inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1726 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Tue 29 Oct 02 20:26

Walker - I would kill to see you in bunny ears.  *grin*

Erynn - Ring or stud?  

squeaks - Love OS Tori a lot..heard a few tracks and this one is on
the list.  Been feeling fragile lately, so my Vanessa Daou collection
is in heavy rotation. Especially the CD Make You Love.  I probably need
a break. ;>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1727 of 1963: St. NightWalker (nytwlkr) Tue 29 Oct 02 21:03
Rocky: Ahh, yes. The bunny ears. a foot and a half high, sewn to the
sides of a pink baseball cap that has a black Playboy logo on the front
of it.

Pictures will be taken, I assure you.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1728 of 1963: Erynn Miles (erynn-miles) Wed 30 Oct 02 07:57
I've never been so happy to have an obsolete OS before....
Scarlet's Web works for me. Sorta. The songs won't play and some of
the things won't scroll, but I can see most of it. I have a feeling
they'll be working out some bugs. I couldn't even get on at first. It
told me that I needed a copy of Incubus' new CD and then gave me a
strange error message. Curious. I went to @forumz to see if anyone else
was having the same problems. People were saying (the last time I
checked) that you could in fact access Scarlet's Web with Windows XP or
whatever, but you have to go to a Korn (?!) website first to get
software. Or something. 

I love Carbon! That's one of my faves. Actually most of them are my
favorites right now. I've had the CD on repeat for almost 24 hours now.
Jess keeps watching the DVD. I haven't seen him this intrigued for a
while so I say, "Wow. You really like this DVD, don't you?" And he
says, "Yeah, I like watching Tori walk around in pretty things..."

Neil you wrote those journal entries on the site, right? I love them.
They go wonderfully with the songs. 

Tomorrow's the Three Year Anniversary, so naturally today I have to go
to the dentist to balance out the fun. 

Oh, and i have a scary real life halloween story too, but I'll save it
for tonight or tomorrow, as I've typed too much due to Scarlet Fever. 

Rocky- I'm a hoop girl, definitely. 

Erynn, off to get her mouth poked around in while mr. dentist goes on
and on about Robert Jordan probably.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1729 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Wed 30 Oct 02 08:41

Erynn - Me too. 
And poor baby, too bad novocaine doesn't numb the hearing. 
Have a very Happy Anniversary!  ;)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1730 of 1963: meg (siozie) Wed 30 Oct 02 14:44
Erynn - Snow?! I wish we got snow here. I miss snow. I miss real
winters sometimes, like when I was a kid and there was all kinds of
special shoes and sweaters and mittens and things for staying
toasty-cuddly during the cold season. The Bay Area doesn't get NEAR
cold enough for me.

Miss-Mousey - I've got my copy on order from Amazon, should be here in
a few days. I couldn't help myself, and ordered the CD with bonus
stuff. I'm a sucker for toys :) I've heard a few tracks already, and so
far I am really loving them!

So, I just have to share this picture - It's my husband in his
Halloween costume. He's got a playoff game tonight, and plans on
wearing the helmet out for the warm-up skate ;)

Happy Creepies Day! :)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1731 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Wed 30 Oct 02 14:52
I had an idea for a costume but since it's for work, I can't wear it.
Wear a bunny costume (as in Playboy bunny) and a pair of vampire teeth
(which I have) and go as a character from that old B movie, Night of
the Lepus - a rabbit with fangs.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1732 of 1963: meg (siozie) Wed 30 Oct 02 15:00
Dodge - The you obviously need to find a party to go to, where you can
wear it :) and take pictures!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1733 of 1963: Less scary than some (stagewalker) Wed 30 Oct 02 19:05
That's a great pic, Meg!

I'm seriously bummed. I somehow forgot that today was the day that 
Scarlett's Walk comes out. But on the plus side, I would have bought
the version with extras, and since I'm running Mac OSX.. I would have
gotten screwed.

I'm so torn. On the one side, I want to support Tori and really want
the new CD. On the other side, record labels that pull this kind of
crap (making their customers jump through hoops to get the product that
they paid for) really piss me off and I don't want to support their
behavior by buying their products.

