inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #26 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Tue 14 Oct 03 13:38
Folk/bluegrass/jazz musician Bill Amatneek will be our guest for two weeks
starting October 17. Bill has played with the best -- from Bill Monroe to
the Chambers Brothers -- and his book, "Acoustic Stories," offers insights
into the music and those who play it.

Halloween sees short story writer Charlie Stross joining us to talk with 
Cory Doctorow about "Singularity Sky," Charlie's first science fiction 

On November 14, futurist Derek Woodgate begins a two-week stint in Inkwell
to share his expertise and to discuss his new book, "Future Frequencies."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #27 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Mon 17 Nov 03 15:29
Starting November 28, author Max Ludington begins a two-week stint to
discuss his first novel, "Tiger in a Trance," the story of a teen who
follows the Grateful Dead from show to show.

Following Max on December 12, Illinois State University professor Curtis
White joins us to talk about how middlebrow culture affects politics and
more, as detailed in his latest book, "The Middle Mind."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #28 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Wed 24 Dec 03 10:03

This year in Inkwell we've had a fascinating variety of guests covering a
wide range of subjects, from music to food, from the spiritual to the
technical. There's a lot to explore. Here are just a few of the talented
people who have visited with us during 2003:

      * Richie Unterberger examines the folk-rock movement (topic 196)

      * Jeff Tamarkin delves into the Jefferson Airplane (topic 189)

      * Eric Gower shares his culinary expertise (topic 197)

      * Julie Powell gabs about her passion for Julia Child (topic 195)

      * Matthew Fox looks at Original Blessing (topic 183)

      * Scoop Nisker broaches Buddhism and boomers (topic 188)

      * John Ross converses about Wi-Fi (topic 191)

      * Matisse Enzer covers Mac OS X's Unix implementation (topic 180)
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #29 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Wed 24 Dec 03 10:13
And coming up in 2004:

At the beginning of January, author and Viridian proponent Bruce Sterling
returns for his annual State of the World palaver with Inkwell host Jon

Starting January 16, Ellen Ullman joins us to talk about her latest science
fiction work, "The Bug." 

Author David Shenk follows Ellen for the first two weeks of February for a 
discussion about his bestselling book, "The Forgetting," an examination of
the Alzheimer's epidemic we'll be facing in the 21st century.
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #30 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Thu 5 Feb 04 08:29

Beginning February 13, Steven Johnson shares his experiences as guinea pig
undergoing everything from biofeedback to the latest MRI, and his book on
the subject, "Mind Wide Open: Your Brain and the Neuroscience of Everyday
Life." This is Steven's second stint in Inkwell. He first joined us two
years ago with his then-new book, "Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants,
Brains, Cities, and Software" (see <inkwell.vue.139>),

Starting February 27, we'll find out "Who Really Matters: The Core Group
Theory of Power, Privilege, and Success" as bestselling author Art Kleiner
shares his insights on the business world and the myth that "the customer
always comes first."

Low-carbers will want to mark March 12-26 on their calendars because
cookbook authors Kitty Broihier and Kim Mayone will share their expertise
and some fabulous recipes from their newly published "The Everyday Low Carb
Slow Cooker Cookbook."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #31 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Mon 1 Mar 04 16:33

Low-carbers will want to mark March 12-26 on their calendars because
cookbook authors Kitty Broihier and Kim Mayone will share their expertise
and some fabulous recipes from their newly published "The Everyday Low Carb
Slow Cooker Cookbook."

March 26 to April 9, Ramon Sender Barayon shares his personal story in 
"A Death in Zamora." Ramon is the son of world famous novelist and well-known 
leftist Ramon J. Sender. Ramon's book details his search as an adult to 
discover the fate of his mother, who was imprisoned in the 1930s by Franco's 
troops during the Spanish civil war.

Starting April 9, interior designer Randall Koll and journalist Casey Ellis,
who specializes in design and lifestyle pieces, join us to offer tips on
making your home more functional and other tidbits from their new book, "The
Organized Home: Design Solutions for Clutter-Free Living."

