2002's last summit of the Spitzhorn
High Fashion and Big Udders - what's not to like?
The Cat in the Hat - Fritz on the Aebi
An evil zwergli attacks Judith as we wait for a ride up the hill
Werner and Nigel check out Fini's ass
Nigel's smell makes the cows think he's one of them, and they follow him into town
The infamous fire drill evening. It was still under control at this point, but already the participants were anticipating the Schnapps.
Later that evening, Fritz is feeling no pain. Unfortunately for all of us, the pain would return with a vengeance the next morning.
Drag Night
Nigel snaps, steals all the Pringles and disappears into the mountains
My Tiger-style kung fu is no match for Petra's Drunken Boxing
My usual haunt
Nigel finds my camera, takes a photo for posteriority posterity
Marc and Diane make sure I don't try to sneak back to the hostel
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