inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #176 of 2008: Glen Seymour (jonl) Mon 25 Jun 01 12:00
Email from Glen Seymour:

I'm going to raise my hand (see 151).  The first time I met Neil I chatted
pleasantly with him, asked how he met Tori, blah blah blah.

The second signing I went to was Mr Punch.  I introduced myself from being
on GEnie, and had him and Dave McKean sign my jacket.  Neil asked me a
simple question about my nickname, and I froze.  I couldn't answer.  I
felt more and more nervous as they continued to doodle on my jacket
sleeves.  I could barely say thank you, then ran off.

Looking back, I realize that it was his question that threw me.  I
couldn't believe he'd ask me a question.

The third time I met him, I spent most of the time explaining that the 3
books I had were for 3 different people and all was well.

- The Other Glen
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #177 of 2008: Rebecca Atchison (jonl) Mon 25 Jun 01 12:01
Email from Rebecca Atchison:

JaNell--yes, indeed, that was me back there with the hair.  Which is
really the most outgoing thing about me, sorry about that.  I think you
said something after whacking me with your bag.  Well, more like tapping,
but whacking sounds so much more dramatic, although I suppose they might
have escorted you out Joseph-Beth's at that point, mightn't they?  So
we'll call it a tap.  

And yes, now I'll always have to live with the fact that my first words to
Neil were about a tree imprint.  I believe I even threatened to tell the
local newspaper when he said something about how no-one would know. Urgh.  
That fangirl disease thing.  I think I'd collected myself by the time we
got to the second book and I asked him something POLITE and much more
socially acceptable, about Mr. Amano (who by the way is one of my very
favourite artists).

Angelina--thank you for making room! (you too, JaNell!) I think I shall
try to worm my way in.

inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #178 of 2008: Tara O'Shea (uisgejack) Mon 25 Jun 01 13:23
heya wellians!

I stayed up until about 3am Saturday night, and finished the book.
Without giving anything away, I was pleased to have figured one thing
out very early, and surprised completely by another, and all in all,
I'm going to enjoy re-reading this book for a very long time.

On the subject of getting nervous around Himself, after that very
first signing in '92, I didn't keep taking my dad along, but I admit
that I do still get a little nervous and say silly things. I think it's
more the crowds than anything else. And the fact that I'm terribly
still in awe of neil 'cause he's so smart :) the part where he's a
sweetie-pie helps keep the awe at bay, but I can't help it. I may be a
tiny bit clever, but I'll never be half so smart, even it I ate his
brain.  And if I ate his brain, then where would I get new books to
read? Then there's the bit where I'm insanely jealous of neil's
library.  But that's a post for another day. :)

I think I was fearless when I was younger. Not just fearless at
signings--I mean fearless in general. For some reason, I never seemed
to get half so tongue-tired partly because I was too foolish to know
better, but partly because I really wasn't so self-conscious. I
actually miss that. I second guess myself more now than I ever did
then.  (A big part of it has to do with getting fired from a job I
adored several years ago, and that hit me harder than I realised at the
time. But that is neither here nor there.) 

Sometimes, I just need to chill :) I think when I'm relaxed, I'm much
more fun to be around. But I'll probably still always get butterflies.
I think it's 'cause things that are important to me--like people whom I
admire and whom like very much--I want to treat carefully. And on a
good day, I have more faith in my ability to do that than I do on a bad
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #179 of 2008: Tara O'Shea (uisgejack) Mon 25 Jun 01 13:29
ahem... make that:

"...and whom I like."

Silly subject, buggering off like that. It shall have no supper.
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #180 of 2008: Kathy Li (jonl) Mon 25 Jun 01 14:01
Email from Kathy Li:

Will - Shadow's real name (and confirmation of same) have been posted on
the messageboard section of the American Gods website.

Erynn - Much sympathies!  [firm hug] Have been there, and done that and
regretted it greatly.  Have only felt better by constant practice.  Go to
all the booksignings you possibly can! <g> Tara is completely right about
the fearlessness of youth: I worry too much now that I'm going to look a
complete fool, and I didn't used to.  Being able to do the fan-girl/boy
thing is a special brand of courage, I think, that partakes of the
confidence of childhood.  Last year, I sat next to Neil at a meal, and
blew it by being tongue-tied and a coward.

