameras (Al-Vista and Kodak Panorams)." E-mail: gethegreek-at-mindspring-dot-com

  8. Ross Alford ~~ AUSTRALIA ~~ "I collect film cameras mostly from the 1920's through 1960's, with specialties in folding rollfilm, press and view, Graflex SLRs, and Nikon SLRs. I also collect very early digital cameras, such as the Kodak/Nikon DCS hybrids and the Nikon E series and Nikon Fujix SLRs." Web page: E-mail: ross-at-pibweb-dot-com

  9. J. Ed Baker ~~ Rochester, NY ~~ "I am a user/collector of primarily Argus 35mm cameras, but most anything prior to the electronic, auto-everthing revolution is fair game." E-mail: ebaker2-at-rochester.rr-dot-com

  10. Mark Baltor ~~ Bensalem, PA ~~ "I collect (principally) wet-plate and daguerrian equipment. Also images, especially daguerreotypes and daguerrian-contemporary types. Since I once attempted to restore a 1865 skylight studio, my collection includes all manner of studio props and posing equipment of the period, as well as cameras and lenses. I've been collecting since the late 1960's and attended my first collector's show in May of 1971 at the Southern Hotel in Columbus, Ohio!" E-mail: enigma5-at-comcast-dot-net

  11. Greg Bedore ~~ St. Petersburg, FL ~~ Specialist in Zeiss Ikon cameras and accessories. Author of "Something Zeiss To Say", a serial column in CAMERASHOPPER MAGAZINE. Member of the Zeiss Historical Society. Creator of "Time Machines", a traveling Zeiss Ikon camera collection exhibit. Contributor to Zeiss Ikon pricing section in MCKEOWN'S PRICE GUIDE TO ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC CAMERAS. Always interested in Zeiss products and history. Web page: E-mail: zeisser1-at-aol-dot-com

  12. Regis Boissier ~~ Lyon, FRANCE ~~ Collector of bakelite cameras, such as Fex, Photax, Candid, and others. Web page: E-mail: regis.boissier-at-free-dot-fr

  13. Clive Bubley ~~ London, ENGLAND ~~ "Collector of Voigtlanders (with a soft spot for Vitos), rangefinder roll film folders, wide angle cameras, and anything else that catches my fancy!" Member of the Voigtlander Verein and the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain (PCCGB)" E-mail: clive-at-bubley-dot-co-dot-uk

  14. Ali Canli ~~ Istanbul, TURKEY ~~ "I collect all kinds of mechanical cameras to be fixed and restored. I prefer cameras that do not operate. Main hobby is to fix mechanical items. Private collection of 400+ cameras is the result of the hobby." E-mail: canli2-at-yahoo-dot-com

  15. Dan Carey ~~ Chandler, AZ ~~ "Primarily collecting Nikonos, Canon FD and Graflex, although my interest is expanding all the time. Active shooter and darkroom hack, I enjoy underwater photography, landscapes and photojournalism, using my enlarger for additional creativity and to correct my numerous mistakes." E-mail: danimal_57-at-yahoo-dot-com

  16. Noel Charchuk ~~ Calgary, Alberta, CANADA ~~ Voigtlander cameras, from the 1930's to 1950's, as well as Leica cameras and lenses from those same eras. Member of the Voigtlander Verein and the Foothills Camera club. Most of his photography is nature scenics and closeups, all using vintage equipment. E-mail: nhcharch-at-shaw-dot-ca

  17. Dan Colucci -- IDCC Founder ~~ Boston, MA area ~~ Collector of pre-1900 wood and brass cameras (Anthony, Scovill, Blair, etc.), brass lenses, early shutters, and photography books and magazines. "I want to buy WOOD CAMERAS!" Web page: E-mail: dcolucci-at-aol-dot-com

  18. U. Grant Copeland, Sr. ~~ P.O. Box 3401 Daly City, CA 94015 ~~ "Collector of photo equipment. I like to think I am a collector for the collectors of photo equipment." Web page: E-mail: ugcs-at-pacbell-dot-net

  19. Richard H. Coutant ~~ southeatern VT ~~ Collector and user of 35mm and 120 rollfilm cameras, primarily German, older Rolleiflex (before built-in meter), Zeiss Ikon folders, Contax and Kiev, Kodak Retina, also Speed/Crown Graphics, Pentax Spotmatic, and anything else odd and interesting. E-mail: rhc3vt-at-hotmail-dot-com

  20. Nick Czudyjowycz ~~ Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA ~~ "I have full systems for work in Hasselblad, Bronica ETR, and Nikon. I collect Minolta in the SRT and mechanical models before AF and rangefinders. Kodak Retina, Aires, folding 2 1/4 inch camera, Zeiss Ikontas folders, Voigtlander Prominent, Vito, Vitessa, Contessa, Vitomatic, Icarex & Bessa. Also in 35mm SLR's any black bodies. Minolta, Canon FD, Olympus and Pentax. In TLR, Rollei and Ikomat. Flashes, Nikon and dedicated Metz models. LTM cameras including Leica and copies. There are a few other eclectic rangefinder items as well" E-mail: csn-at-golden-dot-net

