inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #251 of 379: Linda Castellani (castle) Thu 14 Jun 01 10:18
>And, conversely, learning not to take it too hard when youi DON'T get the
>response you were looking for.  

Or, even worse, when you don't get any response at all.

Which can be a huge let-down when it follows a conversation in which you
got a lot of attention.  
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #252 of 379: David Gans (tnf) Thu 14 Jun 01 10:25

See <inkwell.vue.107>  :^)
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #253 of 379: musing generally (satyr) Thu 14 Jun 01 11:35
> the WELL's huge gift to the world in terms of defining discussion
> hosting (rather than moderating)

In recent months there've been many occasions, as cohost of the Energy
conference, when I've needed to remind myself that I'm just a host and
no one expects me to be an expert.  Thankfully!
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #254 of 379: David Gans (tnf) Thu 14 Jun 01 15:56
I have been trying to impart 15 years of hosting wisdom on another system
lately, without much luck.  There are people who do not believe there can
possibly be any value in a system that costs $15 to join.  Thhat's bass
ackwards from where I sit, but maybe we're b etter off without those people.
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #255 of 379: Dodge (hnowell) Thu 14 Jun 01 17:27
Probably. It's a hard concept to define to others though. I see it
every time I go into another forum though. The flame wars can get
really really bad there - not that we don't have them here but there's
not as much control over them there. There's no control over staying on
topic. We have so much fewer nothing posts to scroll through here.
It''s...very hard to define but it's just so much more pleasant
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #256 of 379: David Gans (tnf) Thu 14 Jun 01 17:42
wThe monthly charge here is apparently a reasonable barrier against the sort
of drive-by bullshit that plagues the places where you don't have to present
a traceable identity when you sign up.
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #257 of 379: Gail Williams (gail) Thu 14 Jun 01 17:47

Yes.  Such an odd counter-intuitive business model.  The barrier to 
entry is a large part of what is valuable about the service.  

That's at least as profoundly complexifying as the fact of the 
customers being the content producers, which is true in all forums.
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #258 of 379: Mike Gunderloy (ffmike123) Thu 14 Jun 01 21:28
Of course, sometimes all the barrier to entry gets us is a more
affluent class of flamers.
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #259 of 379: Dodge (hnowell) Fri 15 Jun 01 07:12
This is true - but the Bozo Filter helps a lot there.
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #260 of 379: Gail Williams (gail) Fri 15 Jun 01 07:22
Did you hear that the original Bozo show finally got filtered?
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #261 of 379: Dodge (hnowell) Fri 15 Jun 01 07:29
Oh, yeah. Saw that. Where did I see that? Yeah. Got canned. Put in the
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #262 of 379: Cliff Figallo (fig) Fri 15 Jun 01 13:41
The barrier to entry at the Farm was, "you gotta sign a vow of
poverty." That served as quite a powerful filter. I'm still paying for
it, but I'm still reaping the rewards from it, too.

Stewart Brand built his brand by being counterintuitive. 
"Let's make a catalog where the readers do the writing."
"Let's have an event where we give away $10,000 even though we don't
pay our employees jack shit."
"Let's have a business where everyone - including me - gets paid the
same minimal rate."
"Let's start a business that charges too little to make a profit." 
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #263 of 379: Gail Williams (gail) Fri 15 Jun 01 17:17

This has been a great topic, Cliff & Katie.  I have a lot of questions I
didn't get to, but one thing I want to do as a reference is to link here
to other places where anyone with a password could talk about the book.  

I think the criticisms of the book have been generally civil, nobody has
been beastly, and the discussions are interesting, though perhaps not as
fun as talking with Katie has been.  Here are the ones I know about...

(Still also linked to eff.845 media.1359 wired.252, the original WIRED 
Article topic, with new book discussion starting at about post 1239)

<books.1381>        Yo! There's a book about the Well

And two more very small starts I am aware of...  
<vc.427>  and <metawell.265>

Just for reference.  And for anyone poking around for fun and looking for
an antidote to the heaviness of history, I thought the 16th anniversary topic 
from the Genx conf was cool.  That's <genx.1683> which asks the personal
Q, Where were you when the WELL was born?  

Thanks so much.  It's been provocative, informative and good company, too. 
Not that you have to stop or anything...  this would certianly be the
place for a reminder post about the reading in Marin right before the
WELL's annual July picnic...
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #264 of 379: Linda Castellani (castle) Fri 15 Jun 01 17:27

Yes, please do repost the details of your upcoming book appearances,

Thanks very, very much to both of you, Katie and Cliff for doing such an
admirable job on a subject that we all feel strongly about.

