inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1576 of 2008: JaNell (jonl) Tue 29 May 01 09:36
Email from JaNell:

Oh, Dan - trauma moment! I'm still choking over the frog/Henson story. And
did I skim right, you're now a dad? Congrats!

Soyrah - who needs real food, when there's Soy? The many of us who are
allergic to soy do!

Another Ralphism, contributed by my older son, regarding fires... "At my
house, we call them 'Uh-Ohs'!" Although I do use the "cat food" retort
when he, or anyone else, says something particularly stupid...

Is it too early to check in for the June baby roll call? I'm the 12th;
strangely, my gun toting former neighbor otherwise known as my brother
Scott, who would be SURE that Neil is Satan, was born on June 19th, which
I believe is the start of the signing tour. I once married a couple on the
19th of June, and enjoyed how pissed off he would be if he knew, not
approving of female ministers and all...

(...wanders off into ADD-land...)

Oh, Neil. I found a copy of a Sandman related book you and Ed Kramer
edited; I can't see having EK sign it but the amusement
possibilities...maybe Joe Christ? (Still trying to get a laugh).

JaNell, now wondering if paying for a month of well access would just be
too annoying at this point.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1577 of 2008: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Tue 29 May 01 10:17
"I bent my wookie...."

JaNell - Why would your brother be convinced that Neil is Satan?
Because all british people in american movies are villians?

Will - the muffin man? the muffin man? that was actually probably my
favorite part in the movie... did you catch the bear rug in Farquaad's
You're having a hard time seeing what the fuss is about in Watchmen?
Wow... don't know what to say about that. I first read a friend's bound
copy back in 1990 and devoured it in one late night sitting.

Michelle - I can handle him in Matrix... but have you SEEN Much Ado?
It was so close to being a perfect movie... SO CLOSE! 
"he's pretty" - *snort*

gearing up to do some actual work now...
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1578 of 2008: Robynne (gorey) Tue 29 May 01 10:22
<danfowlkes>, that land parrot DNA was talking about is the kakapo, and it's
a beautiful, tragic bird.  There's some good information on the kakapo at .
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1579 of 2008: Joseph Walerko (cerebuspo) Tue 29 May 01 11:10
I don't know if i missed it , but I've yet to see the best Ralphism

Ralph: "Ewww...Daddy, this tastes like grandma."
Clancy:  "Holy Moses, it DOES taste like grandma!"

Well, perhaps it isn't the BEST one ever (or quoted verbatim...I
haven't seen the Tomacco episode in some time), but it's in my Top 10
Personal Favorite Simpsons Lines.

It feels good to post!

inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1580 of 2008: Dan Guy (danfowlkes) Tue 29 May 01 11:15
JaNell -- Not officially a father yet, but soon -- any minute now,

gorey -- Had I know how to spell "kakapo", I would have been that
specific.  Thank you for the link.

Will -- I hold "The Watchmen" in high esteem.  I taught a house course
on it for fun, just to be able to make students read it.  Among the
many other wonderful facets it has going for it, you must consider it
within its historical context in terms of what sorts of superhero
stories were being told at the time.
     I enjoyed AHWoSG; I'm a big fan of foot notes and
self-depricating humour.

Neil -- I loved the interview from Brazil.  Rob Liefeld's mouths of 40
teeth indeed.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1581 of 2008: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Tue 29 May 01 16:14
Wrote a long reply, then it got eaten by a crashing computer. So let's
try again...

Let me know if there are any questions I haven't answered in the
recent travellings. I may have missed a few...

Joseph, welcome.

Suzanne -- it depends a lot on how many people are at the signing and
how much time is actually alotted to it.  There will be a reading
(15-30 mins, no more) a Q & A (15-30 mins) and then a signing, which
will move at different speds depending on how many people there are in
the line.  (In Brazil I was doing 200 people an hour...)

Mary -- thanks

Dan -- I enjoyed hearing about your girlfriend & her professor...

