inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1176 of 1963: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Mon 12 Aug 02 14:27
I was in a very long signing line, so I mentioned his name, she failed
to recognize it, and I stepped aside to let the next several dozen
people go.  So, I'm afraid I didn't give her enough fuel to become a
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1177 of 1963: Michelle Montrose-Hyman (miss-mousey) Mon 12 Aug 02 23:55
So, Dan burned me a copy of that local band thing that starts with an
'A' that I'm waaaay too lazy to go look up the name of just now. I
think I like it, though. (geez, I feel like Mr. Burns "how about that
local sporting team?")

The plus of listening to predominantly spooky music is that all the
artists you meet tend to have at least heard of Neil. It's actually
quite the icebreaker when you use a personalized Neil autograph to help
someone else spell your name on their autograph to you. (looks at what
she just read about reading 'Nel Gurgle's' handwriting to spell
something... shakes head)

Maure - I'm the same way with my TV - it's just a monitor for the VCR
(the computer does DVDs)... and the Buffy viewer on Tuesdays (or
whatever day it is this week). Thankfully, have not been introduced to
Farscape... yet.

squeaks, who is very behind on getting 'things to do today' list items
crossed off.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1178 of 1963: Whoops..there goes my stop.. (rocky-nyc) Tue 13 Aug 02 18:16
Mary - Thank you for reminding me that "Outlander" exists. Needed
something heartwarming and nothing fits the bill better than a second
(or is that third?) reading of a wonderful book.  Still, I couldn't
find my own copy so I picked up another and ended up passing my stop
today. Damn that Jamie Fraser! *grin*  

Squeaks - Re Farscape:  How can you pass up John Chrichton?  Like
Kirk, he always gets the sexy alien babe, but unlike Kirk he's not
given to rambling speeches on morality. But even worse, how can you
stand missing out on Ka D'Argo with that interesting retractable
tongue?  Ok, I'll admit, it's not the guys that keep me watching this
show, it's the women.  They're smart, resourceful, kick-much-ass and
don't need mammary prosthetics nor high heels in space to to take on
the universe.  And it helps that the show has excellent story lines
too. By the way, the Annual Farscape Convention is being held over the
Thanksgiving holiday in Brooklyn, not too far from where I live. Weird.

inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1179 of 1963: Christy (jonl) Tue 13 Aug 02 18:23
Email from Christy:

Hello again!  Just thought I'd drop in and touch base for the first time
in a few days.  I've been enjoying the Coraline topic.

Sigh....  I wonder how long it usually takes for the CBLDF to tally up an
order?  I haven't gotten a total yet.  Hope this doesn't mean that
something I ordered is out of stock, or something.

Neil -- Congratulations on the World Fantasy Award nomination -- and
*especially* on the nominational grand slam!  I think I remember you
saying how cool that would be, and I didn't know it hadn't been done
before with a novel, either.  I am so happy for you!  And, oddly, proud of
you, if you can be proud of someone you've only met once.

I hope you have a wonderful time in the UK.  Travel safely, and by all
means, don't forget to sleep once in a while!  We will certainly
understand if you skip a day of online reporting here and there.

And please tell Holly *I* believe she's weird!  <g>

Kristina -- Thanks for the Brak enlightenment.  Are you feeling better?  
You weren't going around infecting everybody at the RennFest, I hope --
although that could probably lend itself to a good Black Plague theme....

Mary -- I've added Janah's page to my long list of Music Bookmarks to
Listen to Someday.

Glen -- Were you wearing your urban camo kilt, too?  :)

Mousey -- So do you get a lot of artists asking you why you want them to
Nerf you?

On which animals are the "good guys" and which are the "bad guys":  As a
kid (and owner of the absolute best kitty in history), I would always get
annoyed with cartoons, because in EVERY one, the mice and birds were the
good guys and the cats were the oft-humiliated villains.  This used to
drive me crazy; just once I wanted to see a cartoon where a cat was the
protagonist, outsmarting, say, a dog all the time!  :)  (I guess I coped
in my own way, though -- I was forever drawing comics with my cat as a
superhero who regularly beat up various dogs AND Mighty Mouse!  ;)  )

Missed the Perseids, as I do every year.  How were they, all?  Of course,
I got the show of a lifetime with the Leonids last November.

Wondering if the rats plan to rise before or after the ants take over

"A breakfast without orange juice is like a sunrise without the sun" -- My 
friend Kendall
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1180 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Tue 13 Aug 02 20:31
Christy,  I wouldn't worry too much about your CBLDF order. They do
take longer than your average online shop to get everything in order
and shipped. I've got an order I placed on July 17th, which has already
gone through my billing, but they still have it listed as pending on
their site. I've ordered from them on more than one occasion, though,
and they are reliable in my experience.

