inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #426 of 1500: Keeper of Rat Gravy (notshakespeare) Thu 30 Dec 04 08:57
Y'know, that's a bad habit of mine.  I go right for the correction,
and didn't stop to congratulate you on your accomplishment.

Good job!
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #427 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Thu 30 Dec 04 11:34
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #428 of 1500: Not really Batman at all (tinymonster) Thu 30 Dec 04 12:14
I heard today that there was some big snafu with airline luggage
delivery this week.  Wonder if that's what happened to Neil's stuff? 
Hope he has it back by now.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #429 of 1500: Keeper of Rat Gravy (notshakespeare) Thu 30 Dec 04 12:21
The USMail has a deal with the airlines that "the mail must go
through".  It actually has a somewhat higher priority than even
passengers.  So, last week with the big storms, the mail got backed up
and we are still dealing with the ripple effect.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #430 of 1500: Not really Batman at all (tinymonster) Thu 30 Dec 04 12:50
"large backlogs in... Atlanta"

Ah, yes, that does sound related.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #431 of 1500: Georgia Aliano (georgiac) Thu 30 Dec 04 22:59
notshakespeare (I do use the handles, right? Not the real names?)
1- Don't worry about the jumping to the correction. I have the same
instinct and being the mother of 3 hasn't allowed it to be dulled by
age. I shouldn't be commended though. I still want to smoke. Every
single day.
2- Year of the Monkey almost over, soon to be year of the Rooster -
check. You do know I have very little idea of any of this, right? I
hardly remember the other horoscope that's on the papers all the time.
The only reason I do remember mine is that I was often referred to as
being stubborn like an ox and I'm a Taurus. Well, I hope the Rooster is
good for everybody. I should go and find out what sort of beast I am
in the Chinese horoscope. Probably the last year's monkey or maybe some
sort of gryphon? I'd like to be a gryphon. Or a sphinx. Do you know
any of this stuff?

note: I am glad they used the rooster name instead of the other one
this animal is known to go by. It would be very unsettling to be told
it would be the Year of the- Oh, my!

I know. You can easily find 12 year olds more mature than I am.

I saw the pictures! Yay you and yay me! I specially like the one where
you managed to be whiter than the Englishman - though your cheeks are
all nice and rosy.

I saw the picture you posted on LJ. I was once trapped like that for
over 2 hours - every time I moved the baby would wake up. I think she
already had the twisted sense of humour she has today (at 11) and did
it just to see for how long she'd get away with it.

General rant:
I can't order any of the DVDs I wanted to (including the Bolton one)
because customs down here has decided to tax them in almost 100%. My
friend who sends me the comics said he'd ship them, but it makes no
difference if it's coming from Amazon or a home address. *sigh* Anybody
flying to Brazil in the next 4 months?

Enough talking. I do go on and on. 
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #432 of 1500: the girl what squeaks (miss-mousey) Fri 31 Dec 04 09:55
georgia - try for
your chinese horoscope info (though it may be more research than you
were wanting), or for more
general information. Um, trying to be helpful because I'm not flying to
Brazil any year soon.

But I did get my John Bolton DVD (along with a VNV Nation one, but
that doesn't really apply here, does it?). I made the boy watch it with
me (the John Bolton one, not the VNV one) and he liked it. Yay!

Happy New Year to everyone.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #433 of 1500: Keeper of Rat Gravy (notshakespeare) Sun 2 Jan 05 16:01
The well has a mixed history of using either handles or names.  Since
this page is public, I try not to use to many names, unless the pseud
is set to the person's name. has a simpler
year/sign page. 

I am a horse.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #434 of 1500: Georgia (georgiac) Sun 2 Jan 05 20:27
Thank you for the info. I found it very interesting. I'm some sort of
water element who should wear black, has better luck at night and in
cold weather. All very true. Oh, and years of rats are to be quite good
for me. It made me think of "rat gravy". You people have burnt the
image into my brain forever.

I'll have to wait until somebody goes up there. I'll then buy it and
send it to the apt. in NY. I also want the complete Black Adder.

I'm sure you are.

Hope 2005 has been kind so far.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #435 of 1500: Cannot bring myself to say "I am a dog." (tinymonster) Mon 3 Jan 05 08:33
Georgia - Thanks!  Glad you liked the pics!  (And we _all_ go on and
on here.  ;)    )

I sure would like to go to Brazil _someday_....

notbilly -
<Since this page is public, I try not to use to many names, unless the
pseud is set to the person's name.>

Oh, good thinking!  I never thought of that.

My brother gave me _The Neil Gaiman Audio Collection_ for Christmas! 

And I gave my step-niece the new _Goldfish_ book with the attached CD.
 (She loves books, and is quite the little artist.)  It turned out
that she had just gotten a Discman, so now she has a new CD to try out
on it!

Happy New Year, all!
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #436 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Mon 3 Jan 05 12:49
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #437 of 1500: Dodge (clotildes) Tue 4 Jan 05 12:22
Sign of the horse.

That's like saying why can't a divorce ever be simple? They are both
things that SEEM like they ought to be simple most of the time and
never never are.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #438 of 1500: Mary Roane (the-roane) Tue 4 Jan 05 18:30
Will Eisner is gone.  2005 is not starting out well.

Neil, I'm so sorry.  I know you loved him.

Mary (going home to read The Spirit)
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #439 of 1500: Jon Lebkowsky (jonl) Tue 4 Jan 05 18:36
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #440 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Wed 5 Jan 05 12:28
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #441 of 1500: Dodge (clotildes) Wed 5 Jan 05 13:11
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #442 of 1500: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Wed 5 Jan 05 14:18
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #443 of 1500: Georgia (georgiac) Thu 6 Jan 05 02:35
I was going to add to the same.

Will Eisner is dead and the world is less of a wonder for it. Is it me
or these last months have been really bad for comics?


Live, be happy, kiss somebody every day.

P.S. Why can't I read posts #439 to 442?
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #444 of 1500: midget gems (riffraff) Thu 6 Jan 05 02:44

cause they are blank.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #445 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Thu 6 Jan 05 03:47
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #446 of 1500: Keeper of Rat Gravy (notshakespeare) Thu 6 Jan 05 08:22
Georgia - rather than write "what he said," wellperns (people on the
Well) have a tradition of posting nothing.  It signifies the "loss of
words" feeling that most of us have at this time.

You may wish to jump over to <welcome.8.631> and read other odd
sayings that we use.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #447 of 1500: Georgia (georgiac) Thu 6 Jan 05 13:59
Thanks for the patience. I'm not very fond of the IMHOs and such, but
do appreciate the poetry of the blank post. 

Neil clone?! 
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #448 of 1500: Keeper of Rat Gravy (notshakespeare) Thu 6 Jan 05 14:04
Neil clones, from Jouni
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #449 of 1500: Not really Batman at all (tinymonster) Fri 7 Jan 05 13:40
Oh, Neil, I'm sorry to hear about Will Eisner.

(I've been out of touch for a few days.)
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #450 of 1500: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Wed 12 Jan 05 11:07

What is _Melinda_ and why have I only heard about it by noticing it


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