inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #0 of 223: Brady Lea (brady) Mon 20 Jan 14 19:24

Clementina burst through the swinging saloon doors, a cloud of prairie dust
rising behind her, as she re-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #1 of 223: Gail Williams (gail) Mon 20 Jan 14 20:03
peated the name of the dive, "The Internet of Libations."  It made no
sense at all, but she de-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #2 of 223: David Albert (aslan) Tue 21 Jan 14 06:40
livered the fourteen cases of Grey Goose vodka, watched as the manager
signed the slip, and pre-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #3 of 223: Marcus Porter (mkanoap) Tue 21 Jan 14 07:04
tended not to notice the lurking figure in the corner.  It was un-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #4 of 223: Robin Thomas (robinsline) Tue 21 Jan 14 07:36
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #5 of 223: Cliff Dweller (robinsline) Tue 21 Jan 14 07:38
derneath the greenish light of the neon sign, and she couldn't be sure
if it was watching her, or indeed if it was even hu-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #6 of 223: Gail Williams (gail) Tue 21 Jan 14 10:41
morous, but somehow she had to stifle a giggle. A hair-raising growl
emerged from the un-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #7 of 223: Brady Lea (brady) Tue 21 Jan 14 11:32

-dead bartender. "Do you have something for me to sign?" this zombie
demanded, "Or are you another one of those per-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #8 of 223: Marcus Porter (mkanoap) Tue 21 Jan 14 12:03
verted dead heads?  We don't serve the breathing here, and you can get
your voyeuristic jollies elsewhere.  The m-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #9 of 223: Brady Lea (brady) Thu 23 Jan 14 18:07

--inute the bartender finished speaking, Clementina flared her nostrils. She
stood straight up to show her full height, and mis-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #10 of 223: Cliff Dweller (robinsline) Thu 23 Jan 14 22:40
-sed her full height by a good six inches as her flared nostrils
caught the edge of the bar and she staggered back into the waiting arms
of a passing salesman in town for a trade show for purveyors of nov-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #11 of 223: David Gans (tnf) Sat 25 Jan 14 11:32
el approaches to mark-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #12 of 223: David Albert (aslan) Sat 25 Jan 14 16:37
smanship training for officers of the FBI, CIA, and members of the
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #13 of 223: (katecat) Sat 25 Jan 14 18:05
-lion-strong Siamese Death Cat Brigade. "Hands off me," said Clementine. She
swung round, the salesman's two sample sub-sub grenade-launching bolt-action
machine guns already in her grasp. Taking care-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #14 of 223: David Gans (tnf) Sun 26 Jan 14 11:09
ful stock of the situation, she quickly figured out that her best ch-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #15 of 223: Cliff Dweller (robinsline) Sun 26 Jan 14 16:12
-inchilla coat was in danger of sliding into a puddle of stale beer
and staler dreams. Swinging one gun expertly across the bar to her
partner, she swept the coat up with a flourish, feeling its silky
warmth br-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #16 of 223: Gail Williams (gail) Mon 27 Jan 14 10:28
ing a blush to her cheeks. "Dammit," she thought. Men made extravagant
passes at her when her face flushed. It was the one wildcard she sim- 
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #17 of 223: Marcus Porter (mkanoap) Fri 31 Jan 14 08:20
-ply could never quite get a handle on.  She stepped back, glowered at
the salesman and said "I am n-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #18 of 223: David Gans (tnf) Fri 31 Jan 14 09:17
ew to these parts, but I'm not new to this planet. Where the hell did you get
the idea that it was okay to t-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #19 of 223: searchlight casting (jstrahl) Sat 12 Apr 14 21:02
-hink that i'm just another potential cu-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #20 of 223: Back in Columbia Blue: (oilers1972) Sun 12 Apr 15 15:10
bs fan?  No, I'm a fan of the White So-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #21 of 223: David Albert (aslan) Sat 25 Apr 15 11:29
cial Democrats, whose next meeting will take place at the town ha-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #22 of 223: David Gans (tnf) Sat 25 Apr 15 11:46
rlot's Airstream. Everybody knows the way, and there's booze in the b-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #23 of 223: David Glen Waggoner (davidwag) Sun 26 Apr 15 09:56
    <scribbled by davidwag Wed 6 May 15 17:33>
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #24 of 223: Back in Columbia Blue: (oilers1972) Wed 6 May 15 23:05
reasts made of rubber (with working nipples) that hang from the ba-
inkwell.vue.474 : HYPHENATION 15: Hyphenation Returns
permalink #25 of 223: Martha Coyote (macoyote) Thu 29 Oct 15 13:26
abboon statue in the pantry w-


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