inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1776 of 1963: meg (siozie) Wed 6 Nov 02 10:58
Jinx - What a horrid weekend :( poor Spud! But don't stop looking for
Dora! One of our cats disappeared several years ago, and was gone for
three months. We had finally decided to get a new kitten, and the next
weekend after we got him, we got a phonecall from a guy who sounded
like he'd been stoned since 1969. "Duuuude... Did you... like... lose a
cat, man?" Turns out our kitty had been living under the guy's house
for almost three months, and he'd just been setting out food for him
and trying to get close enough to see what was on the tag. The cat
finally got the collar off and when the guy found it, called us. So, we
had our kitty back not much worse for the wear, though he doesn't go
outside anymore. So, keep hope! I'm sure kitty is out there somewhere.

My week has been hectic, to say the least, and it isn't even over yet!
My husband and I have both been sick, but the good news is that I have
a job offer. I'm just waiting on the background check to go through,
and then I think I start next week. w00t! It will be nice to be working
again, though it has also been nice to be home so much. :) 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1777 of 1963: Martha Soukup (soukup) Wed 6 Nov 02 11:41
Saw Future Bible Heroes after World Fantasy Con and they were fantastic.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1778 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Wed 6 Nov 02 13:04

Jinx--I'll ask St. Francis to move a little faster.

I got a new fishie last night, a telescope eye goldfish.  They are
supposed to get more fish today, so I'm going by on the way home from
work.  I want another telescope eye and another Black Moor.  

The new tradition is that the gold ones are named after goldfish in
comics--I have Mizuko, and the 2 telescope eyes are going to be Slim &
Wandsworth.  Silliness.

Hey, Neil--what was the cool early birthday prezzie?  

(I *hate* it when he says things like that & never follows up!  ;-) )

Dan--loved your costume.  You are, however, still dead.

Christy--thanks!  I'm one of 2 redheads in my whole extended family. 
Kinda weird.

I did not vote, 'cause some idiot moved & forgot to reregister.  What
a chowderhead.  However, I used to work with Lisa Madigan, the first
woman Attorney General of the state of Illinois.  And she's cool as
hell.  So I'm waaaay thrilled with the way that turned out.  The rest
of it, though....kinda scary.

Mary (reading The Road to Mars by Eric Idle)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1779 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Wed 6 Nov 02 13:10
Ooops! Forgot to say--going to see Future Bible heroes with Maure
tonight.  Whee!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1780 of 1963: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Wed 6 Nov 02 19:14
AT 10:30 this morning, my father (out golfing with friends) died of a
heart attack.

I don't really know what more to say than that, but as I was online
dealing with email I thought I should let you all know.

I'm rather numb right now...

inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1781 of 1963: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Wed 6 Nov 02 19:26
Dan -- so sorry to hear about your father. All sympathies.


The Future Bible Heroes were astonishing -- much better than I had
ever imagined they would be live. It was like hearing most of the songs
from the first album for the first time.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1782 of 1963: Martha Soukup (soukup) Wed 6 Nov 02 20:00
Dan, that's awful.  I'm so sorry.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1783 of 1963: la belle dame with her name in a journal (miss-mousey) Wed 6 Nov 02 22:18
jinxie - <<<hugs>>> It *does* get better (because I said so).

Mmmm, 8-tracks. They make the coolest looking coasters. :) And Erynn
(and abbess), ouch (but only a little) - I got my first CD when I was
in college.

Dan - If you need a shoulder, you have my number.

squeaks, feeling slightly more sane than I did a week ago.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1784 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Wed 6 Nov 02 23:14
Dan,  you have all my sympathy. I'm so sorry.

Future Bible Heroes were just completely wonderful. Stephin Merrit is
so cool. He's Dexter Gordon cool. And Claudia sounded wonderful. 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1785 of 1963: "Et toi" is French, and so you're a crack muffin. (madman) Thu 7 Nov 02 01:37

Dan, I'm so sorry.
I echo squeaks' comment above- drop an email or a call if you want anything.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1786 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Thu 7 Nov 02 10:33
I also have a working 8 track tape player. I wish I had the tapes I
used to have. Seals and Crofts was my fave going to the beach tape.
Though there's one song I used to listen to where I'd swear there was a
line that went "a cat in the wall" and that always reminded me of
Edgar Allen Poe.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1787 of 1963: Martha Soukup (soukup) Thu 7 Nov 02 10:45
E-mail from Debbiep:

Dan - I am so sorry. Let me know if you need anything.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1788 of 1963: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Thu 7 Nov 02 10:57
Dan, we are all here for love and support, however you might need us.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1789 of 1963: meg (siozie) Thu 7 Nov 02 11:14
Dan - I am so sorry! Please let me know if you need anything, I've a
good ear...

