inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1601 of 2008: Kelly (kellyhills) Wed 30 May 01 15:39
Whoa, DanW. I'm meeting Karawynn tonight. Small, small world. (Yes, I
was reading your web site after getting your mail - and thank you!)
Oddly, someone referred me to her site to read Natalies work, as well. 

Actually, it's sort of strange how things link together - when I was
exploring her site, I came across her mentions of talking with Neil,
writing a story about The Endless, etc etc. Funny how everything moves
in such small circles, isn't it? (Does anyone *else* here know of
Karawynn? Just curious...)

Neil - too funny; I sputtered my green tea everywhere. I think they
need to invent waterproof laptops.

Another question for you, if you don't mind? I noticed you mentioned
things being changed between the American and UK editions of American
Gods, and believe similar happened with Neverwhere? (In fact, I had
been told that jokes and other phrases had been completely changed
between UK and US versions of Neverwhere. This led to slight annoyance
at Avon, a many-yeared hunt looking for the UK edition, and finally
giving up and thoroughly enjoying the US edition this last weekend.
But, I digress...) Why do editors make the decision to change things?
Is it as simple as spelling, or are jokes and phrases actually changed
as well? As a writer, do you end up preferring one version to another?

Definitely more than one question mark in there; oops.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1602 of 2008: experience uncut Martha (madman) Wed 30 May 01 15:46

I found Karawynn's web site a few years ago. Read through it, read her
Endless story. I had gotten there not because of Neil but from another
vector entirely, and yes, small world.

I was at BayCon this past weekend, with <streak> and <gorey>. The three of
us were in a room dedicated to upcoming ConJose (in 2002, I believe) and
they had a paper on the wall where people could write the names of people
they'd like to see at ConJose. We were mildly amused to see Jon Carroll's
name on the list and so, on a WELL vibe, <streak> wrote "Martha Soukup".
Some random guy in the room watched him do this and said, "why not also add
Neil Gaiman?"
This amused me twice- once, because we had just talked about doing just that
but since he doesn't seem to do many cons it just didn't seem particularly
likely; and again, just because of the strong connection between the two
authors that was in this guy's mind.

I almost bought a copy of Smoke and Mirrors at the Con, but someone else got
it. So I bought _Software_ instead, finished it, and am now reading the last
of the Jane Lindskald that I own but have not read: _When the Gods Are
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1603 of 2008: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Wed 30 May 01 16:08
I discovered Karawynn as a result of seeing (at the Dreaming perhaps?)
a mention of her Delirium story, and of a Mervyn story someone else
had written, and how it had been supposed to make it into the short
story collection but didn't. I trotted to her site and loved the story
so much that I explored it to its deepest waters. I was just starting
my explorations into the concept of polyamory at that point and the
materials she had available on her site were extremely useful to me.
I was on her e-mail list for a while too, but something happened and I
stopped getting them. I need to go sign back up for them, I think. I
miss reading about her adventures.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1604 of 2008: Joseph Walerko (cerebuspo) Wed 30 May 01 17:26
Mimi - thanks :-)

Will - I watch my copy of Eddie Izzard's "Dress To Kill" show all the
time!  I know what you mean about switching to an accent...I often find
myself referring to people as "cheeky monkies" just like he does, and
I'm from northern New Jersey.  Even now, I'm recalling the portion of
the show he does almost entirely in French...

Neil - Just thought I'd let you know I've been spreading the good word
about your new book to all my literate friends.  I just gave one close
friend a copy of "Smoke and Mirrors" for his birthday, and now he
keeps bugging me for all my Sandman paperbacks and my copy of
"Neverwhere".  Another one of my friends won't return my tapes of the
Neverwhere BBC series.  Eventually, I got around to showing a few
people the rather poor video I made of you in NYC for the Last Angel
Tour.  I only had an hour's worth of juice in the battery, and no
tripod, but from what I captured, they loved seeing and hearing you

Soon, ALL of my friends will be your loyal readers.  Everything is
proceeding as I have forseen...

inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1605 of 2008: Martha Soukup (soukup) Wed 30 May 01 17:43
Jon Carroll, or Jonathan Carroll?  I think Jon Carroll is a lovely
columnist, and he's local, but I'm not sure what his interest would be to an
sf con in particular.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1606 of 2008: experience uncut Martha (madman) Wed 30 May 01 17:48

We all looked at it and thought of <jrc>. Who they meant I have no idea, as
I don't know who wrote it. At this point, I don't even remember for sure
whether they said "Jon" or "Jonathan"- maybe one of the others remembers.
Either way, it sent us on a WELL vibe, so now you're listed.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1607 of 2008: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Wed 30 May 01 18:26
Matej -- the best advice I can give you would be to find out whether or ship to Czechoslovakia and order a copy of
the US or the Uk edition. I don't know who the Czechoslovakian
publisher is, I'm afraid but I'll try and remember to ask my agents'
foreign rights department.

Kelly -- say hi to the eponymous Karawynn for me.

There's very little difference between the US and the UK versions of
American Gods. Spelling, a couple of words that mean different things
on different sides of the atlantic, and a little punctuation.

Neverwhere... hmm, I'm pretty sure I've talked about that here or on
the late topic 74. You may want to look and see first...

This post cut short as I have a bedtime story to read to someone
small. (Diana Wynne Jones's STEALER OF SOULS in her book MIXED MAGICS,
and *I* want to know what happens next.)
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1608 of 2008: Michelle Montrose-Hyman (miss-mousey) Wed 30 May 01 20:23
Urgh. The phone company must not have received the last payment I sent
because I just called the bank and they never received a cancelled
check. So I'm running my web-addiction on a calling card.

Any way, just wanted to add a brief note on Neverwhere (I *know*
Neil's put up a better description, and I think it was in topic 74, but
if you're not looking for detail): US has a lot more explanation of
things that specifically British, like the Underground, or certain
streets. And as a result of explanation, it turned out much longer than
the UK edition, so the
was left out. Just a little bit of background on Croup and Vandemar.
Still, if you can get your hands on a copy of the UK edition, it's a
neat little intro.

squeaks, who should have bought a bigger phone card.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1609 of 2008: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Wed 30 May 01 20:41
Madman -- oddly enough (or not) I'm actually a founding signed-up
member of ConJose, because Cheryl Morgan told me to presubscribe
several years ago, in New Zealand or somewhere equally as unlikely.

Not that I'm likely to go, of course, but you never know.

Joseph -- the official video should be out any moment -- I've not
heard anything from the CBLDF, and it's not up on their website, but it
should be around very soon. Thanks for spreading the word.

Michelle -- actually the bit at the beginning with Croup and Vandemar
was lost because my editor felt that we should stick with Richard and
not Confuse The Issue.

When Headline reprinted Neverwhere recently, I sent them the mss. of
the International Edition, which is the author's preferred text. But
instead of using it they set the book from the US edition.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1610 of 2008: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Wed 30 May 01 20:44
By the way, Michelle -- the French edition of STARDUST just arrived.
I'll put one on one side for you.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1611 of 2008: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Wed 30 May 01 22:10
Just asked if I'd do a signing in Australia. Said "Are you kidding?
I'd love to!" So we'll see if it comes to anything... we'll have to see
whether Hodder are going to send me downunder.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1612 of 2008: Mary Roane (the-roane) Wed 30 May 01 22:56
O.K. Will & Joseph-- no more making me laugh while eating Jello.  "Le
sange est sur le branche!" My friend Clay & I sign off our e-mails with
an Eddie quote in French.  I can't wait for "Circle" to come out
either. The show was great.

Hey Neil--what's your favorite Eddie Izzard tape?

Squeaks--I hate it when stuff like that happens! Hope it's
straightened out soon!

Len--you know all the cool people.