Rocky,  I'm in it for the girls, too. I love, *love* Chiana. She's
just so cool, and so . . . slate-blue.

Squeaks,  you don't *look* like Mr. Burns. Farscape is really quite
fun, and I'm glad for the new addiction. At least it's not Smallvi- oh.
I forgot. My local crack dealer (Tara) hipped me to that one too. 

Haven't been able to see the Perseids for the past two days, which is
sort of a shame, as the past two nights are those when they're supposed
to have been the most visible. We have had some cacophonous thunder
storms, though. Cat, one of my cats (heh), has been under the bed most
of the past two days. I should have named her Chicken. But that was the
ferret's name.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1181 of 1963: Christy You;re Not Alone.. (rocky-nyc) Tue 13 Aug 02 20:58

I ordered a tee from CBLDF a few weeks ago.  Been billed and paid.
Worth the wait though.  ;>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1182 of 1963: Shawn Shelby (shawnshelby) Wed 14 Aug 02 09:46
*checks Squeaks for liver spots... finds none* 
No Mr. Burns are you! Niegh, I deride your Mr. Burns looking-like

Maure - So far I've managed to avoid Smallville and Farscape, although
my gf has been trying to make me watch the former. There's just too
many godies out there and I can barely make time for Buffy, Angel, and
Scrubs as it is. I have this bad feeling that Birds of Prey is going to
put me in a viewing headlock too.

I've been contemplating picking up the Farscape DVDs, but my pathetic
DVD buying budget is strained enough trying to save up for The Prisoner
DVD boxed set. It's ludicrously expensive and worth every penny! :)

Stagewalker - I couldn't help myself, I had to pick up the Theatrical
cut of LOTR. A sucker, I know... *bows head in shame*
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1183 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Wed 14 Aug 02 10:42
Sigh. I got into both SMallville and Farscape and added it to Buffy &
Angel & Stargate. Now, I must watch West Wing (don't care for politics
but...) because my last actor obsession was Tim Matheson. And the few
times I've caught WW I've liked it. I was watching The American
President the other night and was giggling over the fact the best pal
of the pres and assistant is the present Pres in West Wing. Anyway. I
watch WAY too much TV. And what I don't watch, I record and edit and
watch later. And when I turn it off at 10 I pick up a book. I paint
while watching TV though. My new actor obsession is Jeremy Brett so I'm
pulling out all my Sherlock Holmes to watch again.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1184 of 1963: Arlene Green (averde) Wed 14 Aug 02 11:17
What is Smallville?

No, wait, nevermind. I do too much Jossverse and sf channel as it is. 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1185 of 1963: Linda Castellani (castle) Wed 14 Aug 02 12:29

Oooh, that Prisoner series is SO GOOD!!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1186 of 1963: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Wed 14 Aug 02 14:38
Buffy addiction - I tend to watch videotapes once, then discard them. 
So right now, I am taping/watching Buffy on Tuesday, then watching
season 3 on Saturday and season 5 on Sunday.  You can really see how
much continuity Joss Whendon has when you do that.  Eventually, I know
I'll get a DVD player, and when all the seasons are out, I'll have days
where I'll show all the Amy episodes or the Chantrelle/Lilly/Ann
episodes (although I guess I'll need Angel to do that).

I've been skipping the Smallville reruns - but I will have to watch
the new episodes.  

Arlene - Smallville is the story of Clark Kent, and if you didn't
immediately say, Superman? then I don't think it is worth you watching

Farscape is of course required, even if I often question some if some
of the confusion is required in some of the plotlines.

Christy - actually I skipped the kilt that day.  I've realized that
siting on the ground isn't the best position for wearing a kilt...

- Glen
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1187 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Wed 14 Aug 02 14:50

My friend Scott just sent out an e-mail asking his friends to let
folks on the West coast know that his band is on tour.  They're called
EXO, and will be playing the Viper Room in L.A., and the Elbo Room in
San Francisco, among others (Phoenix, Denver, Aurora, etc.)  His wife,
Julie Korman, is coming with them, and she & Scott will have some shows
together as well.  Go check them all out at and and enjoy the shows!

