inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1226 of 1963: The Other (stagewalker) Sat 17 Aug 02 23:32
I'm missing being nuts this year.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1227 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Sun 18 Aug 02 07:09

Maure + Arlene - Come on, wouldn't you like to throw off those
everyday cares..get out there on the Playa,half naked, body painted,
and free? Getting in touch with your pagan self? All you have to do is
lather on the sunscreen, drink plenty of water and dress warmly in the
evenings. Follow those simple rules and have a good time!  I have yet
to hear bad things from folks I know who have experienced the event.
Personally I'm dying to go nutz. It must be a wonderfully cathartic
experience.  *grin*
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1228 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Sun 18 Aug 02 09:24
Rocky,  for me, playing in the desert for a week with the heat and the
dirt and the heat and the sun and the dirt and the heat does not
equate to throwing off my everyday cares. A new credit card and a trip
to nyc does the job pretty well, though. ;) Actually, the whole thing
sounds like it would be fun, except for the desert in summer aspect.
Maybe if it were held in the fall, in the mountains . . .
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1229 of 1963: Arlene Green (averde) Sun 18 Aug 02 09:41
My inner pagan has a thing for trees and temperate climates. Which
would be why I live in the middle of nowhere Northern CA. I grew up in
Alaska. My dad grew up in Yuma AZ. By the time I had reached adulthood
I had completely filled up my quotient for the desert. Family vacations
always included going someplace that had no trees, was 104 degrees in
the shade and had really nasty bugs as inhabitants. 

If I am going to run nekkid and amok I want to be someplace green.
With no scorpions. Wiggly things in my sleeping bag should be there by

My husband, on the other hand, really thinks it would be a lot of fun
to do the Burning Man thing. He has my blessing but I ain't goin'. No
way, no how. 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1230 of 1963: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Sun 18 Aug 02 09:50
Rocky, I guess I can be the first to say bad things about Burning Man.
 2000 was my first and last trip out.  I discovered that it takes a
certain type of person to truly revel in it, and I'm not that person.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1231 of 1963: The Other (stagewalker) Sun 18 Aug 02 11:40
The weather was crap in 2000... that was my first year. Delightfully
hot for the first couple of days, and then a nasty, nasty, nasty wet
and cold storm on Wednesday (thursday? I forget) that sent a LOT of
people packing by Friday.

Arlene... no scorpions in the Black Rock desert. nothing lives there.
Not even bacteria. I met some folks whose son did a science report on
the soil there, and found that the alkalai was so high that not even
bacteria lived in there. So.. no bugs (except for the ones you bring
with you.. and those poor bastards are doomed) or scorpions.
Which is not to say that you might not see a 6 foot tall scorpion
rolling along the desert... stuff like that happens.

Glen, sorry to hear that you had such a rotten time. I can understand
about it taking a certain type of person to really get the most out of
it. I don't know that I truly revel in it, but I enjoy going.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1232 of 1963: Arlene Green (averde) Sun 18 Aug 02 12:06
That interesting. Not enough to make me start planning to go, but
interesting. The heat and the dirt and the sweat are enough to keep me
away. I'm a snow bunny. I'd melt.

Any idea why it is that way?
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1233 of 1963: Shawn Shelby (shawnshelby) Sun 18 Aug 02 17:15
Rocky - re: Sam Jackson's hair; Strangely enough, it was more than
just bizarre in Unbreakable. It was actually a plot device of sorts;
I'd highly recommend seeing it but then again, I'm completely Shaymalan
biased. The just isn't a single director I've seen who matches his
talent for creating atmosphere.

Squeaks - hope you have a blast at Burning Man. If it's any
consolation, here in Dallas the mercury has been stuck at around 95-102
each afternoon for the last two months or so. Although I'd imagine we
typically see far fewer Thunderdome challenges...
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1234 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Sun 18 Aug 02 19:12

Shawn - I've never been led wrong on the Well, but somehow I can't
understand that..that..HAIR..somehow being a plot device.  But I'll
try.  And if I don't understand, you'll be getting an email requesting
an explanation.  ;p
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1235 of 1963: the chick with less than a week 'til departure (miss-mousey) Mon 19 Aug 02 00:01
Maure - Off my rocker? Absolutely. Besides, the extreme conditions
help to filter out the people who you generally don't want out there
any way. Sure, you filter out a bunch of otherwise cool people, and you
definitely can't weed out every rocket scientist who decides that acid
trips and fire pits mix well with naked skin, but mostly it's kind of
a 'well, if you REALLY want to go, you'll do it even in these miserable
conditions!' thing. And wind doesn't suck nearly so bad as it does
when it's carrying a metric ass tonne of dust, and some flying metal
bits with feather boas in. (right glen?) :) It's not for everyone. I'm
just one of the insane ones, I guess. As for the collage, it will be
photographed, along with everything else, when it's actually up at the

Arlene - ...or any of the guys by which Clint Eastwood's day was made.
;P Sorry, just got out of a lengthy conversation about ending
sentences with prepositions. 

