inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #826 of 1963: agent Kristina Carroll (orangefae) Fri 12 Jul 02 15:44
Hullo all! I hope you all had a lovely evening. I dunno about you, but
I barely slept a wink. Though..when I did sleep I had an interesting
dream that the Well people I met last night all came over for a slumber
party in my house-only now I lived in a garage on Union Square. Then
Neil came over and we all watched City of Lost Children and drank
punch.. as far as dreams go that was one of my more straightforwad
ones. (I love telling people about my dreams- (and hearing about them
for that matter), so I hope you don't mind) The dream I had the night
before the NYC event was much odder and full of symbolism. I was in
Central Park near Strawberry Fields saving turtles. (see- sometimes the
brave little beaners get a little too close to the road and too far
from the water. So when I find one I like to return it to the lake) And
there was this one tiny turtle that for some reason would only survive
if I carried it in my mouth. SO, at the risk of getting salmonila
(sp?) I put it into my mouth and ran to the lake. Only now it was
Flathead lake (in Montana. home state.)and had sort of usurped the
position of lake from the normal lake there. But when I tried to spit
the turtle out it had changed into the consistencey of lots of
sunflower seed shells and was very difficult to get it all out. In the
end though- I did manage to get it back into the water. Then I woke up.

SO.....any one know anything about turtles? The only thing I could
find is that they're symbols of an unsusal event that will bring joy to
ones life. (this was wednsday night. duh.) and great employment
opportunities. (Will- that means you must write that book! SO I can
make colorful pictures! ^_^) Ok. that's enough about turtles for now.

On a much more related note- Miss Mousy- I have an simple death
picture I could try to scan and send. I'll try tonight. Also- if you
have any requests I'll draw something for your site. 
Next- I'll be getting the few pictures I took from the signing back
this evening. Any place in particular I should send them for viewing?

Wow- this was a really long note. Well- they won't all be this long..
I hope. Sweet dreams all. I am off to the island for my friends b-day!
I got him a signed copy of Smoke and Mirrors. ^_^ He's not a Neil fan
yet..but he will be. 
Quote O' the Day: (this is for you Will) "The human race has one
really effective weapon, and that is laughter."
-Mark Twain
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #827 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Fri 12 Jul 02 15:49
Ooh..slipped by Orangefae..and so..welcome Orangefae! Glad to see you
here sweetie, I look forward to seeing more of your artwork in the near
future.  Please post a link to your website if you have stuff online.

Additionally, it was a pleasure meeting all of you who attended the
NYC reading.  I'll hang out with you people anytime..anywhere!  It's
been eleven years since I first started attending Neil related events
and I am always in awe of how wonderful the people who attend these
gatherings are in person.  I've said it once, I'll say it
people absolutely ROCK!

The reading was a much micro-managed affair [grumble..grumble]..but
Neil was in excellent spirits and we're always happy to see him no
matter how brief the event. B&N seemed to be startled by the numbers
and by the enthuasiasm of the crowd, but they were *very* prepared to
make the evening run like clockwork. With military precision.  Come to
think of it, we were sitting in section devoted to the great military
exploits of the 20th century. ;p

So there was no chaos, but a good time was had by all.  Next time I'll
just have to fly to 'Frisco.  

inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #828 of 1963: Martha Soukup (soukup) Fri 12 Jul 02 16:57
When you dream about turtles, turtles mean whatever they mean to _you_.
What do you think about when you think about turtles?
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #829 of 1963: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Fri 12 Jul 02 17:04
Maybe we won't have to fly to Frisco, Rocky.  Maybe we can just go
back to NYC in December, and see the Rat puppets and hear the Gothic
Archies *live* (woooO!).
Seriously, that made my day.  I'm *so* there.
Of course, my week's already been made.  Nice to meet all of you,
finally.  Wish I'd been able to hang out with you more, but, well,
there'll definitely be next time, and next time it won't have been
almost a year since I'd seen my best friends.  I look forward to it
muchly.  You guys are wonderful.  And I can't wait to meet the rest of
you, too.
Wonderful surprise to see you here, Kristina.