You are welcome to continue for as long as you like, but the official two
week part of the interview is now over.  Stick around, we'd love to have
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #265 of 379: Bob 'rab' Bickford (rab) Fri 15 Jun 01 18:10

  Thanks from me (over here in the peanut gallery) as well!
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #266 of 379: Evan Hodgens (evan) Fri 15 Jun 01 19:49

Thanks, too, from another peanut.
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #267 of 379: Gerard Van der Leun (boswell) Sat 16 Jun 01 08:40
A book about the Well?

*This* is the book about the Well.

We own our own words.
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #268 of 379: musing generally (satyr) Sat 16 Jun 01 09:00
Well, no, actually, this is just a taste.

For the real thing see <>...
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #269 of 379: the invetned stiff is dumb (bbraasch) Sat 16 Jun 01 09:12
One of the first treasures I found when I first started reading the old
topics was <tex>'s stories of life on the bus in the archives.  These
are great stories that start with acid trips in Golden Gate Park and the
Monday Night classes that followed, then eventually to buying and
painting the buses, then the idea of driving the buses back home to show
the folks this new world, with the idea that they would understand it
and embrace it, and that would change the world.

A friend of my brothers had returned to Chicago in one of those 
buses.  They also brought a mirror ball and a lot of grateful dead 

Those buses are probably sitting in lots all over the country these
days, but this place is still running, spreading ideas around and
bringing people together.
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #270 of 379: Gail Williams (gail) Sat 16 Jun 01 10:07
Yes.  And the contact high you get from time to time requires no cube,
pane nor square of blotter paper for transmission.  Ideas, visions, 
delusions and affections can get into your brain here, and as time passes 
they ferment and become culture.  (Ah, man, I swore i wasn't going to use 
drug or yogurt analogies again, what have you done?)  

You know, because I came to the WELL from a counterculture context some 
of the most interesting things I first discovered were from the other
side of life..  those amazing submarine stories from Chuck put me into 
a whole nother reality, and still do.  More stories, different kinds of
voices, more humble and not so humble opinions are our life blood.  May 
it continue and outlive us all.  
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #271 of 379: MVS (selhorst) Mon 18 Jun 01 23:31
And speaking of the old days, does anyone know where "Oakleaf" went? I
think she left many years ago, but was a great help way back when.
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #272 of 379: Linda Castellani (castle) Tue 19 Jun 01 11:55
    <scribbled by castle Fri 22 Jun 01 13:51>
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #273 of 379: MVS (selhorst) Wed 20 Jun 01 03:28
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #274 of 379: Lena M. Diethelm (lendie) Thu 21 Jun 01 00:03
    <scribbled by castle Fri 22 Jun 01 13:52>
inkwell.vue.113 : Katie Hafner: The Well-A Story of Love, Death, and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community
permalink #275 of 379: Gerard Van der Leun (boswell) Thu 21 Jun 01 18:13

Tonight, at Katie's request, I read a section from The Well
at echo's read-only series at KGB down on 4th Street.

I'd agreed to this in an off-hand way a month or so ago
thinking it would be a slam dunk on my way home one night.

I'd had several sections copied out of the book -- fig and tex
maria wilhelm, katz, the well then, the well now, the idiot founders and
owners ... a host of savvy, trenchant, cynical and amusing
little anecdotes. All nicely bundled and ready to amuse.

But when I got down to it, I realized what I already knew that it
isn't a book about the Well except as a frame. It's a book
about Tom and I knew it would be probably my last chance to
put a little of what I knew of him into a reading that would
be listened to by at least a few people who would intuit
who he was and what his life meant to this still fledgling
and struggling medium.

So at the last minute I found myself compelled to read the
passages about his last days.

I'm usually pretty good at public speaking and reading. Glib,
fast on my feet, a full sheaf of various rhetorical tricks
and techniques, but tonight I don't think I was very good
at it at all. In fact, it was the hardest thing I've done
in years. Easy to introduce and start but becoming progressively
harder to maintian my composure as the whole nightmare
unwound again over a few pages to the obvious ending.

In fact, to my irritation, I sort of lost it a couple of times.
Very unprofessional.

But I did get through it and left immediately, hailed a cab
and went downtown and over the bridge, looking at the whole
city sinking down into night and feeling mawkish and silly
that Tom's been gone since the last century and, yet, grateful
to Katie Hafner that she had seen fit to put what really
mattered about Tom Mandel's life into a book where it will
go on long after all this is erased.


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