Molly Ivins

This page is badly in need of updating - a lot of the links are probably broken. A complete redesign wouldn't hurt either. I did do a brief update in July of 2003.

Creators syndicate which distributes her column has a bio and a page with a recent column and links at the bottom to a few previous columns.

You can also find an archive going back to early 2000 of her column in Working Asset's They have a newsletter which will alert you when new columns go online.

There is a page with her pieces for the Texas Observer (and takes you to their front page with a plea from her to donate to the magazine).

You can find her pieces in the Progressive by doing a search on their site.

Bushflash interviewed Ivins on July 10, 2003.

Mother Jones

Older Creators Syndicate Columns

from the Houston Chronicle It seems that you don't need a password to access the links below, but i haven't updated them for a long time. Back to Steve Rhodes