And, not to be instigatory, but don't people from San Francisco not
like the whole 'Frisco' thing?  All I know is the whole audience hissed
when Eddie Izzard mentioned it ("So, San Francisco.  San Francisco. 
Not Frisco, no.... <audience hiss>  Oh, and you're a city of snakes,
too.  Went to Washington, no snakes, went to New York, no snakes, but
come to San Francisco and you're filled with snakes... <sly grin>  We
did that in school.")  ;)

On the reading, I enjoyed hearing Neil sing.  It was cool.  And when
he looked at my name, and then at me, and then back at my name, and he
said "Oh, I know you!", those were my favorite bits, I think.  And
looking at cool drawings and being introduced to a guy named Nick
Bantock, even though I've had one of his books for over a year.  It
*was* run with military precision, and I have to admit it was organized
better than the David Sedaris signing (he didn't do Billie Holiday!  I
went to see David Sedaris, and he didn't do Billie Holiday.  Is there
no justice in the world?), which wasn't necessarily a good thing.  I've
a feeling a few people were disappointed by the precision of the
organization, come that, and I feel a little bad.  Of course I wanted
to see Neil, but, you know, if asked, I'd've given up my spot (number
nine signed!  And I was the first signature on the *American Gods*
tour.  I get cool numbers) to someone who hadn't yet met Neil.  I wish
someone had asked.

And Neil- Thanks, and fifth printing?  Congratulations on all the
great things going on.  And my sister told me I have to ask you if you
have any exotic pumpkin plans for this year yet.

I like Martha's theory of turtles a lot better than Freud's theory of
dreams.  Just sayin', 'cause she slipped.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #830 of 1963: Linda Castellani (castle) Fri 12 Jul 02 18:53

Will, was Nick Bantock actually there, or did you mean you were introduced 
to his work all over again?

See topic 70...
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #831 of 1963: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Fri 12 Jul 02 20:05
No, Linda, Mister Bantock wasn't there.  I was just shown one of his
books.  A rather brilliant one, I might add... as I go off to look for
topic 70.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #832 of 1963: Kristina Carroll (orangefae) Fri 12 Jul 02 22:11
Turtles..hmmm. Terry Pratchett. (Small Gods) Nevernding Story?
Perhaps. I dunno. It's a topic for reflection. *Goes to mirror. Nope.
She doesn't know either. Ah, well. It's destined to remain a mystery.

I got the (2) pictures back from the signing today. The first is of me
and Will looking rather cheerfull. (even though my chin looks kinda
wonky) The next is of Neil doing a funny kind of pose on the table.
heehee. Kinda looks like something out of a magazine..hee. And then I
ran out of film... bugger.

Rocky- I am totally up for hanging. (I regret not having talked to you
more last night) You are all so interesting. Really just lovely
people, I've never felt so welcome in a company of strangers. Anyone
ever been to the Olive Tree? It's this neat little cafe on MacDougal.
Russian Jewish I think. They play Charlie Chaplin movies on a big
screen all day and the tables are made out of slate with a little cup
of chalk so you can draw on them and play games like hangman and
tic-tac-toe. Also you can rent gameboards for chess and backgammon and
the like. And if that's not enough- It's located right above the Comedy
Cellar so sometimes you can just go down and watch for free. Though
I've never done it.

As for the web-site. No I don't have one. Nor have I the faintest idea
how to start one. Though I have to admit that it's a fancy that I've
tossed around a bit...

Well I must to bed now. I hope I dream of flying tonight. those are my
favorite dreams. 

Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the turtles bite.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #833 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Fri 12 Jul 02 23:38
Orangefae-But if you dream of *blue* turtles, you're having Mr.
Sumner's dream, and should give it back to him right away.  He gets
grumpy, you know, when he doesn't have a dream.

<<resists urge to go off into Eddie's bit about the European

Neil--Yay!  Five printings!  And the New York Times List!  And Wolves
in the Walls!  And Getting Lots Done!  Oh, and bunnies, too.  Those
were hilarious.  Safe home.

hnowell--I've never eaten dirt, and I don't know anybody who has (or
admits  to it).  The book is "Southern Ladies and Gentlemen".  I read
it in undergrad & just reread it.  I grew up about 45 miles south of
the Ole Miss campus, where she went to school.  I also recommend
"Confessions of a Failed Southern Lady", which I'm about to buy &

I think I had more to say, but I'm pooped.  Toodles!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #834 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Sat 13 Jul 02 10:20
Orangefae - Haven't been to the Olive Tree in ages, but nice to know
it's still around.  We all should plan to get together before the
summer ends. And Sting has the market on the dreams of blue turtles. 

