inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1701 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Fri 25 Oct 02 15:13
I love miniatures. If you've got space for larger pots, the China and
Polyantha roses can be grown in a pot. China roses get around 3 feet
tall and the Polyanthas are shorter. They don't mind the confinement in
a pot.

I tried. I tried. But my patio is under dense shade and the other side
is walkway. 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1702 of 1963: Tracey (jinx) Sat 26 Oct 02 18:47
Pammy wrote:
"I have a whole different set of advice to offer on buying a house,
that's a long, melodramatic story for another day, preferably after
several drinks.  And, anyway, Jinxie doesn't need that advice since
she's buying it *on her own*, which is hellaciously chutzpah-ish.  GO

Everyone has been so lovely!!! I'm still nervous, but things are going
well, I've been to the bank and am thinking about giving the morgage
broker a shot as well, want to cover all my bases.
Have a meeting with the owner on Monday and with all the panic and
unknown factors I haven't a clue what I'm going to dress as on
Thursday. However I do know that I have to be in three places at once
that night. 
I have a rose thing as well, but a major passion for climbing ones. So
none will be coming with me. However I will be digging up half the
garden come spring and transfering things. I'll have two to work on, as
my mother hapens to have a black thumb.

Jinx who told the boi she's changed her mind and wants a sewing
machine for Christmas not a new tattoo
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1703 of 1963: Tara O'Shea (uisgejack) Sat 26 Oct 02 20:45
Just passing along the info that unca neil is alive and well in
Chicago. His dell laptop, however, is not.  It died rather
unexpectantly yesterday  (hence no "Crazy Hair at the Anderson's
signing). So I expect he shall post again when he is home safe and

yay I got a story read to me yay!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1704 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Sat 26 Oct 02 22:35
So there was this reading.  It involved one author, tired from a
3-hour signing the night before, a book, a chair, and a podium. 
Shortly, it added a cup of water as a prop.  (And necessity.)

It was magic.

About 300 people sat spellbound for almost 4 hours and were read to. 
In the second half, there was rather more water, as apparently everyone
in the audience felt sorry for the poor dear man, and went and bought
him a bottle.  (Neil started reading, and, realizing he didn't have any
water on stage with him, asked for some.  They brought him one small
cup. At the intermission, the poor man was practically drowned.) 
He signed many books for children at the intermission (and for some
adults who apparently didn't get the part about "children at the half,
grownups after), and then signed for *many* more people after--almost 2
hours after he finished the very quick Q&A.

He's tired, but pleased that he gets an extra hour of crash-time
tonight, and it was, as always, delightful to see him.

Oh, and we all got very cool Coraline posters.  Yay!

Mary (who now owns the Italian version of Neverwhere!) 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1705 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Sun 27 Oct 02 06:36

Poor baby, tired from the night before and expected to do a four hour
reading without any water?  Damn.  We might have to start bringing
Favorite Author Care Packages to the readings. Seems the people who set
these events up still can't get it right.  

Neil's publicist should send out a list of requirements before his
1 liter cold bottled water
1 8 oz. plastic cup
1 comfortable chair
1 medium sized round table
1 adjustable podium
1 tube Chapstik
A copy of the BOOK!
Reservation at the best sushi restaurant in town
1 can Mace [optional]  ;>

Did anyone catch Daniel Handler a.k.a. Lemony Snicket on "Sunday
Morning" today?  Jim Carey is slated to play Count Olaf in the movie. 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1706 of 1963: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Mon 28 Oct 02 12:52
Wait, Jim Carrey?  Count Olaf?  I...uhh...whuh?  I...guess...I can
picture that.  Who's doing this movie?  What's the scoop?
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1707 of 1963: St. NightWalker (nytwlkr) Mon 28 Oct 02 14:54
<drags himself away from his sewing machine, gets out a credit card,
gets a membership, and thuds down into his obligatory spot>

Boo. Yeah, I caved in, started reading again, and then got a
membership. I'm considering it my birthday present to myself. <grins>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1708 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Mon 28 Oct 02 15:14

Boo you too!  WELL-come back sweetie. [couldn't help myself]  ;)

Adriana -  Here's a link:
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1709 of 1963: St. NightWalker (nytwlkr) Mon 28 Oct 02 15:21
<Dr. Frank> Rocky! </Dr. Frank>

"Well"-come back? Eeek. Remind me to pour something choclatey over
your head next time I see you for that pun. Yikes.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1710 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Mon 28 Oct 02 15:22
Happy Birthday, Walker! See you Wednesday?