John Shirley returns to Inkwell on April 23, but not to talk about the
cyberpunk genre for which he is famous. He's covering entirely different
ground in his latest work, "Gurdjieff: An Introduction to His Life and

May 7 to 21, we have another Inkwell returnee in Dave Zimmer, who'll be
expounding on folk rock's Mount Rushmore in "4 Way Street: The Crosby,
Stills, Nash & Young Reader."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #32 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Thu 6 May 04 17:15

May 7 to 21, Dave Zimmer, who first appeared in Inkwell two years ago (see
topic 152), returns to expound again on folk rock's Mount Rushmore in "4 Way
Street: The Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Reader."

May 21 to June 4, Martin Torgoff, author of "Can't Find My Way Home," joins
us to explore the drug culture -- from jazz musicians of the '40s through
beats, hippies and beyond -- and how it and the War on Drugs has affected
our world.

Starting June 4, Jesse Sublett, a singer/songwriter-turned-turned-novelist
who was once the prime suspect in his girlfriend's murder, offers a candid
examination of his life in "Never the Same Again."

On June 18, Mary Mackey returns to Inkwell in her alter ego, Kate Clemens,
to gab with us about "Sweet Revenge," her comic novel about a woman who
launches a successful business as a revenge consultant.

July 2 to 16, Francesca De Grandis, best known for her serious books on
feminist spirituality, shows a different side of herself in her humorous new
work, "The Modern Goddess' Guide to Life: How to Be Absolutely Divine On a
Daily Basis."

Beginning July 16, author and journalist Susan McCarthy shares her expansive
knowledge of animals and their behaviors in her new book, "Becoming a Tiger:
How Baby Animals Learn to Live in the Wild."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #33 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Wed 14 Jul 04 08:14

On July 16, author and journalist Susan McCarthy brings her expansive
knowledge of animals and their behaviors along with her wonderfully wry
sense of humor to a discussion of her new book, "Becoming a Tiger: How Baby
Animals Learn to Live in the Wild."

Beginning July 30, Jay Kinney, who in a past visit to Inkwell delved into
spiritual traditions of the East,  returns to examine the myriad symbolist
and occult philosophies addressed in his latest book, "The Inner West: An
Introduction to the Hidden Wisdom of the West."

From August 13 to 27, cyberpunk, futurist and frequent Inkwell guest Bruce
Sterling joins us again to talk about his new novel, "The Zenith Angle," a
techno-thriller that weaves events of 9/11, technology and the spy world
into a taught tale of intrigue.

Starting August 27, editors Alex Steffen and Jamais Cascio
join contributing writers Emily Gertz and Jon Lebkowsky to brainstorm on
models, tools and ideas for building a better future.
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #34 of 180: Jon Lebkowsky (jonl) Fri 13 Aug 04 09:27
Bruce Sterling is traveling on August 13, so that conversation will launch 
on Monday, August 16, instead.
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #35 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Fri 20 Aug 04 10:28
Starting August 27, editors Alex Steffen and Jamais Cascio
join contributing writers Emily Gertz and Jon Lebkowsky to brainstorm on
models, tools and ideas for building a better future.

On September 10, former New Yorker editor Craig Seligman, author of "Sontag
& Kael: Opposites Attract Me," visits to share his insights on two of the
20th century's most influential movie critics.

Micah Sifry and Nancy Watzman begin their two weeks in Inkwell on Sept. 24,
delving into the world of campaign finance and the special interest
groups that play both sides of the field in "Is That a Politician in Your
Pocket?: Washington on $2 Million a Day."

Beginning October 8, business and technology columnist Dan Gillmor, author
of "We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People,"
examines the ways the Internet is challenging major media outlets in terms
of how, where and by whom news is provided.

October 22 through November 5, Inkwell delivers a double header:

Christian Crumlish, who last appeared in Inkwell to talk about software 
<inkwell.vue.167> returns to discuss another side of technology as
explored in his new book, "The Power Of Many: How The Living Web Is
Transforming Politics, Business, And Everyday Life."