Mary - Thanks! :)

Neil - Your Furball sounds quite a lot like one of ours, Xeurnix. He's
a Maine Coon mix and weighs in at about 22lbs, and has the sweetest
disposition! We get the same reaction to him when people come in the
house - either mute astonishment, or comedic commentary :)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1790 of 1963: "Et toi" is French, and so you're a crack muffin. (madman) Thu 7 Nov 02 11:40

I don't have an 8-track player, but I do have an 8-track reel to reel
recorder. It's a nice conversation piece. :>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1791 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Thu 7 Nov 02 14:20
So was my 75mm reel but, heck, I gave it away. Sometimes I wish I
still had it.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1792 of 1963: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Thu 7 Nov 02 16:30
Back from the World Sleep-Deprivation, er, Fantasy Con, and finally
somewhat coherent...

DanW: I'm so, so very sorry.  I almost lost my father two years ago,
and I remember exactly how that felt.  I echo Adriana and others in
letting you know that we are here for you however you might need us. 
May you be given comfort.

Jinxie: Baby girl, I'm so sorry for you, too.  I cried and cried when
my last cat died.  And what a horrible weekend altogether.  Has your
other cat returned yet?  I hope the house comes through after all. 
*hugs* to you!

Maure, et. al., re: Future Bible Heroes.  Aren't they just fabulous? 
I love the way Claudia's ethereal vocal quality blends with Stephin's
deep resonant one.  And it's funny... we were listening to them in the
car on the way to the airport while I was trying *desperately* to stay
awake long enough to drive us there and then drop like a ragdoll into
my plane seat.

Martha!  It was soooo lovely to meet you and spend time with you. 
Even if we dragged you to more than one discount shopping adventure!

I'd give a more complete write-up on the Con, but my mind is still
really completely boggled by the entire experience, and I've managed to
at least make comments on Bill William's post over on the newsgroup,
so I've met my quota for the day.

Suffice to say that I loved, loved, loved meeting Martha, Bill, his
lovely wife Sarah, Arvin, Michelle and seeing Walker, JaNell and other
friends there.  And I remember quite distinctly standing in the middle
of the room the night of the mass signing, and just spinning
slowwwwwwly in a circle, looking at all the names and faces behind the
tables in that single room, and thinking... Oh. My. God.  This is like
being 8 years old in Baskin Robbins when you get to eat EVERY SINGLE
flavor, and every single one is your favorite.

Absolutely stunning experience all around.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1793 of 1963: Christy Smith (jonl) Thu 7 Nov 02 17:54
Email from Christy:

Dan -- I am so sorry.  I think Adriana said it best... you and your family
have our support.

Jinx -- Sad to hear about Spud.  Losing a pet always stinks.  Glad to hear
that the guy was nice about it; he must have felt terrible!  I hope your week
is going better than your weekend did!

My cat, Daisy, occasionally took it upon herself to disappear for about two
weeks at a time.  I think she just liked all the hugs and attention she got
when she came back!  I hope Dora's just on a rodent safari and will return
home soon.  (Hey, Mary -- Maybe St. Francis can team up with St. Anthony for
this one?)

Who's GD?  Dang, you have an 8-track AND a turntable!  Lucky!!!

Adriana -- Oh, good!  Doug mentioned that he'd contacted you.  He seemed to 
enjoy the MP3 tracks; hope he gets to see you guys live sometime soon!

How did the Halloween show go, by the way?

Bill -- So that is you and your wife!  How cool!  Sounds like you had a 
really fun time.

I have a co-worker named Bill Williams.  You look nothing like him.  ;)

Rocky -- I'll leave you on your own with the eBay sales now, but I will make 
that tape.  Did you happen to tape _The Lathe of Heaven_?

Meg 'n' hubby -- Get well soon!  And congrats on the job offer!!  Woo-woo!  

Mary -- Congrats on the new fishies!  You may not have 'Tello-Fishie anymore, 
but now you've got at least one Tele-fishie!  (I'm not sure I want to know 
what a telescope-eye goldfish looks like, though.)

For the first time since before my vacation, I am actually less than a week 
behind on Neil's journal!  Yaaaaay!

