inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #451 of 1500: Keeper of Rat Gravy (notshakespeare) Wed 12 Jan 05 11:36
Because Neil never told us about it!
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #452 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Wed 12 Jan 05 13:35
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #453 of 1500: Mary Roane (the-roane) Wed 12 Jan 05 13:47
DanGuy--you rock.  Not that I didn't know that already, but......I'll
keep my fingers crossed that this happens.

Why do I feel that bankruptcy would be a small price to pay for the
goodies included in the Hill House subscription series?  <<sigh>>

Mary (reading Moira's Crossing by Christina Shea)
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #454 of 1500: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Wed 12 Jan 05 14:50
(Slipped by Mary with similar Hill House envy.)

Squeee!  I just read your entry.  Sounds promising, Dan!

That Author's Preferred Text series sure is attractive, if I could
ever imagine being that rich.  (I could have imagined it ten years ago,
but that was when I actually believed that if I stayed single and
didn't have kids, I wouldn't have a family to support.  But then, a few
years earlier I believed electrical engineering was neat and logical,
so you see how clueful I was.)

As it happens, I am planning on dropping a load o' cash on something
in the near future:  a new car.  Mine got totalled about a week ago
when a lady turned left into my driver's side door.  Amazingly, no one
was hurt; I was only slightly sore for a couple of days, as if I'd sat
at work with bad posture.  My car was too bent to be driven away.

Am now using a rental car and working out things with the two
insurance companies (mine and the other lady's).  It sounds as though
I'll be getting a decent settlement.  I hope to get some closure on my
car and get the rest of my stuff out of it soon, and maybe then I can
sit down and think about tracking down a new one.

Anyone got any car advice?  At least I now know of one brand that can
last 11+ years and withstand a side-impact crash!
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #455 of 1500: Keeper of Rat Gravy (notshakespeare) Wed 12 Jan 05 14:54
Melinda info here:
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #456 of 1500: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Wed 12 Jan 05 15:44
Sneaky Neil.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #457 of 1500: mad mouse beyond thunderdome (miss-mousey) Wed 12 Jan 05 20:46
eek, tinymonster - glad you're alright. And new cars are wonderful
things. Especially when someone else's negligence helps to pay for
them. :)

Ah Hill House. I will so never be able to afford you!

In other news, I never thought authors could really go into a sort of
'crunch mode' like in the games industries, but Neil seems to be
proving me wrong. It's times like this I'm glad I never got fully into
journalism with the deadlines and the revisions to stories and blah de
blah blah am I rambling or what?
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #458 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Thu 13 Jan 05 12:30
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #459 of 1500: Good Mrs. Mousey Accost (miss-mousey) Fri 14 Jan 05 11:06
"What good is money if it can't buy you Neil goodies?  (Food and
clothing just can't compare.)  ^_^"

Well, maybe not food and clothing, but wedding and honeymoon do
compare. Given the options between books and the trip to Europe with
the boy, I think I made the right choice. ;P

And completely off topic, may I recommend that no one ever have an
allergy attack the same day they come down with a terrible cold. I know
of 5 people whose allergies have kicked in big time since the rain let
up a few days ago, and 3 of us are also sick now. grrr. and feh.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #460 of 1500: Dodge (clotildes) Fri 14 Jan 05 11:27
There is a topic here that deals with car questions. The experts in it
give great advice.  You'll have to search for it though as since I'm
not looking right now, I forgot it.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #461 of 1500: Not to be confused with the House of Soukup (tinymonster) Fri 14 Jan 05 13:42
Mousey, Dan, and Dodge -- Thanks!  I'm very happy to be walking
around.  And I'll bet I can find the Car Experts topic, if I do a
little sleuthing.

Thanks to, it
seems I now know of another car with sturdy sides.  I'm glad your nice
1½-year-old Mini wasn't damaged by the deer, Neil.  And I'm glad YOU
weren't either!

Sorry to hear of all the sick people, both in Mousey-land and in
Neil's house (maybe that's cat-land).  EVERYBODY GET WELL NOW!!!  Lots
of Vitamin-C and warm-blanket wishes going out to all of you, and a
kiss for Maddy.  I hope the Last Two People Standing manage to escape
it entirely.