THE LITTLE ENDLESS is Jill Thompson's book from start to finish -- it
took her a long time to convince the powers that be at DC that a) they
wanted it and b) it wouldn't somehow topple the franchise, by being a
really and truly kids book. Then we had lots of back and forth on the
'Mature Readers label"  (it was eventually settled in a compromise --
it's "for mature readers of all ages".

I think it's perfectly wonderful.  (But then, I'm a fan of Jill's and
of Scary Godmother.)

Stone -- not to worry, I'm just grateful that you let us know.

Will -- Word perfect used to be downloadable from the Corel website.

JaNell -- I put the restaurant into American Gods, you know.

Harper Collins will be reissuing the Sandman: Book of Dreams later in
the year.

Dan Guy -- GOOD LUCK...

The Brazilian interview -- I've never read myself translated from the
portuguese before. It's funny, all my phrases are very brazilian ...
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1582 of 2008: Joseph Walerko (cerebuspo) Tue 29 May 01 17:34
Dan Wilson -- I caught that rug in Farquaad's palace.  I spotted a
whole lot of sneaky little adult jokes in that movie, actually.  I have
a feeling that there were a few scenes cut at the last minute...John
Lithgow seemed underused.

Neil -- Thanks.  Not that I'm neglecting all the other warm welcomes
I've received!  Thank you everyone :-)

Now, I feel like breaking in my new latop with a short story buzzing
in my brain...

inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1583 of 2008: Roxanne Cataudella (rocky-nyc) Tue 29 May 01 19:01
Michelle - Walker did indeed give me a HUGE hug, trust was
enough greeting for the entire planet. But punish him anyway! *grin* 

So yeah, I'm thinking of making out your way. It should be fun and I'd
like to pass by SF too.

Did someone mention Ofra Haza?  I love her voice! There was an old
school hip hop song called "Paid in Full" by Eric B. & Rakhim using one
of her songs, and that was my first introduction to her music. I heard
that she passed away, is that true? 
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1584 of 2008: Robynne (gorey) Tue 29 May 01 19:42
(pssst.... there's a whole topic on "Shrek" in the movies conference, and
there's an entire conference devoted to food, including Indian food. Y'all
might want to explore other areas of the WELL while you have it.)
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1585 of 2008: Linda Castellani (castle) Tue 29 May 01 20:08
Rocky - from

Ofra Haza
Nov 19, 1957  -  Feb 23, 2000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A new article Summary

(Based on a special report by Yediot Aharonot/April 19, 2000)

 1. The Haza family has hired a lawyer and a private investigator!!!  The
family states: "We want to know how Ofra died"

 2. The Haza family's lawyer states:"The answers are with her husband and
Dr. Mimi Hatman"

 3.  The medical source at Tel Hashomer Hospital states: "Ofra was a
carrier but she didn't have AIDS, she died from the medicine . . .  In the
history of AIDS we know of only 8 other death cases (Worldwide) from this
rare complication."

 More information from the article is coming very soon !!!

* * * * * * * * *

However, it's been over a year, and there isn't any more information
posted yet.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1586 of 2008: Kelly (kellyhills) Tue 29 May 01 20:27
Michelle, it's not so much that I left out Ofra Haza as I've yet to
discover her music. (Yes, I did hear when she died, tho - it really
seemed to shake the music world.) I suppose I really should make the
effort to find some of her music and see if I like it.

Robynne - I keep thinking I should explore The Well more fully. Then I
keep remembering that I have a job, and I should really attend to it. 
;-)  (My web surfing habits are at an all time BAD level. I need to
knock this off. Sigh.)

Neil - I just read the reviews you posted in the American Gods
journal. Are they always that "verbose"?

inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1587 of 2008: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Tue 29 May 01 22:18
Neil - Yeah.. I was wondering about that For Mature Readers logo
emblazened on the ad... Fascinating. Thanks for the insight into the
process... My girlfriend was quite surprised at how many spin-offs of
Sandman exist (Dead Boy Detectives, Lucifer series, this one-shot, the
Dreaming, etc. etc.) so soon after you completed it. And she hasn't
even seen the collection of short stories yet... It's an incredible
testament to your creation that so many people want to play in your
sandbox... as it were.