Which is probably why I didn't jump off the bridge into the creek, either.  
But I'm pleased to report that Neil did, thus giving him the answer to his
mother's question of "And if all your friends jumped off a bridge, would
you?"  He only did it after Mike jumped, though. :-D

inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #181 of 2008: Suzanne Scott (dreaming) Mon 25 Jun 01 14:18
Welcome Rebecca! Surely there's space here for you... just be careful
you don't tread on George. 

Elise -- Another vote for Delirium hair!

Okay... just called Vromans and they will be giving out line ticket. 
Have this fear that we'll have to leave the signing before we get up to
see Neil.  Unfortunately, there's a mandatory staff meeting on Friday
and the latest flight back to LV on Thursday is at 9:30p.  So... with
that said... anyone else going to be in Pasadena?

inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #182 of 2008: Angelina Venti (velvetraisin) Mon 25 Jun 01 15:22
Elise--yes, yes!  Del hair!
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #183 of 2008: Jon Lebkowsky (jonl) Mon 25 Jun 01 16:16
Dear Mob from 104,

We have a precious few copies of _American Gods_ that we can give on a
first-come, first-served basis to those of you who are members of the WELL
and will agree to participate in the upcoming discussion of the book (as
if we could keep you away!)

Email me if you're interested.
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #184 of 2008: Erynn Miles (erynn-miles) Mon 25 Jun 01 17:00
Elise- Yet another vote for Delirium hair!

Martha- I'm with you on unpreparedness. I forgot to call the bookstore
ahead of time to ask about thier procedures, so when I got there, was
shocked to find out that we all had to buy AG from them to get a number
in line. I had planned on buying something Neil, but had already
bought AG Tuesday. So Jess had to go back home and get more money. It
all worked out, though. Now more people own (and are loving) AG, that
otherwise didn't expect to own it.

Neil- First of all, Thank you for a lovely reading and such and Good
Luck on the rest of the tour (and make sure to find time to sleep) and,
I don't expect you to remember this....but just in case: I was the one
with shortish red hair wearing a see-through black thingy with
tastles, red dress thingy with flowers underneathe standing next to
tall persons who asked you to write something rude and insulting and
you did. Dunno. But if you do for some reason remember, that was me.
Ha. Oh yes, and I'm glad you told The Pumpkin Story.

To all of you: thank you for the sympathies, despite many silly people
(including myself),I enjoyed myself and I do plan to go to more
signings and would go to more right now if I could take off work and
had money to travel. Ah, I haven't felt a rush like that in a long
time. It was like waiting in line for a rollercoaster, only it wasn't a
rollercoaster of course, it was Neil. (and I like Neil better than
rollercoasters) All through the line I kept saying to myself, outloud
apparently, "He's not a Hyperbeing, he's just a man, He's not a
Hyperbeing, just a man." My friend, who didn't understand kept nudging
me to shut up and laughed at me. When I got closer to him, despite a
weird aura surrounding him that made me kind of tingly, I realized that
he is, in fact, human...and a well-acting-entusiastic-but-tired one at
that. And he seemed very happy about a pen that someone had given him
in Chicago. I could say so much more, but it would take up way too much
space on this lovely forum.

Rebecca- Heeeellllloooooo!

Okie. Hubby made me dinner. Will post later.

And Neil, once again YOU'RE MARVOLOUS! Try to stay alive:)
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #185 of 2008: Martha Soukup (soukup) Mon 25 Jun 01 17:04
Roller coasters are pretty good though.
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #186 of 2008: Jenny B. (ophelia-b) Mon 25 Jun 01 17:18
Neil - Good luck on the rest of the tour!  Hope the room service gets
better.  :-)

