Inkwell: Authors and Artists
Topic 490: Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #176 of 195: John Spears (banjojohn) Tue 16 Aug 16 09:38
permalink #176 of 195: John Spears (banjojohn) Tue 16 Aug 16 09:38
Ted, ancestors have a great deal to do with one's luck. Jim, the GMI sounds wonderful. However, it strikes me that if we lived in a society that truly believed in dignity, even the dignity of having a job(career), we would start, in our current work based economy, by offerring free and accessable post secondary education to any and all comers. Yet we know this to be the complete opposite: higher education has become less accesible in the US since the Reagan era. Last night, on YT, I watched part of a documentary series, The OJ Simpson Story: Made In America, and learned some 1980-90's LA history concerning race issues. The poor black people of LA were not being treated with any dignity at all, and things seem to have gotten much worse in the US over the 25 years since, for poor people of all races. My point? How do we turn human's hearts and minds so that they believe in dignity? Is that job #2 after we overturn Citizen's United? Somehow, we have to get the words "dignity based society" on the lips of the masses. The breakdown of society and infrastructure tells me we are currently on a course 180 degrees away from a "dignity based society". What are the attractors for a dignity based society? Certainly Occupy and Bernie Sanders seemed to be directed at dignity.
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #177 of 195: Jim Rutt (memetic) Tue 16 Aug 16 11:51
permalink #177 of 195: Jim Rutt (memetic) Tue 16 Aug 16 11:51
>Certainly Occupy and Bernie Sanders seemed to be directed at >dignity. Very much so. I was involved 2012 to 2014 in an abortive political organizing effort. It failed institutionally, but my big positive take-away was how self radicalizing the Millennial generation is. Millennials will be reaching their peak percentage of voters around 2024, that alone provides a significant vector towards the good. plus, someone needs to figure out how to bridge the gap between the mostly white Millennial radicalism and especially the Black population. If Black Americans had voted for Bernie in the same percentages at WHite Americans, Bernie would have been the nominee. Historically Black Americans have voted disproportionately for the more Progressive Democratic Primary candidates. Not this time. Find the answer to that tragic disconnect AND take advantage of the rising Millennial tide over the next 8 years and there is hope. Indeed really a fair amount of hope. We've also gotten lucky: the face of the Neo-Fascist attractor in America - Trump - has turned out to be at the end of the day (fingers very strongly crossed) to be a klown. Had it been Cruz, the story could be far worse. Clinton will provide some aid and comfort to Big Money and the status quo, but she won't actively persecute the rising tide of radicalism the way a Trump or Cruz might have. Clinton, let us hope, will be the Gorbachev who while thinking they are the modernizer of the status quo, is really the presider over its downfall.
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #178 of 195: Mark Stahlman (spheres3) Fri 26 Aug 16 04:30
permalink #178 of 195: Mark Stahlman (spheres3) Fri 26 Aug 16 04:30
BanjoJohn et al: Ted just informed that the discussion continues and, since it seems that the W.E.L.L. gods have allowed me to log-in (or maybe it's just an echo that has fooled my browser), let me jump back in . . . <g> 1) I post Amazon links because you can read quite a lot there for free!! It's the only way I know to do that. I have found that many people I'm talking with would like to see where the ideas being batted around have come from, so Amazon's LOOK INSIDE is my answer. Is there a better one? 2) As I would describe it, the Santa Fe Institute has been dealing with *material* causes -- which is to say, nothing in "complexity" requires that humans be involved and, as the Big History Project asserts, this approach works quite well on Astrophysics (indeed, it was begun by Astrophysicists). What we're talking about at the Center is FORMAL cause and that's why we begin with the work of Marshall McLuhan. What we care about is *psychology* and not *physics* and, indeed, we don't think that they follow the same "rules." I recently wrote a post for the Digital Life list (which is where we continue this discussion daily) called "Reality (physics) and the Human Brain (psychology) -- Which Constructs What?" (that is also available on my Facebook page), which talks about aspects of this. Maybe if this post goes through I should also post it here? 3) Universal Basic Income won't "work" for what we're facing for a couple of reasons. First, it was a system designed to *replace* all forms of "welfare" and the politics of doing that are likely insurmountable. Second, it was a system designed to deal with the shift from INDUSTRIAL to SERVICE (i.e. post-industrial) economics (i.e. the 1960s/70s) and does not begin to address the far more fundamental shift to ROBO-industrial economics. Something far *more* basic is now needed. One attempt to tackle these much more sweeping changes -- including in our *psychology* as a result of DIGITAL techno-semiotics -- is what Doug Rushkoff calls "Digital Distributism." You can read about what he thinks (for free) right here -- Q/ Mark