Also, political analyst and multi-media journalist Farai Chideya, author of
"Reaching the 100 Million Missing Voters," shares her concerns about the
epidemic of voter apathy in the United States.
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #36 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Wed 27 Oct 04 14:23

On November 5, "The Politics of Deceit" author Glenn Smith begins a two-week
stint in Inkwell to delve into the dirty tricks used by a radical
conservative minority to gain political power.

Beginning November 19, we present a double-header:

In "The Police Log II: The Nimrod Imbroglios," Kevin Hoover serves up a
second helping of his deliciously wry take on criminal behavior in in a
small northern California town, as originally reported by Hoover in his
"Arcata Eye" weekly newspaper.

Also, Carol Brightman, who first joined us to discuss the Grateful Dead in
<inkwell.vue.29>, returns to explore the United States failure to offer an
effective national security strategy, as detailed by her latest book, "Total

From December 3 through December 17, Mike Rose, author of "The Mind at
Work," counters traditional assumptions about blue collar workers'
intellectual capabilities and offers compelling evidence that it takes a
quick mind as well as a strong body to do that kind of work.

Starting December 17, "Counterculture Through the Ages" coauthor Ken Goffman
(AKA R.U.Sirius, cofounder of Mondo 2000) closes out the year with an
exploration of how rebels, ranters and rabble-rousers throughout history
have made a difference.
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #37 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Wed 15 Dec 04 08:46

Beginning this Friday, "Counterculture Through the Ages" coauthor Ken
Goffman (AKA R.U.Sirius, cofounder of Mondo 2000) joins us with a look at
how rebels, ranters and rabble-rousers throughout history have made a

January 3-14, the new year begins with our annual "State of the World" rant
'n' rave between cyberpunk/sci fi author and Viridian movement founder Bruce
Sterling and Inkwell host Jon Lebkowsky.

Starting January 14, "New Civilisation" magazine editor Sajjad Khan and
contributing writer Farooq Khan (no relation) join us to examine the Islamic
viewpoint firsthand.

From January 28 to February 11, "Spam Kings" author and journalist Brian
McWilliams delivers a revealing look at the hucksters who clog our email
boxes with offers of everything from barnyard sex photos to penile

February 11-25: Inkwell guests Elisabeth and Eric Freeman, co-authors of
"Head First Design Patterns," dish out concrete advice on how to avoid
reinventing the wheel when faced with software design problems.

Starting February 25, futurist Derek Woodgate and his colleague Wayne
Pethrick delve into progressive culture and the six-stage studies process
they have developed in their book, "Future Frequencies."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #38 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Wed 23 Feb 05 08:52

Starting February 25, futurist Derek Woodgate and his colleague Wayne
Pethrick delve into progressive culture and the six-stage studies process
they have developed in their book, "Future Frequencies."

On March 11, Ricardo Cortes joins us with a kinder, gentler and non-
hysterical, non "War On Some Drugs" response to the issues surrounding the
most widely used illegal plant in the world, and to discuss his new
children's book, "It's Just a Plant, a children's story of marijuana."

Beginning March 25, Canadian rock-music historian John Einarson, author of
"Mr. Tambourine Man," examines the life of musician Gene Clark, co-founder
of the seminal '60s folk-rock group The Byrds.

From April 8 through 22, Deborah Santana -- cofounder of the philanthropic
Milagro Foundation along with her husband, Carlos Santana -- shares stories
of her life and personal growth as detailed in her autobiography, "Space
Between the Stars."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #39 of 180: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Mon 21 Mar 05 21:00
Did we say "Mr. Tambourine Man" was coming March 25? Change in plans!
Starting Friday the 25th we'll be featuring a conversation about The
WELL at Twenty -- yes, 20 years online!
Join us here to look back and ahead with community pioneers and WELL
veterans Howard Rheingold, Cliff Figallo, and many other friends. Share
your WELL experiences and discuss the state of online communities in
their varied manifestations.