Joseph - I think we are in the minority on that bear rug... most
people I've talked to about it missed it completely, and were
delightfully appalled when I drew their attention to it.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1588 of 2008: Linda Castellani (castle) Tue 29 May 01 22:52

Remind me Dan - in e-mail, maybe so we don't spoil it for others...?
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1589 of 2008: Kelly (kellyhills) Tue 29 May 01 22:54
Ditto - could you remind me as well, Dan? Just saw the movie, but for
the life of me can't draw the bear rug to mind...
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1590 of 2008: Robynne (gorey) Tue 29 May 01 22:59
Type "g mov" to get to the Movies conference. There are several hundred
topics there. One of them is devoted to "Shrek."
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1591 of 2008: Dan Guy (danfowlkes) Wed 30 May 01 05:24
Neil -- _The Little Endless Storybook_?  Oh my!  I can't wait.
     In regards to the Brazillian interview, I thought you sounded
rather like yourself.  Do you mean that you normally sound Brazillian?
     I loved your latest blog'ed comments.  I'm rather looking forward
to saying just those sorts of things to my children.  And anybody who
says "Black endpapers. Yum..." in regards to opening a book has my
complete approval.

Thus far the baby is refusing to exit the womb.  And so we wait...
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1592 of 2008: Len Schiff (theboojum) Wed 30 May 01 06:11
Rocky--  my friend used to be Ofra Haza's accompanist... none of us
bothered to see her in concert then... now she's shrouded in mystique
and it's too late.  I feel dumb.

Neil-- Welcome home.  If Jill Thompson is doing the Li'l Endless
series, I have faith, but in general, the Sandman spin-off stuff has
kind of disappointed me (except for Lucifer, which I do like.)  It's
like in a tv or movie series, when a new actor takes on a role you're
used to seeing the original actor play (George Lazenby anyone?)  When
_you_ write endless/dreaming material I happily read and re-read every
scrap...anybody else, it doesn't have the same resonance for me.

A book recommendation for those out there who cook or eat-- Kitchen
Confidential, by Anthony Bourdain.  I read it in two sittings-- would
have done it in one, but I was forcibly dragged away.  The book is sold
as a punk/Hunter S. Thompson-type book about the restaurant biz--
amazingly funny and profane.  He's particularly hostile to Emeril
Lagasse (calls him "Ewok-like, among other things,) which I find very
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1593 of 2008: Bill^2 (billbill) Wed 30 May 01 06:44
Apropos of nothing, there is a funny English-American translation
guide at .

Ah, it will be a good couple of weeks... tomorrow we get "Snow, Glass,
Apples" to tide us all over until the 19th...

Are there any plans to make "Murder Mysteries" and "SGA" available as
CDs? Audible's nice and all, but impractical for those of us without
portable MP3 players.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1594 of 2008: Mimi Ko (miko-chan) Wed 30 May 01 08:01
Angelina -- Is it really a good idea to encourage me in writing super
long posts? ^_- (Thanks for the reassurance!) Jetlag is better now ---
it actually helps to be going to work, since I'm forced get my time
adjusted. And debrageous conjures images of big hair and big lacey
frills... (I spent forever trying to figure out all the words aside
from 'My little pony, my little pony' in the MLP song. ^_^;)

Rocky -- Yes, the MET was lovely! The photography section and the
section containing John Singer Sargent paintings were closed, so I was
a bit bummed about that, but the Jackie Kennedy exhibit was really
interesting. (Got there early so it wasn't crowded.) They did a good
job with the installation to make it a walk through the presidential
years, and the multimedia elements were a nice touch. And I'll pray to
the gods of moving for you. ^_-

Joseph -- Hi! Welcome. ^_^

Bill -- The English-American translation guide *is* funny! Thanks for
the link.