Will - Only five months 'til December!  I really hope Neil can arrange
another reading in NYC.  And Dixon Place might be a good venue since
they sponsor the NY Review of Science Fiction [NYRSF]Reading Series and
avant garde theatre productions.
Check them out :

By the way, Neil did a winter solstice reading for NYRSF at their old
address about 10 years ago.  They have since moved to a much larger
space. Come to think of it, Michael Zulli and Emma Bull were in
attendence that night. It was a very laid back and relaxed atmosphere.
It would be so nice.  :)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #835 of 1963: John M. Ford (johnmford) Sat 13 Jul 02 12:25
>> Come to think of it, we were sitting in section devoted to the
>> great military exploits of the 20th century.

    Thare can't have been room for many of you in there.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #836 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Sat 13 Jul 02 15:51
Mary, heehee, a happy dance for me. Thank you! I think I still owe
Debbie a birthday dinner . . . let's all go out when I get a vehicle
back, shall we?

Kristina Carroll, welcome! Turtles are indicative of the need to walk
slower. You must be doing too much power-walking. Slow down. The Olive
Tree! I haven't thought of that place in a long time. hee. I miss nyc.
I even miss queens. 

neil, yay! fifth printing already! 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #837 of 1963: haunted by the ghosts of long-dead cookies (rick-baumhauer) Sat 13 Jul 02 17:01
Well, finally back to Chicopee, MA and caught up on life from the last
two days.

First, it was great to finally put faces to many familiar names from
these parts - greetings and thanks to Rocky, Glen, Will, Christy (and
Ben!).  I have the sneaking suspicion that Kristina was one of the
people at Will's table at America, so we didn't get to meet (since I
was *way* late getting to B&N - more on this later) - Wellcome!

Thursday could have gone better, but ended quite well - hit major
traffic on the Merrit Parkway on the way down to NYC (construction that
would completely close the road in both directions for ten minutes at
a time), which got me into town much later than I'd hoped.  I had a bit
of West Side business to get out of the way before heading to Union
Square which I'd hoped to have out of the way before lunch (which I'd
hoped to enjoy with my girlfriend), but it just didn't work out.

I did get to have a very late lunch (around 4:30) while sitting in my
girlfriend's office, and finally got to B&N around 5:30.  Needless to
say, there was no hope of getting a seat, or even getting near the
seats by then.  Fortunately, Glen was wearing his Scary Trousers
t-shirt, and I managed to get his attention and thus meet up with the
rest of the gang.

As Rocky mentioned, the reading was Very Well-Organized and Brief, and
I didn't get to say "hullo" to Neil, but meeting everybody else was
great fun, and I hope we can get together again sometime in the future.
 In the end, I did end up with a "pre-signed" copy of Coraline and the
CD (which I listened to the first 1/3 of on the drive home), so like I
said, it ended well.

Spent Friday walking around NYC with my new camera, getting back in
touch with my Inner Shutterbug, and having a great time on a beautiful
day.  Met up with my girlfriend and a friend of her's from work around
5:30, and we all went out bird-watching at Jamaica Bay, watching the
sun set over the distant NYC skyline, and hoping the Canada Geese never
realized how badly they had us outnumbered.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #838 of 1963: Kristina the foggy head (orangefae) Sat 13 Jul 02 21:55
Well I just spent what is probably my last free saturday for quite
some time basking in the glow of my radioactive monitor. (I've been so
lazy today, it should be a sin. Oh wait...there is that thing about
sloth...riiight...) Anywho- I've been trying to catch up on some of
what's been happening on this post and it's been no easy feat, I tell
you what. Months after everybody else I find out I am Destiny (the
Endless test) and marvel at the Babycakes strip. And applaud Neil's
Battles with the Trojan. (not the condom) Whew. But at least now I feel
like I know some of you a little better. However- my brainjuice is
getting fizzy and I think I will have to surrender what is left of the
night to mister Sandman. Luckily I haven't been haunted by anymore
turtles of late. (and as for the walking..well I walk dogs, so maybe it
was an allusion to that...I dunno) Last night there was just a really
tall bus, me with a bloody nose and no one to give me a kleenex. And
then I woke at 5am with the sudden need to put a pair of socks on, then
went right back to sleep. So umtil we meet again, here's Orange
Faerie's Quote O' the Day:
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same
-Italian Proverb
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #839 of 1963: Kristina the foggy head (orangefae) Sat 13 Jul 02 22:08
 Oh, and Congradulations Neil! And I await your next endeavor with
quivering antici....pation. I am all up for rat puppets and live
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #840 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Sun 14 Jul 02 01:16
I just read the most lovely poem.  It was called "Going Wodwo" and can
be found in Ellen Datlow & Terry Windling's new anthology of Green Man
stories & poems.  