Joe--I'm doing the same thing to all my friends, and now I *have* to
go to both signings in Chicago so I can go with different groups of
friends.  *sigh*  So much trouble!  ;-)

Ooooooo, Australia.  Sounds delightful (provided you don't try to keep
the insane schedule you're keeping in the States <wags finger

Mary <<goes off singing..."and a big monkey pie'....>>
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1613 of 2008: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Wed 30 May 01 23:41
Mary -- Live at the Ambassadors. You never forget your first.

And if I go to Australia I get to spend time with Eddie Campbell and
family, which is as good as a holiday.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1614 of 2008: Kelly (kellyhills) Thu 31 May 01 00:31
I feel like a Tori song... (message duly passed)

And thanks, I shall search topic 74 for more detail - I *am* quite
curious.  :-)

inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1615 of 2008: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Thu 31 May 01 06:48
Neil- haven't yet seen Ambassadors; patiently waiting for it to arrive
via mail.  I'm also reading Mixed Magics; I went on a hunt to find
Howl's Moving Castle (which has not been in a single bookstore in all
of Manhattan, so, really, what's the use of the city?), but found other
books instead.

Madman, and Martha- Wasn't a Jonathan Carroll fan until yesterday.  I
didn't like Land of Laughs all that much, but Outside the Dog Museum
has stopped me in a couple of places.

Kelly- I discovered Karawynn through The Dreaming, too, and loved her
Delirium story.

Joe- 1) What part of Jersey are you in?  2) Did you become an engineer
for the same reason that I studied medicine?  Just curious...

Michelle- hope you get the phone thing straightened out... we *still*
don't have long distance on ours (long story, mostly involving my
roommate), so I've been thinking of getting a cell phone, but am not
ready for anyone to be able to reach me at all times.  Frightening,

Mary- sorry to make you laugh while eating Jell-O.  My fault.  Oh, and
You're covered in bees.

-Will, who likes his coffee like he likes his women... in a paper cup.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1616 of 2008: Joseph Walerko (cerebuspo) Thu 31 May 01 09:20
Will - 1) Bergen County, up north.  In July, though, I'm moving to
       2) I became a computer engineer because I figured it would make
me a lot of money.  It was a rather greedy reason, but I made the
decision in high school.  It wasn't until my 3rd year in college that I
realized that there was more artist in me than engineer.  So I just
toughed it out my remaining 2 years, and now here I am; working for the
US DOD, making the money I need to film my first movie.

Ugh...that answer was a little longer than I had planned it to be. 
Moving on...

Neil - I read somewhere (perhaps your journal) about the dictionary of
phrase and fable you own (the formal title of the book escapes me at
the moment).  I decided to check it out and I loved it.  I was
wondering if there were any other reference-type books on slang,
phrases, and/or mythology that you recommend I look into.  I'm working
on building my fledgeling library, and any advice would be greatly
appreciated.  BTW, thanks for the info on the Neverwhere VHS tapes.  I
can't wait to own a clean copy.

inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1617 of 2008: Suzanne Scott (dreaming) Thu 31 May 01 09:55
Gosh... you step away from the computer for a few days... *grins*
Now if I can only recall the things I wanted to comment on... hmmm...

Will... I actually like the VELVET GOLDMINE sdtk much better than the
film, which I thought was okay. It seemed to be lacking something.  One
of the reasons I watched it was that I had been reading about Izzard
and couldn't locate anything on him.  Need to see if I can locate any
of his videos for rental (or perhaps get the library to order some if
we don't have them) since you all have peaked my interest again.

Dan... Since we haven't seen SHREK yet, waiting for the kiwi bloke to
arrive, and if I miss the bear thing... could you please email it to me
so that I may be enlightened (in case I'm still in the shadows).  I'll
stick a spoiler note on it and wait until after the film to read.

Regarding Keanu... Michelle is correct in the matter than most of his
film as best with the sound off.  He's pretty and good in stoner dude
or rolls in which his dialogue is limited (was a shame to have him in
MUCH ADO, and again, he wasn't so bad until he spoke then you had to
cringe).  TUNE IN TOMORROW was all the more humorous (to me) for the
way he kept going in and out of his accent (Peter Faulk steals the
film, IMHO).