Neil -- As of this morning, you have two things coming in the mail from me.  
In case I'm not online Sunday (which is very likely), HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!  
42, yes, that is a cool age.  Seems appropriate.  :)

And I, too, am eager to hear about that amazing early birthday present.

inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1794 of 1963: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Thu 7 Nov 02 18:32
Thank you everyone for your sympathies, kind thoughts and words. The
last two days have seemed to stretch out forever. It's like time has
ceased to flow in any kind of meaningful way.
I can't believe it hasn't even been 36 hours yet.
Squeaks, I'll most certainly give you a call at some time in the near
Debbie, re-send me your phone number as I have inexcusably misplaced
Madman, you'll be hearing from me as well. I had been planning on
having a "just for the hell of it" party, or another poker party, or
SOMETHING... and I think I'm going to need to have all my peeps around
me in the next few months.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1795 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Thu 7 Nov 02 21:11

DanW - My deepest sympathies to you and your family, please don't
hesitate to take comfort where you can.  We get by with a little help
from our friends. 

Jinxie - Mugsey passed away in February and I'm still quite devestated
by her loss.  She was one helluva broad..for a cat.  Here's hoping
your little one finds a way home...and things are still crossed for the
house.  By the way, if it's anything to do with financing, I know a
few mortgage brokers who can breathe life into any deal. 

Christy -  Yes.  But where did I put the tape?  It's here somewhere so
don't despair.

And I turned 44 the other day, but luckily the wrinkles are all
inside. ;)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1796 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Thu 7 Nov 02 23:27
Dan-Sweetie, I am so sorry.  I e-mailed you since I couldn't get on
here earlier.  Holler if there's anything I can do.

Rocky--Happy Birthday, girl!

Future Bible Heroes were faboo.  Waaay fun.  And I got the coolest new
fishie ever!  He's (please realize that all pronouns are arbitrary. 
Sexing goldfish is a job for better men than I am, Gunga-din) a
lionhead goldfish with a gold body, black fins, a black cap, a black
stripe down his back, and black lips.  I fell instantly in love, but
the assistant manager of the store tried to charge me $18 for him,
because some of the other fish in the tank were that much. So I went
back this morning, and left it up to St. Francis.  Sure enough, he was
still there, and the girl who works in the fish dept. gave me the
correct price ($4.49!).  His name is Tyger.  Please stop me before I
buy again!  At this rate I'm going to have to get a third tank.....

Neil--oooo, the early birthday prezzie sound wonderful.  Squeaks, you
is the coolest!

Mary (who read Night by Elie Wiesel today, and is now reading P.D.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1797 of 1963: Tracey who is holding her breath for this weekend (jinx) Fri 8 Nov 02 07:32
Dan, Let me extend a very late consolation. I am so very sorry for
your loss. If there is anything I can do
please feel free to contact me.

Maure, I've been letting the two remaining out with the instructions
to find Dora and tell her to come home.

Meg, Are you sure you don't live in Connecticut? I have a workmate who
fits that description. Best of luck
 with getting the new job. My last background check for the casino
took forever, and I've been good since 
I've been legal.

Mousie, thanks :)

Pammy, I'm so glad you didn't freeze to death at World Con, and had a
good time as well. I have to go look at
another house on Saturday.

Christy, I actually am so pleased that the man came to the door and
admitted and expressed sorrow. It was nice 
to do and very unexpected.

Rocky, I may just take you up on that offer for the Broker. I
currently have the picture of you and Ivory from
Tenn. on my bookshelf and my boi doesn't believe that you're older
then me, in fact my own mother thinks you're my age.

Neil, c'mon spill about the pressie,......please?

Jinxie who is running errands all day
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1798 of 1963: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Fri 8 Nov 02 10:49
Rocky: Belated happy birthday! 

Mary: Congrats on your new fishie.  He sounds gorgeous! 

Jinxie: Well, I didn't freeze to death, thank goodness.  But it was a
pretty continuous process of freeze, thaw, freeze, thaw... repeat
frequently.  And the skywalks in Minneapolis are only helpful to those
who have good direction sense, like Bill.

who is grateful for the rain today, because we need it, but was hoping
for a little more classic L.A. weather after MN
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1799 of 1963: Bill^2 (billbill) Fri 8 Nov 02 11:02
I'm pretty sure that's the first time anyone's ever accused me of
having a good sense of direction. Proof of that would be the stacks of
Mapquest maps that got me to Minneapolis from Michigan and back again,
and the Skyway map I had stuffed in my back pocket. It's not a good
sense of direction -- it's just lots of preparation. :-)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1800 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Fri 8 Nov 02 11:14
Prayers and beams and thoughts to Jinx and Dan and all of you for this
upcoming weekend. 


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