The guy who wrote it should write more poetry, I think.  He's

I also saw a large sign that said "Move over Alice.  Coraline is
here."  It made me very happy.  This was all in Farnes & Groble.  In B.
Dalton in the Merchandise Mart, there's an entire endcap of Neilbooks
in the sci-fi section which includes Coraline, interestingly enough. 
But I never got to see light-up dump bins  :-(  Oh, well.

I did tell the employees at B. Dalton what a great thing a Neil endcap
is, and asked them to thank whoever was responsible.   And that's my
report on Chicago bookshops for this week ;-)

I also saw Road to Perdition & Minority Report tonight.  Both good
films--I expect Hanks & Newman to get nominated.  Perdition is
beautifully directed & shot, but it didn't have a surprise in it, and I
never got completely engaged--American Beauty it's not.  Minority
Report I thought was good--Spielberg is a bravura director when he
really cuts loose, and it's darker than his usual fare.  Cruise is
good, and Colin Farrell is terrific.  Good summer action flick that
left me with a paranoia hangover.

And it's 3:15 in the bloody a.m.  Who let me stay up this late?
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #841 of 1963: Kristina Carroll now the considerably foggy headed and now unwashed and somewhat slightly dazed (orangefae) Sun 14 Jul 02 04:02
Terry Windling...isn't he the one who sometimes writes with Froud?
(mental note to check copy of Strange Stains and Mysterious Smells when
I get back. the book that is)

Mornings should shot. If it weren't for the thought that it is
extreemly overcast and probably going to rain soon I might get out my
ol' double barrell and do it in myself. But then remember that I am
going to be outside all day in the forest and even if it does rain,
forest time is always worth any grumbly earliness. 

Oops- better finish my earl grey and run.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #842 of 1963: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Sun 14 Jul 02 09:10
I've heard that poem, Mary.  That dude reads it pretty well, too. 
I've been waiting for it to come out.
It's all nasty today here in South Jersey.  Perhaps a trip to F&G is
called for, though I just took six books out of the library yesterday
(you know, I've already read 40 books so far this summer.  This is the
most productive, reading-wise, I've ever been.  I wish I could say they
were all good.  A number were).  You know what I read recently that
surprised me?  *The Hottest State*, by Ethan Hawke.  Yeah, him. 
*Gattacca*, and *Training Day*.  I was surprised as hell to find he'd
written a book, and surprised as heaven to find he'd done so pretty
well, at that.  I mean, it's no *High Fidelity*, or *Perfect Skin* (I
use those because that's the sort of genre I'd put *Hottest State* in),
but it wasn't bad.  Yesterday I ordered *In Fidelity* by M.J. Rose,
*The Dragon in Waiting* by John M. Ford, and *A Child Across the Sky*
by Jonathan Carroll from the library, and a slew of books from
Dreamhaven, including *The Arbitrary Placement of Walls*.  I'm looking
forward to the next few weeks in a major way (and plus I have a Dave
Matthews concert Tuesday and a John Mayer concert Saturday [my favorite
reader told me that John Mayer is the only person she's ever heard who
writes like me, which made my day because I listened to his album and
wished I'd written it]).
Now if only I could find an editing gig besides this personal training
thing.... I might be trying out *Organic Gardening* at Rodale soon. 
That might be cool.  I *love* *Men's Health*, and since that's the
parent company, it might just work.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #843 of 1963: John M. Ford (johnmford) Sun 14 Jul 02 14:20
     It's Terri Windling, who is a she.  And while she's definitely
acquainted with Brian Froud (he helped decorate her kitchen, as did
Alan and Moya Lee), you're probably thinking of the guides to Faeries
Froud did with Terry Jones, who used to hang out with dead parrots. 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #844 of 1963: Linda Castellani (castle) Sun 14 Jul 02 15:22
E-mail from Glen Seymour:

Well the NYC signing was nice - but the reading was to short and the Q&A was
equally short.

Luckily, I got there at 1, so I had a fairly low number.  For those of you not
there, they passed out numbers to the people sitting there based on where they
were sitting.  This means that people that got there early but did want to see
Neil at a wicked angle got higher numbers that people that sat to the extreme
left, but closer to the front.  Note: for the 6:00 signing you could have
gotten a seat at 4, but a much better one at 2.