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #179 of 195: Mark Stahlman (spheres3) Fri 26 Aug 16 04:43
permalink #179 of 195: Mark Stahlman (spheres3) Fri 26 Aug 16 04:43
[Since that seems to have worked, let me try this . . . ] Reality (physics) and the Human Brain (psychology) -- Which Constructs What? We shape our tools [physics] and, thereafter, they shape us [psychology] -- John Culkin (1967) As far as we can tell, *reality* (i.e. the realm described by physics, chemistry and biology etc) is fairly stable. It seems reasonable, based on current knowledge, to presume that HOMO SAPIENS, as a distinct biological species, has remained anatomically, biochemically, genetically etc. the "same" for some 200,000 years. Yet, obviously, many things about us change. So, what is it that changes and how? Our *psychology* has apparently shifted repeatedly and in dramatic fashion. From a "physical" standpoint, this is exactly what would be expected. The *human* brain is not a "stable" structure. It is often referred to as PLASTIC and, as we all know from our own lives and our experiences of others, while we may be born "alike," that's not how we turn out. Gross neuro-anatomy can be mapped and dissected. Overall, human brains seem to have the "same" structures, with individual differences that, by and large, "prove the rule" and reflect back on the importance of that stability. So, what is that actually changes? We are still unable to map the "fine-structure" of the brain. But we know that throughout a human's life, the neurological "circuitry" -- which neurons "en-nervate" others and which neuro-transmitters dominate when-and-where in our encephalitic "soup" -- can show remarkable variation. We are apparently *shaped* by our experiences -- making each of us individually "different" and, at the social level, collectively different from groups of humans who lived under different conditions. Modern science tells us that while the periodic table of elements is invariant enough to allow us to print it on shower curtains (and explain the groupings by quantum electron levels etc), the "periodic table" of human behaviors and attitudes is not at all susceptible to the same sort of rigorous categorization. Yes, many have tried but equally many have failed. And, for good reason. Plato's life was not the "same" as Kant's. And, Kant's wasn't the same as Foucault's. They all lived in radically different techno-semiotic *environments* and, as a result, didn't experience the same things. So, given what we must presume to have been sharply different "fine-structures" of their brains, we would be foolish to think that they were the "same" sorts of people. By-and-large, we don't do that. We allow that these were different people, living in different times -- resulting in different brains and, as a result, different behaviors and attitudes. However, for perhaps the first time in human history, a widespread attitude has recently developed which tries to "invert" what we all (should) know about these processes. It is called "social constructionism" and it holds that *reality* (or at least the "social" aspects of reality) can be deliberately molded. It professes that society can be whatever we want it to be. This contrasts sharply with the far more common historic view (held by both Plato and Kant) that society has its own kinds of "laws" which must be understood and followed. What sort of human brain would come up with this bizarre "constructionist" idea? Michel Foucault is perhaps a good example of that sort of brain. In terms of "modern" philosophers, Foucault is well known for the *extremes* of experience that he sought out. In particular, his documented hallucinogenic drug and "dangerous" sex life were anything but typical, even among his peers. This was a man who seems to have done as much to "re-wire" his own brain as he could without killing himself. As a result, we perhaps should consider the products of that brain to be as *odd* as the experiences which produced that brain. Another "strange" brain example might be Frederick Nietzsche. It is well known among Nietzsche scholars that he traveled with a suitcase of drugs and that his eventual "insanity" -- arrested while talking to a horse on the streets of Turin -- likely has explanations that tie back to his deliberate manipulation of his own brain chemistry over many decades. Yes, this is "scandalous" for many who wish to hold that brain as exemplary and, indeed, it appears that dwelling on Nietzsche's "psycho-chemistry" is *verboten* among Nietzsche