Got back about an hour ago from Cleveland.  I missed meeting everyone
except Tori Bat (Hey Tori!)  Angelina were you sitting up on the
platform thingie in Dayton?  Were you in approximately the second row? 
I wasn't entirely sure what you look like and I'm too damn shy. I was
so tempted to yell "Who all here is from the Well?", but again, too
shy.  If any of you noticed a girl with a rubber duck that was either
me or one of two people I gave ducks to at the signings.  It was
interesting going to three signings in a row, and I'm wondering if
there really are only about four or five questions Neil gets asked and
everyone just draws them out of a hat at some point before the signing.
 "What's happening with such and such a movie?"  "Are you going to
work with Terry Pratchett again?"  "Why did you end Sandman?"  "What's
the deal with Miracleman?"  So I had lots of fun and was actually
comfortable enough this time around to say stuff to Neil, but then
realized that even though my tongue was now untied I couldn't actually
think of anything to say.  I think the high point of the whole weekend
was getting up to Neil at Cleveland where he told me and my roommate
that we were both 'barking mad' for driving all over the place.  The
thing is, even if Neil didn't sign things or talk to anyone, I'd still
go for the reading and q and a because it's just great good fun to hear
the stories he tells, both real and imaginary.  That's all for now.

Barking Mad Jen, who hopes everyone who can't physically make it to a
signing at least vividly dreams about being at one tonight.
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #187 of 2008: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Mon 25 Jun 01 18:31
Well, I'm looking forward to having my own story in about 48 hours or

I can't believe that review gave so much away!! I'm so glad I didn't
read reviews before reading the book, because it was such a joy to be
taken surprise by things like the "I believe" monologue.

I'm a bit annoyed because I still have been unable to acquire a copy
of the tape of the performance of Troll Bridge I directed a couple of
years ago. The @#$^$ artistic director, who has the tapes, has godlike
procrastination abilities. I had wanted to give it to Neil on
Wednesday, but no go... maybe the NEXT signing...

Michelle - Maybe I'll ask you about the DeathGuild on Wednesday. 
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #188 of 2008: JaNell (janell) Mon 25 Jun 01 19:05
Rebecca, you will live in my mind for that tree imprint comment-only
sorry you said it first. It's exactly the kind of smart-ass thing I
would say. On the other hand, I'll feel proud to have made some sort of
lasting impact on Neil... even if it's just a tree-shaped dent on his

Tap vs. whack- it was a tap; whacking is over hand and deliberate, but
it was just too crowded for my big ol' bag and bound to happen that
I'd bump someone with it...
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #189 of 2008: Angelina Venti (velvetraisin) Mon 25 Jun 01 19:08
Jen--Yes, yes, yes.  That was me.  I did see you...or maybe someone
else with a rubber duck.  Had I known it was you....I most certainly
had the urge to yell "Is anyone from The Well?" before the whole thing
got started, but unfortunately I didn't work up the nerve.  I had tried
it once before around 4:30 when there were a dozen or so people with
poor results, and so I kept my mouth shut after that...

inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #190 of 2008: Jenny B. (ophelia-b) Mon 25 Jun 01 20:07
Angelina - damn.  At the Dayton signing I was the only one with a
duck.  We were what, five feet from each other?  I kept thinking "Is
that her?  I'm not sure... should I go over and say hi?  What if she
thinks I'm crazy?  Crap.  I'm going to find out later it was her and
feel stupid."  And here I am.  :-)  We should've all worn special
nametags.  :-)

B.M. Jen
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #191 of 2008: Martha Soukup (soukup) Mon 25 Jun 01 23:16
I won't be wearing a nametag.  Think of me as shy.
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #192 of 2008: Linda Castellani (castle) Mon 25 Jun 01 23:39

There is actually a WELL tradition, started by <evy> at gatherings of this
sort.  She has been known to stand up on a chair and yell, "Is anybody
here from the WELL?" and thus we all find each other!

I personally am too shy to do that, but it would be cool if someone
would.  Especially at Cody's on Wednesday night.  Why yes, this is a
hint.  %^)
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #193 of 2008: experience uncut Martha (madman) Mon 25 Jun 01 23:55

Well, I'll be at Cody's on Wednesday night, but I'm unlikely to be cool
enough to do that. But I'll try to wear a nametag.
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #194 of 2008: Mary Roane (the-roane) Tue 26 Jun 01 00:09
O.K. I owe you all, and especially Neil, an apology.  My phone line
has been down since Friday morning, and was only fixed today while I
was at work, so I am now relaying the message that Neil entrusted me
with on Friday.  