  21. R. Dennis ~~ San Francisco, CA ~~ Collector of Leica and Zeiss Ikon cameras, for their exquisite workmanship and usability, and 19th century wooden American folding plate cameras, for their beauty and history. E-mail: kamera4-at-mindspring-dot-com

  22. Dr. Myron Diamondstein ~~ near Tidewater, VA ~~ Collects cameras from the late 1930's to mid 1970's, mainly classics and semiclassics. Any sizes, including 35mm, TLR, SLR, and miniatures. E-mail: EyeDok2-at-aol-dot-com

  23. Eric Evans ~~ Sheffield, ENGLAND ~~ "Collector of named British cameras from 1839 to 1914. I currently have 190+ wood and brass cameras from 90+ different makers, but the collection is ongoing and expanding and I continue to buy British wood and brass cameras if they have nameplates on them. My collection includes a substantial sub-collection of Thornton-Pickard cameras and accessories." E-mail:

  24. Rudolf W. Fankhauser ~~ Neunkirch, SWITZERLAND ~~ "I collect Orion Seiki (couplers, Supreme lens), Orion Camera Co. (MIRAX, Miranda, Focabel), the Miranda family (MIRAX, Focabell, Miranda, SOLIGOR, PALLAS, accessoires, lenses), the old Soligors (from 1955 to 1957, old lenses), Tokiwa Seiki Co. (Pentaflex, Firstflex 35, Soligor 35, Lafayette 35, Windsorflex 35), and lenses and accessories from other manufacturers to fit on Miranda." E-mail:

  25. Fred Friedman ~~ Cliffside Park, NJ ~~ "I collect pre-1900 wood and brass, mainly English. I am a member of The Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain and frequently contribute to the pages of PHOTOGRAPHICA WORLD." E-mail: marenfred1-at-gmail-dot-com

  26. S.B. "Sandy" Friedman ~~ Fort Collins, CO ~~ "I collect and USE old Korelle Reflex, rangefinder cameras like Contax and Leica II, single lens reflex such as Nikon F and Canon T70, and also Tessina, Olympus XA, Rolleiflex MX, and more. I admit to using a Contax G1 and a Voigtlander Bessa-R at times, and I have a number of Kiev cameras (all in excellent user shape!)." E-mail: sbf70-at-juno-dot-com

  27. Harry K. Frye ~~ Beaver, PA ~~ "I'm interested in anything related to the history of photography, wood and brass, one shot color cameras, mini cameras, early books and publications, etc. I also do the news letter for the Pennsylvania Photographic Historical Society." E-mail: hfrye1-at-peoplepc-dot-com

  28. Jose Ramon Garcia-Menendez ~~ Rosario, ARGENTINA ~~ Old and classic cameras of all types and literature from the late 1880's to the 1980's. Interested in subminiatures to large format. Likes to take pictures with old and classic cameras and do darkroom in b/w and colour. E-mail: joseramon-at-elsitio-dot-net

  29. Tim Goldsmith ~~ Midlands, UNITED KINGDOM ~~ "I collect sub-miniature, novelty, panoramic, Russian, and stereo cameras. Also many different format stereo viewers and views, mainly View Master and copies, and Vistascreen, etc., which I am always looking to purchase. I am a long-time member of the PCCGB (Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain). I also publish "The Monark Camera Price Guide" on the web for the UK phototrade, and can provide valuations of cameras and other photographic items for insurance or probate. I also sell collectable photographic items via Monark Cameras, my commercial web site." Web pages: and E-mail: info-at-cameravalues-dot-com

  30. Carroll Goldsworth ~~ Aguanga, CA ~~ "I collect all kinds of cameras from Minox to 8X10 studio view cameras. I currently have about 700 cameras in my collection, but I am in the process of "thinning the herd". I am retired and live in Aguanga, California, a tiny town in the high desert." E-mail: taubenfoto2-at-aol-dot-com

  31. Gordon Hall ~~ Pietermaritzburg, SOUTH AFRICA ~~ "I have an almost-complete collection of screw mount Asahi Pentaxes and don't plan to diversify just yet. Impecunious retired cop - say no more! Other interests include classic motor cycles and old cars, specifically Jaguars and even more specifically, a 1978 XJ6 Series 2 with the big rubber bumpers. Old stuff just seems to gravitate to me. No, I do not have my wife's permission to include her in that statement. I also road test new cars as a freelancer for the local newspaper, THE WITNESS (previously the NATAL WITNESS), the oldest continuously-running newspaper in South Africa. I post copies of my articles on my website." E-mail: gordon-at-sai-dot-ca-dot-za

  32. Dan Hausman ~~ Mount Vernon, OH ~~ "My major interests are Leica, Nikon, and Zeiss, but all cameras interest me." E-mail: pgw-at-ecr-dot-net

  33. Richard Heather ~~ Los Osos, CA ~~ Collects Argus, Kodaks and American 35mm, folders, pinhole cameras and conversions. Web page: E-mail: rheather-at-sbcglobal-dot-net

  34. Chip Hendershot ~~ Watsontown, PA ~~ "I collect Kodak, Graflex, Ansco, Agfa, and many other photographic items, such as displays, signs, original boxes, film and darkroom items. My collection has a nice variety of items and I enjoy displaying them so others may enjoy them as well." E-mail: hendershot-at-windstream-dot-net