Anyway, I got to hang out with several interesting people from here (hi all!),
and the group introduced themselves to a few more fans, we ended up having
dinner for 8.  After getting home I learned I was not the only one there in a
kilt - but Danielle didn't get her stuff signed until 9:30 or so.

While heading for the train to Trenton I met another fan on his way south, so
we talked instead of napping.  I got home around 1, and complained about having
to get up for work the next day - proving that I'm getting older.

All in all, a good use of my last unscheduled vacation day.  I need all the
rest for a wedding in New Zealand.

- Glen
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #845 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Sun 14 Jul 02 19:27
Or maybe she's thinking of A Midsummer Night's Faery Tale, by Wendy
Froud (Brian's wife?), which Terri Windling edited? Or the Good
Faeries/ Bad Faeries book for which Froud did the preface and Windling
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #846 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Sun 14 Jul 02 22:02
Hey, y'all!  Did you here the good news?  Terry Pratchett won the
Carnegie Medal!  Whoo-hoo! Go, PTerry!

Will--I am so stinking jealous of that I could scream!  When did he
read *that*?  He never reads *us* poetry.....<<sulks for about 30
seconds>>  Oh, well, let's face it, he could decide to read the
Sun-Times & I'd probably show up  ;-)

I think Brian & Wendy Froud, Terri Windling, Ellen Datlow & Terry
Jones probably have their sticky little fingers in 95% of the fun books
to come down the pike.

And Mr. Ford--there would have been room for approximately 2.5 of them
in that section, I believe.  ;-)

Mary (who thinks she will stay up late like an eejit & finish
cross-stitching the angel she started 3 years ago because *she just
can't stand it anymore*!!)  
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #847 of 1963: Cheaper than James Spader (stagewalker) Sun 14 Jul 02 22:21
Hey, just thought I'd say something cause I feel like I've been a
little anti-social lately.
I think I'm glad to hear how the NYC thing went. It sounds like it was
shorter than people would have liked, but that what DID happen was
pretty cool even if there wasn't enough of it.

As for me, my old job with CSLA ends Monday when CSLA ends, and my new
job with WestEd starts Tuesday, so no break for me! The film is
continuing apace (waaay too slowly for me, but I only remind the
director of that when he asks me leading questions and then it's his
own damn fault... (i.e. don't ask for my opinion unless you want it))

We audition folks for the next C.A.F.E. show next weekend, so
hopefully I'll have the first draft of my script done by then.

And... um... that's about it on this end.

inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #848 of 1963: Kristina the now extreemely droopy eyed (orangefae) Sun 14 Jul 02 22:41
Ok. So I figured out all that "Terry" hullubaloo. We have nearly all
of the Froud and co. books here. (as both me and my roomie Norma are
BIG faerie geeks)Basically- i should not be allowed to post very early
in the morning, especially before finishing my tea. (which,
incidentally, is he best Early Grey I've ever had. Direct from
Montana-go figure)Or, for that matter, late at night when I have to get
up very now, for instance. But now that that's all
settled- Terry Jones was the one I was thinking about. Does the funny
writing. Hee- I like him. Makes me giggle.

Anywho- had a lovely time in the forest today running around
anddancing and pitching tents and trying on costumes. (If I didn't
mention it- I am performing in the NY Rennaissance Faire. Hence- the
cryptic messages about forsets and the like. If any of you are curious,
here's the site: 
And I get a slew of free if any of you NY types are
intersted...I'll se what I can do for thee)

Congradulations Terry!!! YAY!

Ok- that's it. I am of to sleepy world. Maybe tomorrow I'll post
something coherent. Here's my Quote O'the Day: 
"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you."
African Proverb 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #849 of 1963: Robynne (gorey) Mon 15 Jul 02 12:26
I keep seeing comparisons between _Coraline_ and _Alice in Wonderland_, and
I just don't think they're very similar. Alice, when she travels Underground
and Through the Looking Glass, meets these denizens who follow obscure but
very complicated and very important (to them) rules. They baffle Alice, but
she does try to follow their rules or at least not offend them. Coraline, on
the other hand, has a pretty good handle on what's going on, and she doesn't
hesitate when she needs to break or bend the rules.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #850 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Mon 15 Jul 02 13:48
Will:  Ethan Hawke will be reading from "Ash Wednesday" at Summer
Stage in Central Park on Wednesday July 24th at 7:30PM. Also apprearing
is Jonathan Safran Foer who wrote "Everything is Illuminated."  Should
be fun.


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