(If you have WELL stories you aren't ready to share with the wide
world on the Web, log in and drop by <welltales.> for more intimate or
not ready for prime-time nostalgia.)

(We'll be rescheduling the Einarson "Mr Tambourine Man" conversation.
Stay tuned.)
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #40 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Wed 13 Apr 05 14:48

Starting April 22, Canadian rock music historian John Einarson, whose
previous work includes biographies of Neil Young, John Kay & Steppenwolf,
and the Guess Who, joins us to talk about his latest book, "Mr. Tambourine
Man," an examination of the musical influence of Byrds founder Gene Clark.

From May 6 to 20, software designer and development team leader Scott
Berkun, who's called upon his 10 years of experience in the field to write
"The Art of Project Management," will share his expertise on how to
sucessfully plan, manage and lead projects.

For two weeks beginning May 20, Oliver Trager (who first joined us in
Inkwell in the summer of '02 to talk about seminal hipster Lord Buckley)
returns to delve into the life of Bob Dylan, as explored in Trager's new
book, "Keys to the Rain."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #41 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Mon 16 May 05 15:07

Coming this Friday (May 20), Oliver Trager (who first participated in
Inkwell in the summer of '02 to talk about seminal hipster Lord Buckley)
returns to delve into the life of Bob Dylan, as explored in Trager's new
book, "Keys to the Rain."

Starting June 6, New York Times technology writer John Markoff joins us in
Inkwell to examine the link between the radical politics of the 1960s and
the prevalence of home computers today, as detailed in his new book, "What
the Dormouse Said: How the 60s Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer."

June 17 through July 1, people who are thinking of dumping Internet Explorer
and looking for a new browser will glean plenty of useful information  when
Scott Granneman talks about his new book, "Don't Click on the Blue E!:
Switching to Firefox."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #42 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Tue 21 Jun 05 14:23

July 1-15: Former Inkwell host Jon Lebkowsky and his co-author, Mitch
Ratcliffe, explore the information age technology that allows people to
break down barriers to collaboration and access to power, and puts them in
charge of the entire political process, as detailed in their book, "Extreme

Beginning July 15, Howard Bryant -- who first appeared in Inkwell to talk
about racism and the Red Sox -- returns to us with his latest book, "Juicing
the Game," which examines athletes' use of steroids and other performance-
enhancing drugs in professional baseball.

From July 29 to August 12, director-turned-author Marisa Silver joins us to
share her thoughts on her debut novel, "No Direction Home," a tale of three
youths whose lives intersect unexpectedly in a home in Los Angeles.
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #43 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Thu 21 Jul 05 11:42

From July 29 to August 12, director-turned-author Marisa Silver joins us to
talk about her debut novel, "No Direction Home," a tale of three youths
whose lives intersect unexpectedly in a home in Los Angeles.

Beginning August 12, JD Lasica, author of "Darknet: Hollywood's War Against
the Digital Generation," delves into the issues surrounding copyright and
fair use laws and how they apply to the growing trend of home entertainment.
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #44 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Tue 9 Aug 05 11:06

Beginning August 12, JD Lasica, author of "Darknet: Hollywood's War Against
the Digital Generation," delves into the issues surrounding copyright and
fair use laws and how they apply to the growing trend of home entertainment.

Starting August 26, Jordan Smith will share stories from "Nature Noir," a
memoir of his 14 years as a ranger along a 48-mile stretch of the American
River, his discovery of the first person killed by a cougar in California in
a hundred years, and the three dozen deaths, murders and suicides that
occurred during his watch.

From September 9 to 23, Temple University professor and former rocker Lisa
Rhodes explores the burgeoning role of women in rock 'n' roll in the '60s
and '70s -- from the performers to the journalists to the groupies -- as
detailed in her book, "Electric Ladyland."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #45 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Tue 30 Aug 05 08:59

From September 9 to 23, Temple University professor and former rocker Lisa
Rhodes explores the burgeoning role of women in rock 'n' roll in the '60s
and '70s -- from the performers to the journalists to the groupies -- as
detailed in her book, "Electric Ladyland."