  35. Ronald Herron ~~ SE Michigan ~~ "I am a collector of primarily Mamiya 35mm rangefinder and SLR cameras. I also maintain a web site dedicated to Mamiya 35mm information." Web page: E-mail: rlh2663-at-aol-dot-com

  36. Gary Hill ~~ Sarasota, FL ~~ "My main interests lie in rangefinder, #120 folders and twin-lens-reflexes, and single-lens-reflexes from the 1950's and early 1960's. I am also interested in accessories from that era, and have a fairly large meter collection from this time period." E-mail: hilltime-at-verizon-dot-net

  37. Ruud C. Hoff ~~ the Netherlands ~~ "My main focus is on collecting Kodak cameras, advertising, and ephemera. I have been told I have one of the best private Kodak collections around. I am always interested in upgrading my collection by finding items in better condition, and taking my collection to a higher level. I am also devoted to acquiring even earlier photography and pre-cinema pieces because the history of Kodak doesn't begin until 1880. I started collecting in 1975 and realize it was the best of times regarding availability and affordability. I have met many generous and knowledgeable collectors from other parts of the world, and I am very grateful to have added many friends sharing the same passion to my personal life. Because of my profession as a photojournalist working for major news agencies, magazines, Government and Royalty, I have travelled to many countries around the world, and used these opportunities to visit fellow collectors in my spare time on location. If you would like to take a look at my collection, or for other information on Kodak and old photography, please visit my web page: E-mail: ruudhoff-at-xs4all-dot-nl Cell phone: +31641553475

  38. Ken Hough ~~ Chicagoland area ~~ "Since 1981 I've specialized in the restoration of Deardorff view cameras. I collect Deardorff cameras and memoriabilia. I always need 12 x 20 film holders for my 12 x 20 Deardorff. Got any?? I also collect Graflex SLR cameras and ANY weird or neat camera that I can put film in. I have a Deardorff information site at: If you need questions answered directly, e-mail me or drop them there. Thanks!" E-mail: k4sb-at-verizon-dot-net

  39. Ake Hultman ~~ SWEDEN ~~ Collects daguerreotypes and daguerreian equipment; also makes daguerreotype cameras. Enjoys wood and brass, and early history of photography. Web page: E-mail:

  40. Andras Iklody-Szabo ~~ Budapest, HUNGARY ~~ "I collect mainly classic, 1920's to 1970's, still cameras. Preferably usable ones (good condition, film availability) and landmark designs. I occasionally also restore my cameras." E-mail: isza-at-tenet-dot-hu

  41. Bob Iozia ~~ Salisbury, NH ~~ "I am a collector and user of Japanese 35mm Single-Len-Reflex Manual-Focus Cameras*. My collection includes: Miranda, Konica, Minolta, Mamiya, Pentax, Nikon, Nikkormat, Canon, Fujica, Yashica, Petri, Chinon and Olympus. I am still amazed, all these years later, at the quality and precision of these magnificent cameras." Bob is the owner of the following Yahoo groups: vintageslrs, nikkormatft2, mirandacollectorsgroup, and filmSLRCollectors. He is also a co-owner of the Camera Collectors Forum, and is USA Board Host of the Mamiya 35mm Collector Forum. E-mail: ahudsonman-at-aol-dot-com

  42. Matthew R. Isenburg ~~ Hadlyme, CT ~~ "I try to acquire best of breed, best in class, with a primary interest in the first three decades of the history of photography. I collect, lecture, write about, and exhibit photography which I loosely divide into four areas: 1) IMAGES (daguerreoypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, stereo cards, CDV's, albumen prints); 2) EQUIPMENT (primarily daguerreian or wet-plate hardware of any kind, including cameras, lenses, processing equipment, supplies, studio paraphernalia, boxes and bottles, viewers, and signs); 3) LIBRARY (19th century books and magazines on photography); 4) EPHEMERA (broadsides, business cards, advertisements, letters, invoices, etc., concerning the first thirty years). I BUY or TRADE; I do NOT sell!" E-mail: mattri-at-aol-dot-com

  43. David L Jentz ~~ Historical Society for Retina Cameras ~~ 51312 Mayflower Road, South Bend, IN 46628 ~~ Specializing in Kodak Retina and Retinette cameras and their accessories, literature, etc. Will answer questions about Kodak Retina and Retinette cameras. E-mail: retinacam-at-msn-dot-com

  44. Peter K. Jonas ~~ Vienna, AUSTRIA ~~ "I collect Austrian cameras and related items, subminiature cameras and exposure meters. I write about Austrian camera history with patent numbers, manuals, and some other interesting details. Member of the European Society for the History of Photography, the Photographische Gesellschaft Wien (photographic society in Vienna, founded 1861), Photo Museum Bad Ischl, Austria, and many others." Web page: E-mail: office-at-photohistory-dot-at

  45. Benno Jones ~~ "My collecting interests run to 120 folding cameras, mainly post-war, but not exclusively. I am also interested in (although short on examples of) 35mm cameras for which high-quality interchangeable lenses are available (Leica and Contax clones, Exakta, etc.)." E-mail: benno-at-bjonesphoto-dot-com