He wanted me to tell everyone that he was sorry that he had not been
posting, that it was hard for him to keep up, and that he would do his
best to come on & post occasionally while he's on the road.  He brought
it up on at least 2 different occasions, so please, everyone, know
that he really does worry about not being here.  He said that it comes
out of sleeping time, to which I replied that I was pretty sure all of
us would rather see him get a little rest.

After catching up on Blogger today, I still feel that way.  Are they
trying to kill him, or is he trying to kill himself?  This schedule is
nuts.  Particularly driving all over the place. Ugh.

O.K., stories.  My friend Debbie, who lurks here & is Tara's new best
friend, has a 12 year old son named Chris, who loved Stardust.  He was
coming with her to the signing, but he forgot which day it was & told
his mom that he had a field trip on Friday. Debbie said, "Not if you're
coming to the signing--that's Friday".  To which Chris replied, "Oh,
Neil's cooler than the Art Institute."  (The Art Institute in Chicago
has the largest collection of Impressionist painting in the States, and
American Gothic (!) and Nighthawks & Sunday on the Island of La Grande
Jatte).  When Debbie told him this story Neil seemed quite amused, and
told Chris he rocked.  Later Chris asked us, "If Neil says I rock,
does that make it official?'  We assured him that it did.

Neil looked a little tired while he was here, but quite well, other
than that.  He has lost a few pounds since I saw him last fall, and it
suits him.

And I have to admit that when I met him last year at the Chicago 
Humanities Festival (my first time) I didn't make as big an ass of
myself as I feared.  But I got really lucky.  Tara, Todd, Mark & I had
stood around talking to each other for so long that all the people who
were getting things signed (and there were only about 20-30 of them)
had gone & Neil was sitting at a table signing stock for Stars Our
Destination.  I walked up & asked Alice if she had any copies Of
"Angels & Visitations", not wanting to disturb the Great Man.  Neil
looked up & said, "Try Dreamhaven" & we talked about that for a minute,
then I asked him why he had been reading up on the Ramayana, and Mark,
who's really into Hindu myth jumped in, and the next thing you know,
the 5 of us are chatting away while Neil signed stock & we helped the
Stars folk pack up. It was delightful, and was the subject of many
conversations for months to come. (Wooow...we talked to *Neil
Gaiman*!!!!) Since Neil knows a lot about everything (I am convinced of
this) he makes it easy--he can chat about *lots* of things.  I've been
going to signings & readings for 5 years now and I've seen him put a
lot of nervous people at ease.  He's nice, and genuinely nice people
are rare creatures, indeed.

If anyone has any doubts about introducing yourself, do it.  He seemed
genuinely glad to see Tara (who he's known for years) and even silly
me.  Remember he's looking at a lot of people he doesn't know--it's got
to be nice to see a friendly face.

And speaking of friendly faces--I got to meet Margret at both
signings!  She's very nice, and she flew all the way from Syracuse,
N.Y., so she rocks.  Hi, Margret!!


Elise--go for it!

O.K., sorry this was so long and so late, but I had such a good time
Friday that I was still in a good mood Monday--and that's got to be a
miracle!  I'm gonna go read a little more of The Book--I dreamed about
Shadow & Wednesday all night last night, but I can't remember what they
were doing.  I was just wondering why the book was going on while I
wasn't reading it......

Mary, savoring the living daylights out of this one........
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #195 of 2008: Blythe Summers (blythe-summers) Tue 26 Jun 01 01:30
Hello, well, Im going to post my signing story from Seattle (the one
for the UW bookstore)

He read from chpt two when Shadow wakes up the next morning after
agreeing to work for Wednesday. I learned from the q&a that if Neil
could have any super-power, it would be to make many duplicates of
himself so he could get more things done and say no to fewer people. He
also discussed the lack of an apostrophe on his libretto.

Anyhow, I can remember that he also discussed three of the worst books
he's every read and I promply forgot the titles and authors so that
bit of information is sadly uninteresting.

So I had these big plans. I was going to ask a bright question for the
q&a. Didn't happen. I was going to be calm and collected when it was
my turn. Really didn't happen. I fell all to pieces the moment I stood
in front of Neil. I'm incredibly proud of myself.