This is part of why I mostly don't listen to the radio or buy from
major labels anymore.

inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1734 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Thu 31 Oct 02 04:44

Jam Master Jay...another one gone.  
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1735 of 1963: Christy Smith (jonl) Thu 31 Oct 02 06:49
Email from Christy:

There!  I've finished Topic 125.  And yesterday, I finished AG.  It just goes
to prove that I can at least _read_ things and finish them.
Jinx -- Congratulations!!  Buying property in Connecticut sounds like a VERY
good idea, if one can swing it.  How'd Monday's meeting go?
Glen -- Sounds like my early days of car ownership.  My mom's car, which I
drove when I was home from college, had one of those gear-shifts that stick
out from the steering wheel column.  When I got my own car, its shift was
down between the front seats.  So for the first few weeks, whenever I tried
to put the car in gear, I kept turning on the windshield wipers!
Maure (1672) -- Thanks for the "cast list"!  I'm glad you remembered to be in
one of the pictures yourself.  :)
You know, it's been nearly a week since I wrote most of the above.  Which
suggests that the second half of my vacation was a little more productive
than the first, in real life, anyway.  ;)
Seeing as we're in the 1700's now, and as I've finally reached the beginning
of this thread in my Barking Mad Backlog, I think it's probably a good time
to fulfill Linda's request of Post #9:
> Neil's last post in the last topic contains the seeds of the title of the 
> next topic:  Son of the Bride of Topic 73.  When we get close to filling 
> this one up, would you please remind me, someone?

Sure, Linda (or by proxy, her moderator successors).  Hey, Esteemed
Moderators, check out the beginnings of our prospective next title, above!  
Davey -- Did you venture into western PA much?  I have several friends in the
Philly-to-Jersey region now (and once camped out at Hersheypark for a
week-long fest), but my first home away from my family was in the Pittsburgh
Ninave, Walker, and DavyMickyPeterMike -- Good to see you folks again!  (Not
that I was around the last time Walker posted....)  And Ninave, I was
wondering if you were still lurking!  Thanks for indirectly providing the
news links a few weeks ago.
Happy belated birthday, Walker!  I hope you will be enjoying your gift to
yourself for a long time.  :)
Hmm... Puns ---> chocolate....  You really shouldn't encourage us like that.  
Ooo, Meg, when I move I want your neighbors!  And I'm glad you had a good 
time at the Alton Brown cooking class!
So what DOES happen to the protein molecules when you beat egg whites?
Silly puter froze up on me last night, and refused to turn off unless I 
waited for the battery to run out.  So maybe TODAY I can finish this.
Dodge -- You're in Houston?  Cool!  I lived there for three years as a kid, 
and still have friends there.  Sounds like it hasn't changed much since then, 
in that it's always changing.  But, wow, I feel weird thinking that the 
Astrodome may be going away already.  I used to watch the Astros win and the 
Oilers lose there.  Is the Summit Arena still around?
Maure -- That house IS spectacular!  Wow.  WOW.  That actually exists in your 
neighborhood?  Wow!  Er, you don't happen to live in the Shambles, do you?
And cool!  Your birthday's the day after mine!  :D
Chicago Contingent -- Thanks for the accounts of the Humanities Fest!  It 
sounds like you guys had a great time.  Were there a lot of children at the 
big reading?
Maure, is there any way we can see the "uncensored" pics from the fest?  
Pretty please?  If I pout?  How lovely that you guys got to be his hosts for 
the day.  I keep starting to be maddeningly jealous -- but then I remember 
that I had him all to myself for three hours a couple of weekends ago, and I 
get all happy again.  <beam>
Alas, I never got to a full _Coraline_ reading.  However, waiting for me at 
the office when I got back Monday was my _Live at the Aladdin_ video!   
Yaaay!!  :)  So it helps to know that I will be seeing Neil read soon, even 
if not in the flesh.
Squeaks -- I remember that _Simpsons_ episode!  Hee-hee!  To be fair, though, 
these days I have a hard time thinking of anyone as "John Doe," either... 
except Dominic Purcell.  (Mmmmm....)
Oh, er, back to Earth.  <blink, blink>
BTW, if you ask for lots of CDs for the holidays, you may not NEED to buy any 
come January!  ;)
Walker -- "Mr. N" makes me think of a big, unseen drug boss in a crime flick 
-- maybe a Jackie Chan movie.  <g>
Rocky -- Hope the new album cheers you up!  <squeeze>
Erynn -- What journal entries on what site?  Is that part of the 
limited-edition restricted-access stuff?
And Happy Anniversary!!!  :D
Oh yeah, Neil -- I got my BookFest pics back.  Watch Dreamhaven's mail next 
week.  (And the next... Birthday Boy.  <ig>)
OK, all, I'd better get back to work.  I know my posts would be shorter if I 
posted more often, but once a week seems to be the norm for me.  That pesky 
not-actually-owning-a-computer thing kinda gets in the way.  ;)
Happy Halloween, Happy All Saint's, and Happy Guy Fawkes, all!
who would kinda like to see the words "Barking Mad Libs" figure somewhere in 
the next title
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1736 of 1963: poking the ladyfingers in the notice board (abbess) Thu 31 Oct 02 08:08
It turns out the Tori CD's bonus web content was actually less of a screw-up
than I thought; somehow they managed to put up and outdated version of the
CD detecting software, and an outdated FAQ to go with it.  The software does
work with recent OS's (but not linux and I'm not sure about MacOSX), and
they fixed the website so you can get the correct version of the software.