Odd aside about BM - Once acclamated (give it 24 hours), most people
out there don't sweat. The body knows better. Well, as long as you're
not doing so many drugs that your body is confused which way the sun is
when you're staring right at it, *then* it knows better. At any rate,
it makes things much less smelly or gross than you think. :) (Though
there are the occasional few who have medical conditions, or just
stubborn bodies, and they're especially hard to keep cool and

DanW - It was Thursday. It got better when the line of RVs started
marching out that night and Friday morning. Made the burn on Saturday a
little more surreal for the die hards that just wouldn't leave! (says
the girl who came down with something very close to pneumonia that

squeaks, who gave Devil Bunny extensions last night.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1236 of 1963: Shawn Shelby (shawnshelby) Mon 19 Aug 02 09:51
Rocky - Email away. I'm happy to share, although I have to admit that
it's mostly a theory, though I'm pretty sure it's a correct one. It
would have been nice if M. Night had done a commentary so that he could
confirm these little things (and let's face it, that hair DOES require
either justification or an apology) 

Somehow, despite having two big DVDs to fill, they still managed to
forget a commentary. Pretty disappointing considering that's the only
real special feature I look for on a DVD.

BTW,  bad hair seems to be a recurring theme for Jackson lately. Along
with Unbreakable, there was Jackie Brown which you mentioned, and now
xXx. The xXx do is ugly, but I guess at least it's symmetrically ugly.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1237 of 1963: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Mon 19 Aug 02 11:03
>but somehow I can't understand that..that..HAIR..somehow being a plot

Well sure, didn't you see how Rapunzel used it?
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1238 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Mon 19 Aug 02 11:14
Shawn -  Was mesmerized by Jackson's hair and facial scars [?!] in
XXX. Arrgh!

Remember "The Negotiator" with Kevin Spacy?  Sam had curly red hair,
and the implausibility being his natural blew the whole movie for me. 
After all, why would anyone trust a hostage negotiator who was so
aesthetically challenged that his look defied reality?  Obviously the
hair thing is an ongoing joke/nightmare with Jackson's full
participation.  What is it with looking freaky and having the name
"Jackson?"   *grin*

Seriously though, the last time I liked his hair was in "Shaft."  ;)

Slipped by Glen..*LOL*
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1239 of 1963: Shawn Shelby (shawnshelby) Mon 19 Aug 02 14:17
  >Obviously the
hair thing is an ongoing joke/nightmare with Jackson's full

I keep thinking he looks like a villain from Warren Beatty's dick
Tracy. Maybe he's trying to get cast in the sequel? ;)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1240 of 1963: Pamela Just-When-You-Thought-You-Basham (pamela-bird) Mon 19 Aug 02 16:42

First things first.  Many, effusive thanks to Glen Seymour (Glen, is
that you behind that bardic new sig?) for his pointer waaaaayyyy way
back to the site to order Scary Trousers schtuff.  I'm the proud new
owner of an appropriately scary baby tee and boxers--neither of which,
of course, are trousers.

DanGuy: Having had the privilege of hearing Adriana/The Endless not
only live, but IN COSTUME, I have to say you'd be bumming even more if
you knew how fabulous they are live.  Adriana has that THING that you
can't look away from.

Maure:  Packing as archeological dig... anything that makes it more
fun is a good thing.  But you know how I feel about anything that
reminds me of (horrors!) garage sales.

Re: Unbreakable... I couldn't get over Jackson's *eyes* for some
reason, in that movie.  I kept wondering later if he was opening them
up wider the whole time *on purpose* because of that whole "bad guys
with big eyes" line.

Rocky:  Good luck with your moving!

Personally, I think it's the *women* in Armani you have to watch out
for.  They're *smart* bad guys.

As for BM, I don't have to go to the desert to get in touch with my
pagan self, since I'm kinda there all the time.  My impression is that
BM has evolved into a "get in touch--literally--with a whole bunch of
other squirmy, muddy hedonistic people" scene.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1241 of 1963: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Mon 19 Aug 02 16:43
Er.  That pseud was supposed to have a "-were-safe [space]" in it. 
Not quite sure what gremliny thing happened there.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1242 of 1963: Daniel (dfowlkes) Mon 19 Aug 02 17:15
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1243 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Mon 19 Aug 02 19:36

Shawn - Dick Tracy the movie never happened, ok? 
Just like Highlander 2,3 & 4 never happened. Nope, not gonna admit
their existence.  Not one little bit. ;p

Pamela - He had that same wild-eyed look in Spike Lee's "Jungle Fever"
where he played a totally demented crackhead.  
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1244 of 1963: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Tue 20 Aug 02 07:39
Pamela, have no fear! It is I!  With my amazing abilities given to me
by CafePress I can tell you that you are the only one with boxers that
are labeled as not scary trousers.

Also the masses have spoken - so far only 1 fishes t-shirt has sold,
all other products have been trouser related.  (Although I have an urge
to get a 3 fish clock one of these days.)