  46. Charlie Kamerman ~~ OR ~~ "I'm always looking for Kodak cameras and accessories in original boxes, Kodak advertising, Kodak literature, Kodak point of purchase materials, Kodak boxes of film, Kodak girls, Kodak signs, Kodak posters, Kodak toys, etc." E-mail: kodakcollector-at-prvs-dot-net

  47. Bogdan Karasek ~~ Montreal, Quebec, CANADA ~~ "My camera collecting is focused on Agfa Karats, Exaktas, Nikon F's and their NAI fluted lenses, and several SM Leicas. I also own a variety of 40's to 60's mechanical cameras that have struck my fancy. All my cameras are fully functional and are used in my photography which ranges in format from 35mm, 6x6, 6x9, 4x5, to 8x10 pinholes. I have my own darkroom and work in B+W. Presently working on a Web page dealing with the history of Agfa Karats. I also collect photography books." E-mail: bkarasek-at-videotron-dot-ca

  48. Petra Kellers ~~ Collects "non-camera" camera items, advertising and promotional material, and camera reference books. Check their web page for an extraordinary selection of books for sale relating to collecting and studying photographica. Web page: E-mail: Pkell1014-at-aol-dot-com

  49. Vladislav Kern ~~ Buffalo Grove, IL ~~ "I collect exclusively all Russian and Soviet cameras. and run the Soviet/Russian Collectors camera site www.USSRPhoto-dot-com, which has public forums and a Wiki cataloguing project for all the Soviet/Russian Cameras. I am also a board member of Chicago Photographic Collectors Society. My collection as of 2010 contains about 350+ Soviet/Russian cameras." E-mail: vladkern-at-particle-z-dot-com

  50. Mike Kersenbrock ~~ Portland, OR ~~ "I collect and use 3D stereo cameras, books, viewers, and accessories. Most anything 3D photography related." Web page: E-mail: michaelk-at-photo-3d-dot-com

  51. Peter Kitchingman ~~ Perth, WEST AUSTRALIA ~~ Author and self publisher of the book "Canon M39 Rangefinder Lenses 1939-1971". Specializes in and collects Canon rangefinder cameras, lenses, accessories and literature. "I would appreciate serial numbers of Canon (Leica copy) rangefinder cameras, lenses, and accessories for my database. If you would like to order my book, it can be done via my website. Any queries on Canon rangefinder gear, always happy to have a chin wag!" Web page: E-mail: peterk-at-canonrangefinder-dot-com

  52. Peter Knowlden ~~ Maple Ridge, British Columbia, CANADA ~~ Retired scientific and medical photographer. User and collector of interesting pre-1980 cameras. Presently collecting all 127 film cameras and literature. Editor of the Newsletter for the Western Canada Photographic Historical Association. E-mail: peter_knowlden-at-telus-dot-net

  53. Andrew Korlaki ~~ Melbourne, AUSTRALIA ~~ "I'm a member of both the Australian Photographic Collectors Society (which is based in Melbourne, Victoria) and the Photographic Preservation Society of South Australia. I collect photographic ephemera and advertising material associated with photography and the photographic industry. Also figurines, plus any cameras that interest me for some reason or another..." E-mail: a.korlaki-at-optusnet-dot-com-dot-au

  54. Karl Kwiat ~~ "I collect mechanical cameras from the 1930's to the late 1970's. Especially high end Contax, Leica, Hasselblad, but also Medalist, Graflex, Nikon, Minolta, and Pentax. A few wood and red bellows cameras have somehow made it to my display shelves as well. I like to restore and repair (as time allows) and truly enjoy reading and researching. Joining this group is a truly educational experience. The combined knowledge of the members is quite amazing." E-mail: kkwiat-at-hirose-dot-com

  55. Jerry Laderberg ~~ E-mail: jerry.laderberg-at-gmail-dot-com

  56. Frank Lakiere ~~ Hoboken (Antwerp), BELGIUM ~~ "Collector of cameras (Kodak, Zeiss Ikon, Voigtlander), items for stereophotography (stereocards, View-Master reels,...) and old photographs, especially "cartes-de-visite". I have a website with interesting things on the history of photography, technical information, my collection, my photographs, and links. As professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, I made a handbook on the history of photography (only available in dutch version)." Web page: E-mail: lakiere-at-hotmail-dot-com

  57. Dr. George Layne ~~ Philadelphia, PA ~~ Psychiatrist. Writer, researcher and collector of the history of photoraphy. Especially interested in the Langenheims and the early history of photography in Philadelphia. Also, everything Kodak. Publisher of the website for the International Kodak Historical Society, and the Yahoo group/list serve KODAKHISTORY. The IKHS website is: E-mail: georgelayne-at-aol-dot-com

  58. Dimitri Lazarescu ~~ Phoenix, AZ ~~ "Being a professional violinist by trade, I started collecting cameras after a futile attempt to repair a Russian Zenit B. Now I collect mostly German rangefinder cameras with a few Japanese additions, from Zeiss/Leica to Canon/Nikon. But...anything interesting will make me curious. Had a few great cameras in my hands, a Kodak Ektra outfit (working perfectly, four lenses, and accessories), Contax If (made for China, working perfectly), and a few Kodak collectibles (No.2 Kodak in great condition). My main interest remains the rangefinder cameras, for 35mm or #120 film." E-mail: mitica100-at-aol-dot-com

