Media and Personal appearances
Tom Tomorrow is available for personal appearances. He has given his slide
show and lecture on campuses from Reed to Iowa State to Vassar. For more
information, contact him directly at
Upcoming Appearances
- When anything is scheduled, we'll post it.
Past Appearances
- I'll be taking part in a three day cartooning symposium, Drawing the Line:
Political Cartooning Under Pressure, at the
University of Iowa, Oct. 14-16, 1999 (and may have a booksigning at a local
bookstore sometime during the week as well). Other guests include Paul
Conrad, Aaron MacGruder, Signe Wilkenson, Jules Feiffer and Joel Pett. There is a schedule online.
- 9-9-98 On the Line (radio call-in), WNYC New York
- 9-23-98 Fresh Air - we've pulled together a page
with links to the interview in real audio and the cartoons which were mentioned.
- 10/1/98 Jim Hightower's
Chat & Chew
- 10/28/98 Michael Feldman's Whad 'ya know?.
An eight minute segement from the interview is up in real audio.
- 11/4/98 (wed), 9 am: KQED Forum 88.5 FM, San Francisco call-in program
- 11/6/98 (fri), 7:30 pm: Slide show and booksigning at Modern Times in San Francisco
- 11/7/98 , Saturday at noon in the Audre Lorde room - San Francisco Book Festival, moderating panel, "Censor This! Why The Real News Does
Not Make the News" with Gary Webb,
Peter Phillips of Project Censored and
Stephen Dunifer
of Free Radio Berkeley.
- 11/9/98 (mon), 8 pm: Slide show and booksigning at Printer's Ink in Palo Alto
- 11/10/98 (tues), 7:30 pm: Slide show and booksigning at Booksmith in San Francisco
Tom Tomorrow trading cards and autographed copies may still be available
if you stop in.
- 11/16/98 (mon), 7 p.m. Barnes & Noble at Boston University, Kenmore Square.
- 11/18/98 (wed), 9 p.m. pacific time. A taped interview with David Gans was aired
on Dead to the World on KPFA 94.1.
- 11/29/98 Tom Tomorrow was on Washington Journal on C-SPAN
on. We have a page with links to the
cartoons and other material that were mentioned.
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