This dragon actually could shoot fire out of it's mouth a couple of feet.  It worked by remote control and somebody was having an awfully fun time scaring the crap out of people who got too close.  It worked especially well at night.

OH MY GOD!  It's an Art Car!

Camera Obscura.  The top rotates around and projects the image of the outside world onto a table in the center, but really it's a whole lot more involved than that.  To get to the center you have to work your way in on your hands and knees along a spiral hallway, through complete darkness, you enter a time warp and the space inside seems much larger than it seems outside.  You finally emerge into a room in the center that holds about 6 people.  The table at the center looks like some kind of magic pool, it has adjustable height for focus and a pully on the ceiling rotates the scope at the top.

The Shark Car

The smoldering remains of a burned down sculpture