It went something like this:

Neil:   You really shouldn't be terrified

me:     That's what you told me last time

Neil:   Well if that's what I told you last time and its not helping Im
not sure what to say

me:     [hysterical giggle or something, fighting tears]

Neil:   Did you try holding your breath and counting to three?

me:     [breath held, sort of counted to 3, perhaps forgot how to count]

Guy from bookstore:
        I don't think it's helping

me:     [much shaking]

Neil:   [starts signing my book, every once in awhile looking up to make
sure I'm still breathing]

me:     [frantically afraid I will say nothing meaningful]
        Ok, I have something to say and I'm going to say it! 

Neil:   Ok [he stops signing]

me:     You're my favorite author! And I never thought I'd have one until
I read all your books! 

Neil:   And I still am?

me:     Yes! And you always will be! You're such an inspiration to me!
[tears barely kept at bay]

Neil:   Do I get a hug?

me:     [wide eyes, probably a gasp]
        Can I?

Neil:   [gives me a wonderfully nice hug]

me:     [happily and profusely thanks him]

So anyway, even if I did fall apart, tonight was easily one of the
best nights I've ever had.  Someday I would like to say something
intelligent to Neil and be able to speak calmly. It's good to have
goals I think.  --  Sorry about the long post!! 

About American Gods. Did anyone else (or if you're not far, keep a
look out) see a possible cameo by Delerium and Death? I don't think
that gives anything away...

Mary- I had a dream about American Gods too. It was disturbing,
because I had somehow finished the book, but the *storm* had never
come. I was quite upset until I woke up.
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #196 of 2008: Blythe Summers (blythe-summers) Tue 26 Jun 01 01:47

A quick note to Neil:

Thank you so much for being so understanding at the signing. You are
easily one of the nicest men on the planet! If you read the above post,
then you might remember I'm the blonde girl who became utterly
*terrified* when it was my turn. Hopefully someday I will be able to
say something intelligent to you in person. Thank you for coming and
for writing and for signing! I hope Seattle treated you well.

inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #197 of 2008: Roxanne Cataudella (rocky-nyc) Tue 26 Jun 01 03:57
Hey folks, took another look at Neil's schedule today and this tour
might just be the Eco-challenge of all book signings. He is probably
going to need a nice dark room afterwards. And I finally understand why
he has to wear dark glasses, the flashes from all the pictures must be
hell on the eyes. 

Neil - After reading the reports on the multitudes attending the
signings, I hope "Deliverance Immediate" really works. ;>

Blythe - I was grinning from ear-to-ear while reading your post, that
was so sweet. 

inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #198 of 2008: JaNell (janell) Tue 26 Jun 01 06:24
I couldn't figure out the eco-challenge thing, Rocky, until I realized
that, if Neil's publishers manage to kill him off with this unwieldy
signing tour, they will definitely have destroyed an irreplaceable
natural resource.

Perhaps this should be called the "Neil Gaiman: Endangered Species"
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #199 of 2008: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Tue 26 Jun 01 06:35
Kathy Li- Thanks so much for that; question answered... though I'm
still curious about the clues, and such-like.  I figgered it was
something along those lines...

Blythe- what a great story!  How cute <grin>.

JaNell- I think, since there's only one of him, he's more than
endangered; he's precious, and treasured, and priceless.

On meeting Neil- I agree; introduce yourself; he will know who you
are, and he'll be pretty enthusiastic about it.  I have to say that the
hardest part is getting past the idea that you need something to say;
it's almost like chatting up a girl, and thinking you need a pick-up
line.  You don't.  I wanted to say something witty, and clever, because
I'm so used to Neil's being witty, and clever, but I found out that
he's a normal guy, and a simple 'hi, I'm Will (or, well, whatever your
name happens to be, right there)' works just fine.

-Will, whose best friend was utterly surprised when Neil said, "Oh,
you're Will!  From the Well.  The topic's ending... DanGuy had his
inkwell.vue.115 : The Mob from 104:!
permalink #200 of 2008: JaNell (janell) Tue 26 Jun 01 06:44
Will, didn't you hear? 
We're just agonna hafta clone the boy (see Topic 104).


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