And now, a quote that only a geek could love:

"There are only 10 kinds of people in the world-- 
   Those who understand binary, and those who don't."
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1245 of 1963: Shawn Shelby (shawnshelby) Tue 20 Aug 02 10:05
>Dick Tracy the movie never happened, ok? 
Just like Highlander 2,3 & 4 never happened. Nope, not gonna admit
their existence.  Not one little bit. 

Well as long as you're ok with Higlander : The Series... ;p
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1246 of 1963: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Tue 20 Aug 02 14:38
Glen: Well, damn.  There goes my idea to have a Scary Trousers Boxers
Party in the hotel at World Fantasy Con!

Speaking of which...

I'm fishing for anyone who's planning to go who might be interested in
saving some bucks by sharing a hotel room.  (References for my good
behavior available from slightly shady, probably unreliable people.) 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1247 of 1963: Kristina.....who? (orangefae) Tue 20 Aug 02 20:18
wow. busy week. haven't even been trying to keep up lately. on a whim
last week applied for a job at mars 2112 and got it in record speed- so
now am quickly trying to dismiss the dogwalking as gracefully as
possible so i can start my new and exciting job as a martian. among
doing other things... i keep telling myself next week will be it a lie?

was very happy to find that upon coming home from the fair this
weekend ther was a lovely little package from the CBLDF waiting for me.
Yay for Neil! Someday now I'll finally get around to sitting down and
watching my brand-new "Live at the Alladin" video. (grin)

Orange Faerie's Quote' O the Day: (or week at the rate I'm going...)
"Generosity is not giving me that which I need more than you do, but
it is giving me that which you need more than I do."
-Kahlil Gibran
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1248 of 1963: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Tue 20 Aug 02 22:09
Just wanted to say Sam Jackson's hair is about to be *Horrible* in
*Formula 51*.  Or whatever his new movie is.  Besides the ludicrous
plot (something about his... I don't know, boiling a wonder drug,
maybe?  It was unintelligible).
I didn't dig *Unbreakable* until I saw it on DVD.  And now I like it a
lot.  Still don't *love* it, but it's good.  *Signs* was good, too. 
From the reactions to the news footage all the way to the graininess of
some key shots, very good.  I could've done without the melodrama of
the last five minutes, but, other than that, very good (for those
who've seen it, check out the Signs topic in the movies conference for
some truly hysterical posts.  I mean laugh-out-loud funny.  My sister
thought I was on crack.  Again).
*Sixth Sense* remains on my list of top five best written movies of
all time, though.  Just love it.

I don't get to watch much TV, so I can't comment on Farscape and
Smallville and Buffy.  I've been watching a lot of movies on DVD
lately, though, and've been picking up some classics, like *Charade*,
*The Affair*, and *His Girl Friday*.  All for under five bucks each,
too.  I got *Johnny Suede*, too, which you can't really consider a
classic but which has Brad Pitt sportin' a gigantic pompadour, and
there's nothing wrong with that, is there?  *Charades* getting the
remake thing done this fall with *The Trouble with Charlie*, starring
Mark Wahlburg and Thandie Newton, so that might be interesting.

I saw *My Big Fat Greek Wedding* this weekend, too, which made me
laugh really, really loud when an old woman beat John Corbett, and at a
couple of other odd bits.  I'd wait for the rental, though, even if
there's nothing else in the theater to interest you.  At least see
*xXx*, because you need the dolby and the woofers so your ears bleed on
the way out (yes, it's loud!  You win, okay!  Can we turn it down now?
 Please?).  I'm looking forward to the two *Friends* movies coming out
(*Serving Sara* [which might've been, first, *Servicing Sara*,
depending on whom you believe], and *The Good Girl*).  I might just
make a weekend of them, if I don't drive up to Connecticut to meet
'Walker (On the Right Coast.  Who'da thunk it?).
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1249 of 1963: Tree--who doesn't bite, unless it's called for (jinx) Wed 21 Aug 02 03:20
Will--oh, say it isn't so. Tell me they are not going to mess with my
beloved 'Charade'! I'm closing my eyes, I'm sticking my fingers in my
ears and I'm singing "LA LA LA LA LA" until it all goes away.

Half the attraction is Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn and the age
difference between them. The very thought of a remake horrifies me.


Reggie: "I already know an awful lot of people and until one of them
dies I couldn't possibly meet anyone else."
Peter: "Well, if anyone goes on the critical list, let me know."
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1250 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Wed 21 Aug 02 07:19
Hah! I actually had someone say something of that kind to me recently.
I suggested to a lady with whom I often had passing conversations in
the office that we get together outside it to discuss our mutual
interests and she told me she had already plenty of people with demands
on her time and just couldn't fit in one more! Me, the more the
merrier. New friends always welcome. Bless scheduling conflicts. It's
better than leaving the office Friday night and never seeing or
speaking to another soul until you arrive at work Monday morning. I've
always felt that no matter how many friends you have, you've plenty of
affection and liking left to extend to one more and one more...


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