Neil -- Welcome home. ^_^ Enjoyed the Brazilian interview, and your
comment about manga being cinematic is dead on. I've never really
articulated it, but that's probably why reading American comics were a
bit jarring for me at first --- the flow of the stories and how you eye
goes across the page is quite distinctly different... American comics
felt to me a bit more like stop motion, but the reader does indeed
spend a lot more time poring over each page. Manga has more of a
tendency to go whoosh, but the visual pacing feels more evident and
scenes tend to stick more visually (for me anyway). In any case, love
'em both! ^_-

Reading the stories in the British edition of Smoke and Mirrors that
aren't in the American. Borrowed it from my friend... I insisted that
she pick it up when we were in the bookstore, not knowing that there
are stories in there that I haven't read. So it does pay off to spread
the Neil around. :P (She loves the stories, btw.)

-- Mimi
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1595 of 2008: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Wed 30 May 01 09:15
So good things come from bad; though my word processor died, it
supplied the motivation for my parents to get me the laptop they'd
promised me since graduation last year (in the meantime getting my
brother a laptop, a camera, and a car...).  I just ordered it last
night, top of the line, all silver; "it looked like it exceeded the
speed limit" (you should all get *that* line, I take it [and now I
*really* hope I didn't misquote]).  I've been revising in Word the past
couple nights, which is somewhat foreign, but going well, and I
haven't gotten a rejection yet, after five weeks, from the last agent
(I sent it to seven, and got six so far), so please send some good
vibes my way.

Mimi- stay as verbose as you wish--what's the point of having the
account if you're not using it?

Dan- missed the rug.  Sorry.

Neil, re: missed questions- If Stardust isn't one of the greatest,
what do you consider to be?  I don't mean classics, either; I mean,
your favorite stories.  And thanks for the Word Perfect hint; I tried
it, but I think something was wrong with the computer itself <scratches
head>.  Ah, well; the new one comes with it pre-loaded.
And signing question; you said that you would sign three books per
person, besides any bought at the signing.  Is that still valid,
considering the kind of crowd you attracted in Brazil (I'm so picturing
a crowd like greeted Du Jour in the beginning of Josie and The
Pussycats [okay, I didn't know how to underline, and it looked
obnoxious in all caps])?

Oh, and a general question, for all of you; any insight on Watchmen,
for me to keep in mind as I go?  Specifically Danguy- I was all of
seven in the mid-eighties, so I don't know much about the stories of
the day, if you can clear that up.

On Neil as Satan, and the English as evil: well, "The English normally
play villains in American movies (Empire Strikes Back), because of the
Revolutionary War.  And the French play more esoteric characters, who
say "My name is Pierre, and I come to have sex with your family,"
because of the debt of honor to Lafayette (you know your own history,
no?  You don't have a clue, do you?)"
Sorry.  Like I said, just saw the uncut Eddie Izzard (it's so hard to
get it out of your head.  I've even inadvertantly switched into an
English accent at times [me.  A guy from South Jersey, and NYC])

-Will, who is trying to listen to CDs, and wondering why his computer
keeps skipping, and what is, and why Winamp is always trying
to find it, if there's a CD in there...
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1596 of 2008: Bill Williams (billbill) Wed 30 May 01 09:31
CDDB is an online database of CD artists, titles and song titles. Once
run by user submissions, they have closed access to their database to
all companies that don't pay them royalties, while continuing to use
the data that all us poor schlubs gave them. Check out
for more details, there's plenty there. Winamp is trying to find CDDB
so it can automagically tell you what the song titles are. The skipping
is more of a mystery, likely caused by Winamp trying to dial up to the
internet to find CDDB. FWIW...
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1597 of 2008: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Wed 30 May 01 10:31
Linda and Kelly - you've got mail!