Beginning September 23, Jacques Leslie, author of "Deep Water: The Epic
Struggle Over Dams, Displaced People, and the Environment," explains why
water will displace oil in the 21st century as the most valuable commodity
on Earth.

On October 7, Kevin Phinney joins us to delve into the major influence black
music has had on white culture, from plantation songs to today's rap music,
and to serve up facinating details from his debut book, "Souled American."

From October 21 to November 4, fantasy author Neil Gaiman, fresh from a
world-wide book tour, returns to Inkwell to talk about his latest novel,
"Anansi Boys," and to share stories from the road.
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #46 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Thu 27 Oct 05 09:25

On November 4, journalist David Kline -- author of "Blog!" -- begins a two-
week stint in Inkwell.vue to expand on the numerous ways web logs have
affected our political, business and cultural landscape.

From November 18 to December 2, David McGee -- author of the Carl Perkins
biography "Go Cat Go," and former managing editor of Record Magazine --
joins us to talk about his latest book, "BB King: There Is Always One More

Beginning December 2, blogger-turned-author Julie Powell -- who first
visited us two years ago (see <inkwell.vue.195> ) -- returns to us to talk
about her wildly successful new book, "Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524
Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen."

Starting December 16, we'll be closing out the year with David Dodd,
renowned scholar of all things Dead, to delve into his exhaustively
researched "The Complete Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #47 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Wed 21 Dec 05 17:11

Our new year begins with Bruce Sterling, who'll once again join us for his
annual "State of the World" session in Inkwell.vue. Bruce's observations are
always both sharp and astute, so check it out starting January 3, 2006.

Beginning January 11, humorist Trav S.D., author of "No Applause: Just Throw
Money -- The Book That Made Vaudeville Famous" will be sharing his knowledge
of vaudeville's long, rich history and exploring the influence this art form
continues to have on entertainment today.

The theatrical theme continues on January 25 with pop culture maven David
Leopold. His latest book, "Irving Berlin's Show Business," delivers an in-
depth biography of the man whose songs -- from "White Christmas" to "Puttin
on the Ritz" -- have entertained generation after generation.

Starting February 8, Elizabeth Partridge, whose books range from biographies
of Woody Guthrie and Dorthea Lange to the award-winning children's book
"Clara and the Hoodoo Man," turns her attention to a cultural icon of
rock 'n' roll with the photobiography "John Lennon: All I Want Is the Truth."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #48 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Thu 2 Feb 06 10:02

Starting February 8, Elizabeth Partridge, whose books range from biographies
of Woody Guthrie and Dorthea Lange to the award-winning children's book
"Clara and the Hoodoo Man," turns her attention to a cultural icon of
rock 'n' roll with the photobiography "John Lennon: All I Want Is the

February 22 to March 8, poet Jane Hirshfield -- whose work has been hailed
as "radiant and passionate" by the New York Times Book Review -- joins us to
offer insights about her latest book of poems, "After."

On March 8, rock journalist David McGee (who first visited us last November
in <inkwell.vue.259> with his book on B.B. King) returns for a two-week
exploration into the work of another renowned guitarist, "Steve Earle:
Fearless Heart, Outlaw Poet."
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #49 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Wed 15 Mar 06 10:14

From March 22 to April 5, attorney and Midwest resident Doug Masson joins us
to talk about his twin passions for blogging and politics, and how they've
converged in his own highly regarded blog on the political process of
inkwell.vue.140 : Coming Up in Inkwell.vue...
permalink #50 of 180: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Fri 31 Mar 06 14:04

On April 5, Diane Eickhoff, author of "Revolutionary Heart," begins a two-
week visit with us to delve into the life of pioneering women's rights
crusader Clarina Nichols.

From April 19 to May 3, "Everyware" author Adam Greenfield expounds on
ubiquitous computing and how it will shape our lives in the 21st


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