Rocky, teeheehee.

Ok, so, I posted some photos of the spooky halloweeny house I get to
pass everyday. Also, there is a brief overview of the weekend, with
some (sort of) photos to go with it. Let me explain: one of my
subscribers, in a fit of somethingoranother, said he'd burn his Gaiman
comics and books out of jealousy if I mentioned Neil, so Neil has
become John Doe or Mr. X. I had to alter the photos somewhat, for the
sake of the comics and books.
and more house photos here:
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1711 of 1963: St. NightWalker (nytwlkr) Mon 28 Oct 02 15:34
Maure: Yup, I should be landing around noon, and be at the hotel about
1-ish. Want to get some lunch, or something... or are you not going to
be there 'round that time?

...and what time is the signing... 7pm, right? Hrm. Looks like I'll
have to miss the Vanessa Carlton show at 8 at the Fine Line. Oh well.
I'll catch her when she's here in LA.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1712 of 1963: St. NightWalker (nytwlkr) Mon 28 Oct 02 15:36
...and thanks for the birthday wishes! It was nice and mellow last
night (other than the Angels winning the series), and was a lovely
change from the usual howling and insanity... prolly 'cause all those
people that drag me to such were blissfully unaware of what day it was.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1713 of 1963: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Mon 28 Oct 02 16:36
Walker: *grins*  My evil plot to corrupt the not-so-innocent marches
on.  'sides... it's only fair I helped bring ya back, since I
apparently scared you away the last time. ;-)

Tara and Mary:  Thanks for the reading review and the message from

Maure: I recognize your subscriber's style, but really, book burners
deserve no compassion.

Neil, Walker, and any completist collectors...

Re: the Lisa Snellings illustration - Lisa answered and said that the
illustration is called "Here Comes Santa Claus" and was based on the
sculpture of the same name used to illustrate that story in Neil's "On
Cats and Dogs" ---a chapbook possibly still available at DreamHaven. 
Furthermore, if all goes well, the drawing will be featured in "A Visit
from Santa Rat" by Hy Bender.

Walker: That means it's not "The Price."  But you can pretend if ya
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1714 of 1963: St. NightWalker (nytwlkr) Mon 28 Oct 02 17:00
Pam: Nah, you didn't scare me away... at least, I don't think you did.
I just kinda... left. Hehehe.

As for "Here Comes Santa Claus", yeah... she corrected me when I
talked to her yesterday. The reason why I call it "The Price" is 'cause
of the Black Cat in "The Price", the Black Cat in the
illustration/sculpture, and the chapbook that "The Price" was in. Silly

Funny you mention the "A Visit from Santa Rat"... since another one
she did (and I own) is called "Ho ho ho", and has a really creepy image
of a human-sized Rat in a Santa Suit getting ready to come down a
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1715 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Mon 28 Oct 02 17:58

Walker/Pam: Ok, now I'm confused.  This link from Cyberling way back
in 1998 depicts some of Lisa's sculptures and it states: 

"Here Comes Santa Claus"     
Original Mixed Media
Copyright © 1996
Illustrates Neil Gaiman's story
"The Price" Pub 1996
DreamHaven Bookslists

So, is it or isn't it?  ;p
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1716 of 1963: St. NightWalker (nytwlkr) Mon 28 Oct 02 18:14
Rocks:  The illustration/sculpture is "Here Comes Santa Claus", and it
was used for the picture for "The Price" in the chapbook... therein
lies the confusion. It's like using the Dali watches for a Swatch ad, I
suppose... in a weird sort of... nevermind.

I'm going back to sewing my bunny ears.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1717 of 1963: That Dan Man (stagewalker) Mon 28 Oct 02 19:17
Hey Walker welcome back, and birthday wishes and whatnot!