also, both the regular and "limited edition" CDs are supposed to work with
this; the "limited edition" gives you a nicely packaged set of freebies like
stickers and a big map of Scarlet's trip around the US, and a DVD which as
far as I know is a perfectly normal DVD that should work fine on any DVD

Saw a clock in a shop window last night that shouted at me that it belonged
in the House Of Clocks. Can't really describe it, but its exterior was metal
with all sorts of interesting details...
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1737 of 1963: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Thu 31 Oct 02 08:59
Erynn -- not actually sure if the journal entries are from my story or
not. My copy of SW is glued into a Walkman.... post one and I'll tell

It was good seeing everyone in Chicago, but the event ran (for me)
from 3:30pm to 10:30pm, and thank god Maure brought me something to eat
at the (short) break (followed by signing followed by reading again.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1738 of 1963: Erynn Miles (erynn-miles) Thu 31 Oct 02 09:00
Rocky- Thanks! 

Okay. A real life scary story. A few days ago we went out into the
country to do fun fall stuff. We went to a pumpkin patch, went through
a corn maze, hayride ect... then we found this old cemetery where, town
legend has it, a witch burned in Salem was brought home to be buried.
One of my friends wanted to find the grave for some reason. It's
supposed to be haunted by this witch. This was a very strange cemetery
because it was in the middle of the woods by a creek and everything was
eroding, eerie looking, and spread out. And I have to mention that
this place was miles from any farm and outside of the town. This is
important because when we found the supposed witches grave there stood
two identical brown chickens! Yes. There were CHICKENS in the
graveyard. We were like, "Okay, this witch has chicken guardians. Let's
go look at some other graves." But as we walked around looking at
other graves, they followed us, right at our ankles, doing chicken
things. So I say, "Stop it! What do you want? We're not bothering
anyting." But they kept following us, eventually chasing us out of the
cemetery. We drove past it later, just to make sure we hadn't gone
temporarily insane. They were still there, standing right on the
witches grave. I keep having these nightmares. Those were some creepy,
creepy chickens. Nothing has scared me this much in a long while. I
took some pictures too, which i need to develope.   

Have a happy halloween, everyone. 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1739 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Thu 31 Oct 02 10:36
Neil, you forgot "followed by signing again."

Christy, yes! That house does exist, and I've made up the person who
lives there, and am now in love with him a little. He's a dangerous
exiled timetraveller who wears an eye-patch. So when someone comes out
the door, I walk faster and don't look back, because I like my little
story I've made up, and I don't want to know that it's just Some Random
Guy who has such a fantastic house.

There's an apartment for rent in there now. Who wants to move to
Chicago?? Anyone?