scholars. Try it out (as I have), see what happens when you try to bring up the pharmacological "tools" that *shaped* his strange brain. But, more broadly, the historically strange notion of "social constructionism" is itself the product of a *hallucinatory* environment. It is no accident that these notions began life in the LSD-fueled 1960s, became widespread in the "revolutionary" 1970s and then, went the "generation of '68" (the French street-uprising that was itself driven by KGB-supplied LSD) took over much of social science, became "dogma" starting in the 1980s. Yes, Plato and Kant -- both of whom spent their lives trying to sort out the "invariants" regarding human social life (based, in each case, on the unique techno-semiotics of their own experiences) -- would have thought that Foucault and Nietzsche et al must have been "taking something." And, in fact, they would have been correct. The "what have you been smoking?" injunction clearly applies to these modern exemplars and all the others who have fallen for this "constructivist" nonsense. Why is this important today? Simply put, we don't take LSD anymore. More expansively, we don't live in a world dominated by the "hallucination machine" of TELEVISION anymore. So, as a result, we don't need to pay much attention to Foucault or Nietzsche (or the thousands who followed in their wake) anymore. How strange that we ever did . . . !! Today, our brains are being "wired" differently. Yes, physics is the same (despite its own *hallucinatory* detours, having also been "saved by the Hippies") as it was in Plato and Kant's times. However, our psychology is not the same. The techno-semiotics that produces the "fine-structure" (neurologically speaking) of our brains is, once again, radically different and, as a result, so are we. Far from "reality" being whatever we want it to be, we are ourselves, once again, being *constructed* by the tools we have shaped. Unless, of course, we take the time and effort to UNDERSTAND media . . . <g> 058985/
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #180 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Sat 27 Aug 16 04:46
permalink #180 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Sat 27 Aug 16 04:46
Too cool. Thanks for jumping back in Mark. I was hoping Doug was going to participate earlier on as he is so keen on the need for an 'evolutionary' bump in global consciousness. (Does the globe have a consciousness???can it evolve?? Hopefully you know what I mean - that humanity 3.0 occurs within our lifetimes. That, for me, a more cosmic consciousness, an awareness of much higher realities than the mundane ones we find ourselves in so much of the time. For me, that higher consciousness goes above and beyond the East/West dichotomies - it resolves the current dilemma. But, then, that's analog, not digital.
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #181 of 195: Mark Stahlman (spheres3) Sat 27 Aug 16 05:22
permalink #181 of 195: Mark Stahlman (spheres3) Sat 27 Aug 16 05:22
Ted: Be careful what you hope for -- Douglas Rushkoff (paraphrased) Yes, the ELECTRIC techno-semiotics of our lives has certainly pushed us towards a "cosmic consciousness" (a term used as the title of Richard Bucke's 1901 book, subtitled "A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind"). i/Cosmic_Consciousness However, as I've been discussing in this INKWELL thread, we aren't doing that anymore. Now, we are DIGITAL and that brings a completely different techno-semiotics, leading to quite different behaviors and attitudes. As a result, all of that "cosmic consciousness" (and "co-evolution") stuff has to go . . . !! In it's stead, we are now groping towards something that is based on a very different *faculty* of our minds -- MEMORY. Instead of "evolving" into something fanciful (and electric), such as Three-Point-Zero humanity, we are now exploring what we have always been. No, we are not immortal. No, we are not PURE or "perfect" or God-like and we never will be. Stewart Brand was (and still is?) fundamentally wrong. We are *not* "as Gods and might as well get good at it." We are *humans* and we'd better get used to it . . . <g>
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #182 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Sat 27 Aug 16 05:52
permalink #182 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Sat 27 Aug 16 05:52
As Tonto said to the Lone Ranger, "whose 'we' white man" You can be digital if you want, I'm analog and still working out the rest here is this meat suit. Still find I don't need a cell phone to talk to folks <g>, not that this isn't wonderful and all, just typing away. Not buying it Mark. On this point we will have to agree to disagree or I need to be better educated, and i AM listening, as to what you mean. It sounds like you are saying I'm digital whether I like it or not...and I get your 'tools' point, but I'm either the Captain of my ship or I'm not (ala Walt). Maybe I'm confused here.