  59. Ralph London ~~ Portland, OR ~~ Collects 19th century cameras, especially wood and brass, and their related literature and books. His wife, Bobbi, collects Stanhopes. E-mail: London-at-cs-dot-pdx-dot-edu

  60. Peter J. Loy ~~ ENGLAND ~~ London based specialist dealer in collectable cameras. Web page: E-mail: peterloy-at-peterloy-dot-com

  61. David Tristram Ludwig ~~ NY ~~ Collector of beautiful 19th century and early 20th century wood and brass cameras, Leica cameras, Art Deco and bakelite cameras, and more! Web page: E-mail: ludwig48-at-optonline-dot-net

  62. Alan Macpherson ~~ Larbert, SCOTLAND ~~ "I am a collector and user of classic cameras. My interests encompass all types of useable cameras from the period 1900 to 1980. My collection is illustrated on my personal website. For each camera in my collection I have given a detailed technical description, with associated camera illustrations. For most cameras there is an accompanying Photo Gallery giving examples of my photography using the camera. I also have a strong interest in digital photography and imaging." Web page: E-mail: idcc-at-amdmacpherson-dot-com

  63. Marty Magid ~~ near Detroit, MI ~~ "I collect and try to use all types of old cameras, from 19th century to about 1950." E-mail: martin.magid-at-gmail-dot-com

  64. Walker Mangum ~~ Houston, TX area ~~ "I collect ANYTHING Kodak!" E-mail: walker-at-nwmangum-dot-com

  65. Larry Manson ~~ Dayton, OH area ~~ "I'm collecting an eclectic mix of cameras, etc. from different era's. Mostly still, but an ocassional movie camera comes to rest with me." E-mail: ljmasdfgh-at-aol-dot-com

  66. Joe Marlin ~~ Chicago, IL ~~ "My collecting interests are: amateur movie cameras 1923-1950's especially Bell and Howell; art deco and streamlined cameras; cameras made in Chicago in general (I'm a past president of the Chicago Photographic Collectors Society); also odd ball and weird stuff including clinical (medical and dental) cameras." E-mail: Joermarlin-at-aol-dot-com

  67. Brian Martin ~~ Essex, Southern England, UNITED KINGDOM ~~ Collector of Retinas, German rangefinder cameras from the 1950's and 1960's, especially Agfa, Balda , and Voigtlander. Former professional trained on Sinar, MPP, etc. Once dropped a Hasselblad from a 2nd floor scaffolding, picked it up, dusted it off, and carried on shooting! Recent graduate in Art History with a specialization in the History of Photography, especially early documentary and social photography. E-mail: Brianmartin47-at-aol-dot-com

  68. Ivor Matanle ~~ Sussex, ENGLAND ~~ More an enthusiastic user of nice old cameras than a collector, although always has several outfits of usually not very expensive equipment being intermittently enjoyed with film at any one time. Author of "Collecting and Using Classic Cameras", "Collecting and Using Classic SLRs", and several books on non-camera subject matter (military history of World War II, etc). Writes at least once a month for the UK photographic magazine AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER on classic cameras, and has done so since February 2000. Also writes in each issue of the Photographic Collectors' Club of Great Britain's newsletter TAILBOARD. Works at home as a business to business PR consultant and PR journalist. Happy to help IDCC members with any information they need, but his knowledge base really starts with the Leica and Contax and is at his best with quality European "black and white" cameras, amateur and professional. As part of his advertising and PR work, has been a professional photographer for about 45 years and is still learning, especially about these pixels and megabytes that have invaded the working photographer's life. Hon. Secretary of the Southern Region of the PCCGB and of the MPP User's Club. E-mail: imatanle-at-aol-dot-com

  69. Mike McCaw ~~ AUSTRALIA ~~ "Anything primitive in its inherent design or manufacture. Any other odd or unusual items. I have a section for "Ugly Ducklings" and unusual box cameras. However, I am primarily a specialist collector of Chinese homebrand cameras produced from the start of camera manufacture in China in the mid 1950's to the end of the cultural revolution in the 1970's. Attempting to collate a complete listing of all cameras produced in China during this period and would be pleased to receive or impart information to interested collectors. I am always looking for other people who also collect Chinese cameras so that we might start our own collectors group." E-mail:

  70. Cam McCubbin ~~ White Rock, British Columbia, CANADA ~~ Broad range of interests for more than 30 years. Web page: "CamerOddities" E-mail: cam-at-cameroddities-dot-com

  71. Rob McElroy ~~ Buffalo, NY ~~ Contemporary Daguerreotypist, commercial photographer, dealer in photographic equipment and vintage images. Collector and researcher of all things relating to the history of photography. Especially interested in early photographic books, ephemera, and equipment from the Daguerreotype and pictorialist eras, and anything relating to photographers from Buffalo and Western New York. Co-authored a book on the Photo Pictorialists of Buffalo and also on the photographic history of Niagara Falls. E-mail: idag-at-pce-dot-net