Ok, from last night:
Walker and Megan!

I sent all the digital pictures (without the big question-mark face
hider) from last weekend to Julia Bannon for Neil's website. Let me see
whether or not I can put them up somewhere, and I'll link them here...
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1741 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Thu 31 Oct 02 11:03
and can I just say, Thank god for Vol. 1 of 69 Love Songs! Megan,
Tara, and I may have been in trouble without it. Luckily, they were
asleep, because I had to listen to it three times all the way through
(and my repeating songs randomly would probably have driven them
insane). It was the only thing keeping me awake. I tried other CDs, but
they just didn't work.

Hooray for the Magnetic Fields.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1742 of 1963: meg (siozie) Thu 31 Oct 02 14:09
Christy - Heh, thanks! Alton had a great explanation for how the egg
white proteins interact with each other, and the air you beat into
them, but I think this URL explains it a lot better than I would...

It also explains why beating egg whites in a copper bowl matters.

Stagewalker - Thanks! I have a great subject :) he's got all kinds of
wacky faces, and the makeup just made it that much better!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1743 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Thu 31 Oct 02 14:10
For Jonl in 1735
Yeah, still in Houston and changing every day. 
The Summit Arena became the Compaq Center and the Rockets were
lobbying for a new arena after the Astros got the Enron Center. Then
Enron Center became the Minute Maid Center after, well, you know. And
the Compaq Center was damaged in the floods of Allison. The wooden
flooring got warped badly. So, the Rockets got a new arena which I
don't recall the name of so the Compaq (Summit) stands pretty much
empty also. They only use it for musical shows and stuff now. And so
this city has spent lotsa bucks on new arenas for our sports clubs,
Astros, Texans and Rockets, and they aren't winning anyway. The money
would have been better spent on flood control and prevention. But, hey,
that's just me being practical.

I went with a Mae West costume today. I have this dress that is
fringed from shoulder to hem. It's also very RED. And a platinum blonde
wig. Plenty of makeup. I looked up all the Mae West sayings and
practiced my MW voice to deliver them in. Been having a blast. Not too
risque for the office (unlike the red-riding whore) and yet a standout.
I've taken it off already though (4:00 pm) because the industrial
strength support system was uncomfortable. Now I know why she had such
a breathy voice. 

"I used to be Snow White but I --- drifted."
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1744 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Thu 31 Oct 02 15:01
Yay, Dodge!  Did you get pictures?  I loooove Mae!  If you ever get a
chance to see the play Dirty Blonde, I highly recommend it.  Sort of
about Mae, and sort of a secondary story going on as well about 2 fans
of hers who meet & fall in love.

Debbie & I are both Death.  Someone at her office recognized her,
proving for once & for all that her office is cooler than mine.  Still,
I'm having a blast.  We're going out tonight to see Janah, so we'll
see who recognizes us.   

I should put in a plug for my friend Scott's band EXO--they're on tour
again in November, coming back out west--California, etc.  Go see
them--I went a couple of weeks ago, and they rocked out loud.  Sort of
Punk/Metal with a sense of humor.  Check them out at .

Maure, Tara--glad you guys made it back OK.  What are y'all doing this
weekend?  Like Sat.?  I want to hear all about the trip!  Call/e me.

Mary (reading Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1745 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Thu 31 Oct 02 15:13
I'm turning 50 next year and my birthday is in October so I will
probably go with the Grim Reaper next year. 

Don't know about the pic. I asked HR to send me a copy via computer
but they haven't yet. None of the people in the office brought cameras
and I forgot. Ah, well.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1746 of 1963: la belle dame avec squeaks (miss-mousey) Thu 31 Oct 02 17:46
abbess - Record labels are generally pretty clueless. My boy told me
of a meeting he had at Warner nearly 15 years ago in which he was
telling the label people about modem technology and how you could
download music over the internet. The label people said something like
'but it takes so long to download anything that way, no one would wait
overnight just to get a song downloaded'. Apparently they couldn't ever
see (and wouldn't listen to the boy's explanation) that such
technology would improve someday.