                                    In haste,

                                      Mary (who feels way musically
trendy after her last 2 posts ;-) )
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1188 of 1963: Arlene Green (averde) Wed 14 Aug 02 15:00
I immediately said Superman. Darn it. And it sounds interesting...darn
it again. 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1189 of 1963: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Wed 14 Aug 02 15:46
Like I said. Turned carrying on without me into an art form.

sleepy in uk
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1190 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Wed 14 Aug 02 17:22
Neil - The supplement Melatonin can be your friend when it comes to
recovering from jet lag.  I can't travel to different time zonee
without it. Anyway, sending some energizing vibes your way!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1191 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Wed 14 Aug 02 19:45
It's about Clark Kent before he left high school and became Superman.
Deals with his discovery of various powers. The day his dad tells him
his parents aren't "from around here". He says, jokingly, "What, are
you telling me my real parents were from outer space? Do you have the
spaceship in the attic?" And his dad replies, "Actually, son, it's in
the storm cellar." Lex Luthor is Michael Rosenbaum. Really cute as a
bald guy. Pre-super criminal mastermind. It shows how he is struggling
to be a good man with his father's example of billionaire very good.
I'd say it compares well with Farscape in that area.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1192 of 1963: Kristina Carroll (orangefae) Wed 14 Aug 02 20:38
    <scribbled by orangefae>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1193 of 1963: the Kristina shaped friend (orangefae) Wed 14 Aug 02 20:42
Hey all-
yup- I've been a real slug lately- but darn it, I deserve it. ^_^
So we're on TV now...well- I watch Buffy when it's on-duh, obviously I
can't watch it when it's NOT on. But other than that I have very few
TV shackles. I didn't have cable my whole senior year and in student
housing I didn't have TV at all- so I've really gotten used to life
without the little glowing box. I like to catch Who's Line and the
Daily Show from time to time. But mostly I'll just listen to music or
even just enjoy the quiet. (much to the confusement of my noise-needy
Did see one episode of Smallville once- it was quite enjoyable.

Thanks Christy- I am feeling much better. Lost my voice big this
weekend but it's coming back. And my invisible sheep was a great
success! Also had my first taste of mead Saturday-I'm definately
getting some bottles of that for the big 21 coming up. yum!

Neil- I think it's really cool that the girls are playing in your
RenFair. I hope you guys have as much fun as I'm having. And take care
of yourself over there in the Kingdoms. We'll miss you, but we'll
manage. Celtic Remedy- carry a bit of feverfew in a flannel bag to ward
against sickness while travelling. Sweet dreams- just mind the ones
about rescuing turtles... more confusion than they're worth. ^_~

Kristina, who is ALSO waiting for CBLDF confermations... (insert noise
of pulling out hair)

Orange Faerie's Quote O' the Day:
"To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already
three parts dead." 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1194 of 1963: what? (orangefae) Wed 14 Aug 02 20:45
er- pardon the scribble. I accidently posted the same thing twice.
Bless this genius of technology.

That's my cue- Good Night!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1195 of 1963: Daniel (dfowlkes) Thu 15 Aug 02 04:16
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1196 of 1963: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Thu 15 Aug 02 07:43
Actually Dan, that is the biggest problem.  Kryptonite powered mutant
villian of the week is the usual plot, but they have had a couple

However, the interpersonal relationships are enjoyable.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1197 of 1963: Daniel (dfowlkes) Thu 15 Aug 02 08:08
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1198 of 1963: Shawn Shelby (shawnshelby) Thu 15 Aug 02 08:52
Dan - I also kind of skipped off it because of the mutant of the week
commercials, although the couple episodes I've seen have been fairly
decent. Speaking of eveyone's fav spandex-loving farmboy; my friend and
I watched Superman The Movie on cable this weekend. I'd forgotten what
a blast that movie is. Ok, we spent most of the time laughing at how
ridiculous everyone reacted to various threats in the final act (Jimmy
Olsen's instinct upon finding out the dam he is standing on is
sprouting holes, is to walk over to the edge and have a peek at
them)but somehow the movie is still great.

Linda - I just got introduced to the Prisoner series last year and the
rampant bizzareness hooked me right away. I bought the first few
episodes and I have to get the rest so I can see how it ends! And I can
now watch the Simpsons parodies with a new appreciation!

Shawn (currently quivering with excitement finally seeing commercials
for Joss's FireFly)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1199 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Thu 15 Aug 02 11:09
Neil--but we do prefer to carry on *with* you.  ;-)  Sending jet-lag
recovery vibes your way.

Rocky--yeah, that Jamie Fraser....<sigh>....

I don't watch TV.  At all.  So I'm feeling sort of deprived.  And
really sick of working 60 hours a week.

Mary (reading A Mind to Murder by P.D. James)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1200 of 1963: John M. Ford (johnmford) Thu 15 Aug 02 12:29
Shawn -- Whlie the Prisoner does have a final episode, do -not- expect
it to end conventionally, or with an "explanation."  (This is by no
means a spoiler; I could tell you exactly what happens in "Fall Out,"
and it -still- wouldn't be.)


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