  72. Ira Medcalf ~~ Fort Worth, TX ~~ Macro, stereo, wood & brass, photohistory education, especially keen on anything having to do with pre-1870 cameras/images/processes and life in general during that time period (civilian reenactor and at a museum; Web pages: and E-mail: iras_barn-at-yahoo-dot-com

  73. Marcy Merrill ~~ Tokeland, WA ~~ "I try to keep (camera collecting) within my budget of no more than $12.50 per camera. I use every camera I own, working or not, in some manner or other." Web page: E-mail: marcy-at-merrillphoto-dot-com

  74. Michael Moffatt ~~ Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND ~~ Early plate cameras and equipment. Soft spot in heart for Zeiss and Voigtlander also. Early NZ photographs and photographic items especially desired. E-mail: idcc-collectors-list-at-moffatt-dot-org-dot-nz

  75. Kenneth Morton ~~ Collects "non-camera" camera items, advertising and promotional material, and camera reference books. Check their web page for an extraordinary selection of books for sale relating to collecting and studying photographica. Web page: E-mail: KMorton522-at-aol-dot-com

  76. Alan Myers ~~ San Jose, CA ~~ " I'm a photographer turned collector, with an emphasis on Konica and Konishiroku cameras and lenses of all sizes and types, including those by Konishi Honten, Rokuoh-sha, Sakura, Cherry, and other subsidiaries and brands. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss Konica. I'm often buying or selling, too!" E-mail: amfoto1-at-aol-dot-com

  77. Peter Naylor ~~ Perth, Western AUSTRALIA ~~ "My main collecting interest is Miranda, but I also like to acquire Exakta, Diax, Agilux, interesting Russian stuff, German plate cameras from between the Wars, World War II era US 35mm cameras, early US Kodaks and early German Kodaks (especially Duo-620s). No great logic to that mixed bag, I confess!" E-mail: pnaylor-at-iinet-dot-net-dot-au

  78. Luiz Antonio Paracampo ~~ Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL ~~ "I am by profession a metallurgical engineer. I collect and repair for myself, and for a few chosen friends, all oddball but usable pre-1980's cameras. I specialize in Soviet and Russian stuff." E-mail: mariarnobre-at-terra-dot-com-dot-br

  79. Don "Skip" Phelps ~~ ~~ "Retired, from a heavy equipment manufacturing plant as an industrial photographer. Free lanced for years, doing weddings, portraits, memory-mates, but more recently retired from those, and my aerial photography work. Enjoy shooting nature, scenes, human interest shots. Collection in past consisted of over 1700 cameras, and I've been gradually liquidating the stock of over 45 years. My remaining camera collection shall consist of only Argus ("America's premier camera!"), Univex, and the first 35mm single-lens-reflex, the Exakta, and other cameras relating to Ihagee. I'm currently compiling information on accessory rangefinders for cameras. If you have any you'd like to tell me about, or can share information about manufacturers, dates of production, or any other history, I'd appreciate hearing from you! I'd also appreciate the chance to rescue damaged or disabled rangefinders, as I'm repairing them and can always use spare parts. And don't forget instruction manuals and other literature, in any form, relating to rangefinders. Thank you!" E-mail: doleph-at-comcast-dot-net

  80. Bernard Plazonnet ~~ FRANCE ~~ "My interest is in cameras significant for the history of photography with emphasis on wood and brass, weird cameras and tropical cameras." E-mail: bernard.plazonnet-at-wanadoo-dot-fr

  81. Pere Pons Tomas ~~ Barcelona, SPAIN ~~ "I'm a Catalan retired "still life" publicity photographer. I have a collection of cameras and lenses which reflect the "photographic world" of an "advanced amateur" during the first half of the 20th century. This stimulus sparked my interest in creating my website, and led to a branching out with a collection of light meters (about 800) which are referenced in detailed explanations of functioning. There is finally the "Photographic Miscellanea" section, in a lighter and more humorous vein, where all sorts of eye-catching odds and ends find their way. My desire is simply to share my site with anyone interested in browsing through it and perhaps leaving some feedback. I look forward to news from you!" Web page: E-mail: PEREPONS-at-telefonica-dot-net

  82. Olivier Pourcher ~~ Toulouse, FRANCE ~~ "I collect all sorts of still cameras AND movie cameras." Web page: E-mail: olivier.pourcher-at-wanadoo-dot-fr

  83. Roger Provins ~~ Gloucester, UK ~~ Collector of Zeiss Ikon, Contax, and Yashica cameras. Web page: E-mail: roger-at-provins-dot-org-dot-uk

  84. Glen Rhodes ~~ St. Louis, MO ~~ "I collect almost anything that can take pictures. I usually keep them long enough to see how they work, how well they were designed and how good the lenses are. Then I trade or sell them and start again unless the camera just really wins me over like my Leica M3 or Super Ikonta C or Rollieflex 2.8E2." E-mail: eleitz1-at-att-dot-net

  85. Bill Riley ~~ Collector of antique photographica including wood and brass cameras, late 1800 era shutters, glass plate negatives, ephemera, and other photo related items. Web page: E-mail: photographica-at-cwriley-dot-com