So, while Minnesconsinites are having -9ºF weather, we in Maryland
spent the week at around 70!  But we're expected to pay for it this
weekend.  Oh, whee.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #462 of 1500: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Mon 17 Jan 05 11:25
Yesterday's Journal entry was amusing
"Remember Dad is a weirdo, but Maddy is the best!"

Wise words from your friendly neighborhood Maddy.

*grins like an idiot*
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #463 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Mon 17 Jan 05 12:08
    <scribbled by dfowlkes>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #464 of 1500: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Mon 17 Jan 05 12:37
I started listening to my _NG Audio Collection_ over the weekend.  I'm
looking forward to her interview of the "weirdo."
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #465 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Tue 18 Jan 05 03:23
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #466 of 1500: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Wed 19 Jan 05 10:39
Can any comic-art officionados give me some advice to pass along?  My
brother Ben (of Metropolis Collectibles and Gotham City Art) has an
opportunity to facilitate the sale of some original _Sandman_ art,
including some Dave McKean covers.  Apparently _Sandman_ covers rarely
go on sale.

Before deciding to pursue it further, though, he's trying to gauge
interest and find out whatever market information he can:  "Any word or
help, potential interest, or even the rough market value or info about
previous sales, would be huge."  Anyone know anything (or anyone)?


There's more specific info below.

Hey Christy,
I've been offered some Dave McKean Sandman covers and original artwork
(including a Mark Hempal splashy opening interior from The Kindly
Ones).  Most of these would be too expensive for me to acquire to hold
onto in inventory for Gotham, but I'd be happy to facilitate a sale as
an agent.  ...  I'd need to verify they're original, but given there
are some original Superman covers in the collection as well, I feel
confident these are the real deal.  I threw the images up on my
website.  Not great photos, but recognizable.


The best way to verify would probably entail me flying out to see them
in person.  I'd like/need to get a sense of interest before I can
pursue it further though.  Any word or help, potential interest, or
even the rough market value or info about previous sales, would be
huge. ...
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #467 of 1500: Martha Soukup (soukup) Wed 19 Jan 05 12:08
Ooooh Mark Hempel too.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #468 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Wed 19 Jan 05 12:22
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #469 of 1500: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Wed 19 Jan 05 18:34
Jouni, from off-Well:

It's a boy...

"Little Caesar" Julius was born yesterday by caesarean section.
I'm happy (and slightly drunk).


[That "yesterday" refers, I think, to Monday. --Bruce]
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #470 of 1500: Georgia (georgiac) Wed 19 Jan 05 19:19
Dan is right, Ryan from is the guy for you. He's very
knowledgeable and is the right person to go to.
The contact information is at the bottom of the page.

Congratulations! The name is brilliant!

General complaint and hope-
It's way too hot and humid here right now and I can't wait to get to
Bath next week. One week in the cold. My heart warms at the thought of
wearing once again, thermal undergarments.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #471 of 1500: Georgia (georgiac) Wed 19 Jan 05 19:31
Dan is right, Ryan from is the guy for you. He's very
knowledgeable and is the right person to go to.
The contact information is at the bottom of the page.

Congratulations! The name is brilliant!

General complaint and hope-
It's way too hot and humid here right now and I can't wait to get to
Bath next week. One week in the cold. My heart warms at the thought of
wearing once again, thermal undergarments.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #472 of 1500: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Thu 20 Jan 05 07:25
DanGuy and Georgia -- Thanks!  I'll pass it along.  (Oh dear, did you
see what's happened to the site?  I'm glad he at least left his contact
info intact!)

Jouni -- Congratulations!!  (And by now, Julius can tell people he
*wasn't* born yesterday!)  How is your poor wife?  And is that three
boys now?

Georgia -- Bath, England?  That _will_ be a change of pace for you!

We got some snow yesterday, the day I returned the rental car.  It'll
be kind of nice not to be driving or scraping ice now that winter's
finally hit.  If you _have_ to lose your car, this is a good time to do
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #473 of 1500: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Thu 20 Jan 05 07:26
(Neil, if you still read this, get better quickly!)
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #474 of 1500: Keeper of Rat Gravy (notshakespeare) Thu 20 Jan 05 09:17
Congrats Jouni!
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #475 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Fri 21 Jan 05 03:11
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>


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