Len - Lucifer is damn good stuff, isn't it? I haven't been collecting
any comics since Astro City kind of petered out (as far as I know, it's
not happening... but when issues were only coming out every 4-6 months
I kind of lost track), so I was delighted to find that my GF had the
run of Lucifer. Although based on Neil's Lucifer, he DOES come off
different, though. He seems a little more like a supremely powerful
John Constantine than anything else. That's probably because he's
actually doing something other than telling people to "sod off, I'm

Will - Well, I wasn't reading comics in the 80's and discovered the
great work of that era in the early 90's. But what I found so
compelling was the tackling of issues of sexuality, the fact that with
one notable exception there were no super-powers... just people who
wore costumes and did the best they could... even if they got their
capes caught in doors and were killed in the process, the use of
excerpts of novels as framing devices, the different approaches to
storytelling depending on the character..etc.etc.etc...
That and Rorschach is just one of the most fascinating and disturbing
crimefighters I've ever read.

Bill - So *that's* what french people are always saying... I can never
quite tell with the accent.

Dan, the Bear Hunter....
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1598 of 2008: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Wed 30 May 01 11:28
Kelly -- reviews verbose? Depends on the reviewer  (there's the famous
review of I am a Camera that consisted of the three words "Me no
Leica").  I'll put links up to reviews as they come in. I may even
review some of them...

Dan -- patience...

Len -- the odd thing is that there have been some good things along
the way, with spinoffs from my stuff, but Lucifer is certainly the
first time I've ever been excited about wanting to know what happens. 

Bill -- yup, Harper Audio should be doing them -- sometime within the

Mimi -- glad your friend liked Smoke and Mirrors (and you got the
extra stories).  3 of them will be on the ebook edition of  Smoke and
Mirrors. 2 of them will turn up in The Next Short Story Collection,
although I may put all of them out in the US in some cheap edition so
no-one feels they're being forced to buy something. It's a weird kind
of balancing act... 

Will -- my very favourite stories? Mr Punch,  Murder Mysteries, Snow
Glass Apples, Sandman stories "Ramadan" and  "Midsummer Night's Dream"
and books Game of You and The Kindly Ones.  American Gods. 
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1599 of 2008: Linda Castellani (castle) Wed 30 May 01 15:31

Thanks, Dan!  I missed that somehow.  Thanks for telling me.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1600 of 2008: Linda Castellani (castle) Wed 30 May 01 15:32
E-mail from Matej:

Neil -- As the publication date for American Gods draws nearer, the Czech
Republic seems farther and farther away. Ever since I found out that there
will eventually be a translated version, I have been trying to find out if
the English version will be released as well (hopefully on June 19). I
contacted one publisher who I thought might be involved, but he knew nothing
about it and suggested I contact another publisher. Well, this publisher
doesn't seem to exist. Now for my question: I was wondering if you had any
more information on the Czech publication. That is, who is going to be doing
it and whether or not someone plans to release it in English. Not only would
ordering the book take some time, but many places do not ship to the Czech
Republic (for reasons that are beyond my comprehension). I'm sorry to bother
you with this. Glad to hear you're feeling better (with the voice and all)
and that you are home safe and sound. I hope the Czech publication of AG
will prompt a visit.

Martha -- A belated reply. No, they do not put lemon in the wine here, but I
don't think it would surprise me at this point if they did. And about seeing
Neil here for a signing, it would just be nice to shake his hand and say
thanks ... and the kid in me would just think it was really cool to meet

I can only chime in on the meeting famous people discussion to say that I
met David Hasselhof once when I was really little and have met some famous
Czech people -- for the most part, they were really cool. I also "met" Tori
Amos at post show meet ¹n¹ greet in Toronto. I felt a little silly that it
made me go as weak in the knees as it did, but she was extremely cool and
gave me a hug.

- Matej, who wishes that he didn't feel so behind the rest of you -- Moulin
Rouge soundtrack and movie? I'll be lucky if those get here before the end
of the summer.


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