  86. Tom Robison ~~ Boca Raton, FL ~~ "I'm a professional photographer, and user and collector of vintage cameras. My collecting interests include, but are not limited to, late 19th century to early 20th century wood and brass view cameras, plate tailboards, early Kodak folding and box types, cameras of any kind and in general anything that has a bellows. I prefer to acquire functional, good to excellent condition cameras only. I'm always interested in adding to my collection, studying photographic history, and meeting fellow collectors." Web page: E-mail: tcr-at-letsshoot-dot-com

  87. Richard Roberts ~~ Nothern CA ~~ Interested in Leica, Leica copies, photographic literature, and has an expanding interest in early photographs. E-mail: rich.roberts-at-attbi-dot-com

  88. Perrian Robertson ~~ Melbourne, AUSTRALIA ~~ "I collect any camera I can afford to to keep it from being destroyed or lost to society. Later on I may specialize. I like to use each of my cameras at least once to see how they work. I am a professional photographer and also a private pilot. E-mail: perrian-at-melbpc-dot-org-dot-au

  89. Steve Robson ~~ "I have been photographing since 1980. I started a collection of inexpensive camera types (Kodak Brownies, etc.) and now I'm interested in getting a few rare types like the old large format SLR types. I have an ICA Dresden Tudor that still works. I like the idea of saving the cameras and if possible, trying to use them if film can be bought for them. I use a Pentax system for my regular camera, but I have been using digital lately (a Fuji MX-700 camera) as my main camera since I would go broke spending money on film and developing with the number of shoots I do. I also have a interest in making recumbent bikes from recycled bike parts." Web page: E-mail: stevbike-at-xcelco-dot-on-dot-ca

  90. Steven Rudd ~~ New York, NY ~~ "Radiologist (M.D.), collector of vintage cameras and images since 1993. Especially interested in Kodak cameras and ephemera, miniature/subminiature cameras, and wood/brass cameras. Also collect items related to the history of radiology (books, glass plate radiographs, etc.). I sell vintage cameras and images at camera shows and antique shows. Member of the following camera collecting/photographic history societies: PHSNE (Photographic Society of New England), PCCGB (Photographica Collectors Club of Great Britain), MIPHS (Michigan Photographic Historical Society), and The Canadian Photographic Society." E-mail: stevenrudd-at-gmail-dot-com

  91. Clayton Rye ~~ Hanlontown, IA (between Des Moines and Minneapolis) ~~ Kodak Retinas, Zeiss-Ikon (35mm and 120), Minolta Autocord, accessories for any of these cameras. Web page: E-mail: crye-at-wctatel-dot-net

  92. Valentin Sama ~~ Madrid, SPAIN ~~ Collects Exakta, Robot, and anything technically interesting. Technical editor for FV Magazine, professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and writes articles about collecting and general interest photography. E-mail: valentinsama-at-wanadoo-dot-es

  93. Gary Schloss ~~ Las Vegas, NV ~~ "Collecting primarily early post-war mechanical 35mm equipment, both SLR's and rangefinders, full- and half-frame. Of particular interest are: (a) now obsolete SLR's e.g. Miranda, Topcon, Mamiya/Sekor, Konica, Fujica, Petri, etc.; (b) M42 screw mount systems with open aperture metering; (c) fixed lens or interchangeable front element rangefinders; and (d) high-end 110 and 126 format systems." E-mail: schloss-at-softcom-dot-net

  94. Holger Schult ~~ "My interest is in wooden cameras, all shutters pre-1900, Leica copies, novelty cameras (but must be working cameras), figurines with cameras, and photos with people holding cameras. I have collected cameras for the last 30 years, and I am also a member of the Australian Photographic Collectors Society. Any questions on old cameras are welcome." Web page: E-mail: vicphoto-at-ozemail-dot-com-dot-au

  95. Josef Seidl ~~ Knullwald, GERMANY ~~ Collects various types of cameras, mostly 35mm, of German origin, and likes to use his collectible cameras. E-mail: JosefSeidl-at-t-online-dot-de

  96. Chris Sherlock ~~ Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND ~~ "Collector and repairer of Kodak Retinas and Retinettes, and occasionally other 35mm cameras of the era; always needing parts." E-mail: rawhiti-at-es-dot-co-dot-nz

  97. Sam Sherman ~~ Old Bridge, NJ ~~ Collector/photographer and researcher on the history of the following camera types, brands and subjects: 2 1/4 SLR's (especially focal plane shutter Bronicas, Primarflex, Pentacon 6, Exakta 66 in all its forms, Korelle, Master Reflex and copies of same, etc.), 2 1/4 TLR's (especially fixed lens Mamiyaflex), Zeiss (especially Carl Zeiss Jena, Contax II & III postwar versions), Exakta of all kinds, Russian-Ukrainian-Soviet cameras, Univex/Universal, US made 35MM cameras (especially Perfex, Clarus, Kodak, etc.), various 120 folders 6x6 and 6x9, 8mm movie cameras and projectors, 16mm old sound and silent movies, and movie posters. E-mail: flexaret-at-sprynet-dot-com

  98. Stephen B. Shohet ~~ San Franciso, CA ~~ Interested in the history of photography and the mechanical evolution of the camera. Collector of wood and brass. Additional special interest in tri-colors, panorams, and any unusual mechanical cameras. Also 19th century images, especially Carlton Watkins. E-mail: sbshohet-at-aol-dot-com