Neil... Thank you very much for the information on the reading. Does
appear I will be able to take in the reading and Q&A for certain,
signing (depending on the crowd) will be more of the questionable
factor.  Only had one roadtripfromhell and I think that's all a person
is allowed, knock wood.

Regarding your favorite stories... A GAME OF YOU was the first title
of yours that I read. Actually, other than the Ripley's comics my dad
would by for me as a child on our vacations, it was the first title I
really read and followed.  Lyn Peterson, who once owned a comic book
store in Vegas called Page After Page, suggested I read it.  I had
walked in to purchase Mobius & VAMPIRE LESTAT comics as a suprise gift
for my x and our conversation went something like this... "Here, try
this title.  No, go ahead, take it.  If you like it pay for it when you
come back in." Hmmm... he KNEW it was a narcotic and that I'd be

Finally, on your advice about writing for publication, I've attempted
to use it in my writing at work and I do believe there's an
improvement. As we can tell, it has yet to be applied to my personal

Michelle... Hope the telephone is reconnected. It can be a HUGE pain
dealing with the utilities companies.  BTW... what do you prefer to be
called? Michelle or Squeaks?

(who just realized she needs to be at work in an hour which brings to
mind the old adage about time flying)
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1618 of 2008: Trev/Walker (nightwalker) Thu 31 May 01 11:28
( perks up )

French edition of STARDUST?

( :P's at Squeaker )

I'm *still* trying to track down weird-international-versions of
NEVERWHERE down (being a NEVERWHERE completist)... the BBC Hardcover
seems to have dissappeared.

Neil - Just returned from Manhattan... and saw one of the first stops
on the AM-G tour... the Borders at the World Trade Center... looks a
little cramped. Hope the tour goes well, and you're resting up nicely
before hand.

Rocky - Thanks for a great night on Saturday w/Andy and the crew. That
was fun... and Mexican Radio has now ruined all Mexican food for me...
and I live in LA (sighs)... it was SO good. You Must Come Out Here.

-- Trev/Walker --
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1619 of 2008: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Thu 31 May 01 12:14
Suzanne - Now that you know that there is a nasty little bear thing, i
doubt you'll miss it.
Eddie Izzard also did a fun little turn as Disco Tony P in Mystery
Men, which is worth a watch (or four, as it gets funnier the more you
see it) for lots of reasons.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1620 of 2008: Linda Castellani (castle) Thu 31 May 01 15:02
E-mail from Douglas Spadotto:

"Hi Neil.
I read about the statistics in your journal-website, and would like to ask
if the 227 Brazilian visitors where individual visitors, not one guy going
there over and over again. Like myself. I go there about 5 times a day. It's
on my list of 'sites to check everyday', along with comicscontinuum, ign and
others(free advertising for my favorite websites, hehehe).
We're behind the Finns! I'll start a campaign with my friends to visit the
journal everyday. And read, not only 'visit'.


Douglas Spadotto
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1621 of 2008: Linda Castellani (castle) Thu 31 May 01 15:02
E-mail from Sean Michaels:

Re: the whole Karawynn thing... an interesting double-coincidence...

 I suppose I might as well tell this little story... About six weeks ago
(is it that?), I became captivated by what appeared to be an underground
marketing campaign for the upcoming Spielberg/Kubrick film A.I.. Whereas I
had previously harboured negligible interest in the movie, the discovery
(at AICN) of a series of dozens of websites, containing original art,
writing, puzzles and mysteries, all linked in with the trailers and
hard-copy promotional material, was utterly fascinating. It sounds sort-of
marketing-ee and nerdy in this context, but whatever gaming company
(possible Bungie) is running this show has developed a first-class science
fiction mystery, with astoundingly difficult puzzles to solve, and very
well-written content to help you through. Anyway... early on in this, a
group of people spontaneously started a Yahoo Group called Cloudmakers,
with a mailing-list to combine efforts to 'solve the mystery' inherent in
the pseudo-campaign. Now numbering several thousand people, Cloudmakers, as
we're called ( is a remarkable demonstration of
the power of the Internet to unite people, and combine their energies...

