Paraffin and Tow Rubber Stamp image

Welcome to Paraffin & Tow's World Wide Web page.

  Paraffin & Tow Communications Inc. is a rubber stamp, designed to create the illusion of a corporate entity. The first rubber stamp or stamps, as it were, appeared in 1978. Produced by Gil MinaMora Marcus Van Doran and Frank Kallop. The stamps signify a loose cause of public communications activity. The activity has taken the form of xerox copy distribution, billboard manipulation, performance, surface mail, t-shirts, telecommunications and raves. Started in San Francisco Paraffin & Tow now has nodes in Michigan and New Jersey.

  Below is a list of links related to Paraffin & Tow Communications its activities and collaborators, friends, family, a random link and some points of interest:

Copyright © 1978 - 2018 Gil MinaMora and P & T Comm. Inc. All rights reserved.