  99. David Silver -- IDCC Moderator ~~ P.O. Box 16074, San Francisco, CA 94116 ~~ General photographic historian. Collector of pre-35mm photographic technology, specializing in classic wood and brass cameras and photographic equipment of the 19th century. President of the International Photographic Historical Organization, which offers extensive research, education, and appraisal services. Author of over sixty articles on classic cameras and the history of photography, and contributor to WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA. Author of the serial column "Buying Classic Cameras" for PHOTO SHOPPER MAGAZINE. Web page: E-mail: Telephone: (415) 681-4356

  100. Terry E. Simmons ~~ Western NY ~~ "I am a generalist, specializing in rare and unusual cameras, exposure, flash devices, viewers, and darkroom lanterns." E-mail: lynterry10-at-verizon-dot-net

  101. Marc James Small ~~ Western VA ~~ Leica, Rollei, Voigtlander, Zeiss, and Soviet/Post-Soviet Gear. E-mail: marcsmall-at-comcast-dot-net

  102. Simon A. Spaans ~~ Delft, NETHERLANDS ~~ "My main interests are Exposure meters, dating from around 1880 until 1970, from the earliest exposure table till the Selenium cell powered meters and anything in between. I've been collecting them since 1980 and the collection has grown in all those years to around 1800 different items. Included are also cameras with a built-in optical exposure meter and cameras with a built-in selenium meter from before 1960. I'm now concentrating on the (correct) history of those devices, so today I'm collecting more literature than meters. For the Dutch Photographica Collectors Club I've published some articles on exposure meters." E-mail: saspaans-at-gmail-dot-com

  103. Lew Steinfeld ~~ Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL ~~ Collection of early wood cameras, stereo, sub-minis, Leica, and early pre-Leica 35mm cameras, as well as many other types, including what appears to be an original Ben Akiba cane. E-mail: camerlew-at-infolink-dot-com-dot-br

  104. James Styles ~~ ENGLAND ~~ "My interests are post World War II English camera, and anything made by or for the Ilford company Also the occasional screw mount Leica." E-mail: styles.antech-at-o2-dot-co-dot-uk

  105. Mike H. Symons ~~ Victoria, B.C., CANADA ~~ Collector of Nikon rangefinder, early Nikon "F", and WWII NIKKO/NIKON military and "MIOJ" equipment, Nikon binoculars, and early Nikon microscopes. E-mail: msymons6456-at-telus-dot-net

  106. Mark Wahlster ~~ Silverton, OR ~~ "Collector and user of Canon FD equipment, 1950's era pre-lightmeter German rangefinders in 35mm and 120 formats. Also interested in Braun Paxettes and their accessories and lenses." Web page: E-mail: ohmymywldthg-at-aol-dot-com

  107. Frank West ~~ Fresno, CA ~~ "Anything to do with KODAK cameras and their many products...I'm your man! Buy, sell, trade, appraise...hey, I'd love to hear from you! And Folmer and Schwing Graflex and Graphic cameras as well! Also, any of Kodak's competitors from early in the 20th century, like Ansco, Agfa, Seneca, Conley, Rochester, and any of the fancy antique pretty wood and leather cameras. Drop me a line, even if you're looking for help in an unrelated camera area, because I'm your man!" E-mail: gryku-at-yahoo-dot-com (This e-mail will also reach Frank's camera collecting co-worker, Jack Ackermann, the early 20th century photography expert!)

  108. John Wilton ~~ New York, NY ~~ "Small collections of Nikon F-mount, MF, Leica LTM and M, Retina, Kiev (Contax-clone), and Rollei TLR. Let's not forget my Graflex SLRs and Speed Graphics. Weston Master meters. Nowadays I shoot with a Nikon full-frame DSLR that can use my collection of manual focus Nikkors; and large format B&W. For 4x5, 5x7 and 8x10 I enjoy using 1890s designed lenses -- Dagors, Protars -- in their beautiful, silent running air-timed Volute and Compound shutters. They took great pictures when they were new, and they are just as good now. Also enjoy using Rochester products -- Ilex, Ektar/KA, B&L. Who knew American glass was/is just as good as German/Japanese? Would like to round out my collection of Protar V's. I develop the negatives, scan them, and print with a 24" Epson whose color inks have been replaced with shades of grey. It's a great time to be alive!" E-mail: john-at-raga-dot-com

  109. Mandell Winter ~~ Denver, CO ~~ "I am drawn to most any camera. Collection of about 1000. Earliest: 1891 Ordinary Kodak Model B. I will buy entire collections or help sell collections." E-mail: mswj-at-comcast-dot-net

  110. Rick Zolla ~~ Costa Mesa, CA ~~ "I collect everything from Agfa to Zorki, but I've started to specialize in Zeiss and pre-Zeiss. I'm also an Exaktaphile. I'm new in the hobby so I have more questions then answers, but would love to hear from Zeiss fans. I'm also on the Frickr site as Montanaman1 with pictures using primarily a Minolta X-700, soon to be a classic." E-mail: N8NKN-at-aol-dot-com

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