Off to take a nap. The boy is dragging me to the club tonight to see
Rosin Coven. Not that I don't want to go, but damnit, I'm TIRED! At
least when I snap at people at the club and then dance around like a
banshee out of hell (due to sleep dep, mostly) I can blame it on the

squeaks, a.k.a. The Mad Hatter
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1747 of 1963: Tracey who is in limbo (jinx) Thu 31 Oct 02 20:02
Christie wrote: Jinx -- Congratulations!!  Buying property in
Connecticut sounds like a VERY
good idea, if one can swing it.  How'd Monday's meeting go?

The Monday meeting went well, I am not in limbo waiting to hear from
the bank,'s hard to type with everything crossed.

Tracey who needs to unkink
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1748 of 1963: Christy Smith (jonl) Fri 1 Nov 02 11:40
Email from Christy:

Re:  Jam Master Jay -- Oh, crap.  :-(

Hey, Rocky, there's another _Ether_ up on eBay, though you don't seem to be
biting on these.  With any luck, I'll have a chance to tape mine for you
soon; might even send it up with my brother when he comes down for
Thanksgiving.  But if you're interested in the real thing (or have ever, for
some reason, wanted to see Alannah's tits), it's at .

Neil, in regard to my FAQ query, I'm just going to send the stuff to the Lake
Street location and assume it's the right one.  If it isn't, I'm sure Mr.  
Ketter will get it to you eventually.

Have fun at WFCon, and best wishes for Sunday night.  <crosses everything but

Erynn -- You're scarin' me, man....  How odd and creepy and that much 
creepier for its oddness.  That's weirder than _The Birds_, and will probably 
forever affect the way I listen to The Choir's "The Chicken" 
( ).  And yes, pictures 
would be great!  :)

Maure, I think you should pitch a TV series about your imaginary neighbor!  
And there's an apartment available IN that house?  You must be cursing your 

Thanks for the pics!  Is "Bill" Bill Williams?  And did I miss where you, 
Megan, and Tara drove to, or was it mentioned more than a week ago and has 
thus slipped past the event horizon of my attention span?

Dodge -- Happy belated birthday!

Tracey -- Keep us posted!  :)

I didn't dress up this year.  There were two parties last weekend that I 
could have gone to, but I was enjoying my alone-time too much.  Nothing's 
happened at work for the last two Halloweens, although we could dress up if 
we wanted to, but there didn't seem to be much point.  Last year, though, I 
went to a party as Langly, one of _The X-Files_'s Lone Gunmen.  That was fun, 
even though most people thought I was Garth from _Wayne's World_.  Hmm, maybe 
another time....

Party On, Dudes!
Christy of the Recyclable Costumes
(who is not really jonl -- honest!)

For Squeaks:

Sometimes I think they're madder
Than hatters having tea
Setting up the situation
To destroy the scenery
        - Thompson Twins  ;)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1749 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Fri 1 Nov 02 12:57
Christy,  no, not cursing the lease (for that particular reason) -- I
don't want to live there; the magic would probably be gone. But I want
someone I know to live there, so I can skulk around the grounds and
inside without actually being a trespasser. 

And a TV show? I'm afraid they'd turn him into the funny-accented
crusty old neighbor with a heart of gold who gets into hilarious
hijinks because of the spooky house. He's not that at all. He's very
dangerous, and cruel, and he sings very off-key, and I'm fond of him
that way. Maybe I should try writing a story. 

Oh, I don't know whether I mentioned the where or not. Tara, Megan and
I drove to Minneapolis for the Oct. 30th signing at DreamHaven. I got
some of my Jonathan Carroll books signed, and some of my Dave McKean
books signed. I was very pleased.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1750 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Fri 1 Nov 02 16:40

squeaks - That ole TIRED vibe must be going around, I didn't even make
it out to the annual Village Holloween parade...just watched it on
TeeVee. The horror... *sigh* 

Christy -  I'm attending Def Jam Poetry on Broadway this evening, and
in light of the circumstances it will be a very somber affair.  He was
never one to embrace Thug Life.  Breaks my damn heart, it does. 

Tracy - May you never truly un-kink.  <eg> 
I'm crossing a lot of stuff for you.  


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