So where am I going with this...

First of all, Karawynn's a member, and I saw her website after having
corresponded with her. Never heard of her before that.

More interestingly (in the context of this WELL discussion), Cloudmakers
has an IRC chat-room. I haven't been there in at least a couple of weeks,
but one evening I wander in and who do I see? "DanGuy". This was mere days
since Dan Guy had made his lengthy introduction here, and as I'm a devious
lurker, it still stuck in my mind. "Are you the Neil Gaiman Dan Guy?" I
asked, much to the confusion of the other people in the room. "Yes," he

Anyway, that's the Sean-Karawynn-Dan Guy-Stanley Kubrick connection. Small
world indeed. Apologies for the lengthy post.

inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1622 of 2008: Linda Castellani (castle) Thu 31 May 01 15:02
E-mail from Dianna:

Tree/Jinx (there is only one of you, right?) - Thanks for the movie info.

Matej - i know just how you feel about the culture lag, really i do.

Famous person meeting story: Sheila Chandra. i was invited backstage 
by my good friend who was her tour promoter and when he introduced me 
to her i froze completely. Not like me at all. (i'm shy yes, but not 
totally sad - well not usually).

She was so astonishingly beautiful and her singing had completely 
mesmerised me (no photo or CD does her justice) and while she made 
intelligent and friendly conversation, i might as well have been 
struck by lightning for all the reply i could make. i gazed about 
hoping someone would come and rescue me. Fortunately she rescued 
herself from my stunned silence and found a distracting small dog 
(cuter than buttons) to chat with and then moved on to intelligent 
human beings.

As we were leaving she came up to me and said the nicest things. She 
was too sweet. My friend the promoter said he understood completely. 
"If only you'd met her before you heard her sing - you would have 
been alright," he said. He too was a muddle...

Oh, the things i wish i'd said.... L'esprit d'escalier.

Bill - wrt the English/American definitions - There is also 
'screwing' as in: "I was screwing around with my friend in biology 
class," which here, means having sex :) And sad means pathetic, but 
you all knew that.

Neil - Hooray!!!! Even a hint of you coming here means that all my 
pestering of book peddlers, purveyors and publishing people hasn't 
been for nought :)

inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1623 of 2008: Linda Castellani (castle) Thu 31 May 01 15:03
E-mail from Jouni:

Hi Neil and others.

Been awhile, eh?

Started bugging OTAVA (which publishes Neil's books in finnish) about
American Gods (and if OTAVA has plans translating it anytime soon) and got a
reply (very friendly one) from publishing editor Laura Beck, that ofcourse
American Gods will be translated in finnish, but she couldn't give any
specific date when it will come out. She also seemed delighted that there is
alreary interest about the book.

She also thanked me for the address to the AG-website and promised to drop
by (also mentioned beein' a Gaiman-fan herself).

So Neil, if you could put a few kind words about how well OTAVA has handled
things with you to the next journal entry... ;-)

....just kidding.

Jouni (one of the 238)
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1624 of 2008: Linda Castellani (castle) Thu 31 May 01 15:03
E-mail from Stone Meul:

HI, I've just been looking over the Neil Gaiman posts and I noticed that
there were two comments directed at "Stone", and I checked the other
posts to
see if there was anybody with that name and couldn't find anyone. Were
comments directed at me?
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #1625 of 2008: shira burton (whispered) Thu 31 May 01 17:04
My dad was for some reason reading USA Today today and brought me home
a clipping called "A dark twist on 'Snow White' story," about guess
who. ;) My dad wasn't sure why there was an article about you in USA
Today, Neil, because it's a horrible paper.. but anyway, it was neat to
see it.

Everyone probably knows about this, already, but... just putting my
word in, late or not. The play is lovely, by the way.



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