I suppose I have meaningful things to say, but that's entirely a
figment of my imagination.

Maure, I will say that you are very silly and thank heavens for it.
I'm only slightly put out that you all got to have fun with the
strange and mysterious (and often exhausted) Mr. X a week after I left

inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1718 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Tue 29 Oct 02 02:53
Dan,  I'm very serious. Very serious indeed. Not silly at all. And you
know you're welcome back whenever you like, including the rare
occasion that Mr. X is in the general vicinity. 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1719 of 1963: la belle dame avec squeaks (miss-mousey) Tue 29 Oct 02 09:00
Is anyone else conjuring up memories of a ridiculous Simpsons episode
(spoof on the Prisoner) in which Homer plays 'Mr. X' and the comic book
guy is looking up porn on the internet?

*sigh... Sorry, just won't ever be able to think of Neil as Mr. X
thanks to that. Around these parts we avoid name dropping by simply
referring to him as 'the author guy'. 

squeaks, late for work on her day off... and hating my job at the
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1720 of 1963: St. NightWalker (nytwlkr) Tue 29 Oct 02 09:39
Michelle: I was thinking the exact same thing.

Personally, I think it should be "Mr. N"... because, well... it works
that way, *and* sounds more ominous.

"I must go and fetch sushi for Mr. N!" See? Even said in a non-Igor
voice, it's a bit creepier. Add that nasally Igor voice... instant mad
scientist/super-mysterious spooky guy.

What? It is. Stop looking at me like that. <mutter>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1721 of 1963: Erynn Miles (erynn-miles) Tue 29 Oct 02 14:18
Mr. N! Hehehe. 

So it's my day off and I'm doing exciting things like piercing my
nose, showing my sis around the Land of Cleves, and listening to
Scarlet's Walk nonstop. But all I can think is, "I can't beleive it's
fucking snowing."

Merry Halloween Holidays everyone....
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1722 of 1963: la belle dame avec a new cd (miss-mousey) Tue 29 Oct 02 14:49
Geez Neil, not only did you get your name in a song, but in case
anyone was wondering 'which Neil?' she even mentioned 'Snow Glass
Apples'. Cool.

Incidentally, if anyone is wondering what the difference is between
the 'special edition' of Scarlet's Walk and the regular version, let's
just say you don't get nifty stickers, charms, Polaroid-looking-things,
or a DVD with the regular version.

Oh, and for those of you who like old-school Tori, even a little bit,
you should get the new album (Rocky, I'm talking to you).

squeaks, who bought her first cd in 4 months, and won't be buying
another until Januaryish. (hate being all broke)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1723 of 1963: "Et toi" is French, and so you're a crack muffin. (madman) Tue 29 Oct 02 14:51

*holds out his arm*
Squeaks, here, twist my arm... ok, thanks.
*goes off to buy the Tori album*
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1724 of 1963: poking the ladyfingers in the notice board (abbess) Tue 29 Oct 02 15:33
Sigh.  But don't expect to get the "scarlet's web" content they advertised
the hell out of on or on the sticker on the CD.

Epic's/Sony's "ConnecteD" technology seems to be based on some obscure
exploit to the way CD drives work that it uses to figure out whether you
really have the original CD in the drive, in some way that you can't fool so
that you can't share this stuff with anyone who doesn't have the CD, right?
So now the bonus content will make people buy the CD instead of listening to
mp3s, right?    But whatever they use to detect the CDs is only supported
on:  Windows 95, Windows 98, and mac OS versions less than 10.
I mean, I'm used to having to find a windows box - but a windows box whose
OS was last upgraded more than 4 years ago?  Grumble.  I was hoping Tori's
new label would have more of a clue.

The album is cool though.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1725 of 1963: "Et toi" is French, and so you're a crack muffin. (madman) Tue 29 Oct 02 15:42

Actually, I have a bunch of 98 boxen- it's the latest version of Windows I
use, since it's fine for games and the EULA doesn't say "All your base are
belong to us."
Still, highly annoying. Does the CD rip properly? If I can't rip it and add
it to my ubershuffle I'll be highly irate.


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