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #183 of 195: Mark Stahlman (spheres3) Sun 28 Aug 16 03:00
permalink #183 of 195: Mark Stahlman (spheres3) Sun 28 Aug 16 03:00
Ted: We shape our tools and, thereafter, they shape us -- John Culkin (1967) "Either I'm the Captain of my ship or I'm not" -- Ted Newcomb (2016) You're not. Your behaviors and attitudes do *not* belong to you. You, along with all the rest of us, are "informed" by the techno-semiotic environment in which we live. And, what you call "analog" is actually TELEVISION, which dominated all of our lives (living as we do in the USA) from roughly 1950-2000. That techno-semiotic environment was based on FANTASY and it simply doesn't work anymore. As a result, the *consumer* economy is permanently broken, and no economist can put it back together again. As a result, the *two-party* political system is permanently broken, and no political scientist can put it back together again. As a result we don't live in Kansas anymore, Toto . . . <g> The shift to a new *environment* started in earnest in the 1990s. We were all told by Stewart and Kevin's WIRED magazine that everything in our lives would be "disrupted" and that's exactly what has happened. Welcome to your future (and as TimeOut said in their first magazine issue for NYC, "now get out) . . . !!
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #184 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Sun 28 Aug 16 03:52
permalink #184 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Sun 28 Aug 16 03:52
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #185 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Sun 28 Aug 16 03:53
permalink #185 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Sun 28 Aug 16 03:53
#184 hidden due to length
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #186 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Sun 28 Aug 16 03:56
permalink #186 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Sun 28 Aug 16 03:56
Turn off, tune out, drop in....the great mandela spins again.
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #187 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Sun 28 Aug 16 15:58
permalink #187 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Sun 28 Aug 16 15:58
Just spent 7 hours at the Phoenix Zoo while my grandson played Pokemon Go, so he could level up two levels...nice thing was we got to talk for 5 hours, I needed a couple of naps...and we saw a 45 year old white rhino in all her glory... This was relaxing for Kyle...normally he has three screens going at all times, PC for League of Legends, TV for South Park, and the phone for You Tube videos. He started off complaining that he had had a difficult time falling asleep because when he closes his eyes he keeps seeing white lights and things running around on the inside of his eyelids.... Which led to 5 hours of talking about what we have been talking about here, and his generation and what is happening to his brain as he spends 8 to 10 hours a day in all these screens...and of course, he can't wait to get his VR googles... And there you have it... He does not read books --- too slow, and not enough inputs, he finds it boring...but he will do audio books, so I am reading his T.H. White's The Once and Future King while he is currently playing League, watching Cartoon Network and the phone is charging from all the zoo, so he has an input channel available..
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #188 of 195: Mark Stahlman (spheres3) Mon 29 Aug 16 05:38
permalink #188 of 195: Mark Stahlman (spheres3) Mon 29 Aug 16 05:38
Ted: In the 1988 "Laws of Media: The New Science," Eric McLuhan explains the TETRAD as a heuristic to help understand the *effects* of any technology on our subconscious psychology. Yes, I run the Tetrad forum on Facebook, if anyone would like to join. On page 158-59 a Tetrad for TELEVISION is suggested and in the "Reversal" quadrant (i.e. what happens at the *extreme* version of the technology), the entry is the INNER TRIP. This is what is happening to your grandson. And, his parents should "go to jail" for what they've done to him . . . !! This is the reason why LSD -- which was invented in the 1930s (no, the "official story" is *not* what actually happened, as shown by Leo Perutz's "St. Peter's Snow" novel) but didn't catch on until the 1960s under *television* conditions -- was so important for the "counter-culture" and, indeed, the W.E.L.L. Can you imagine the W.E.L.L. without it? The "Tune In" portion of Leary's mantra likely came from Marshall McLuhan (at a lunch the two had in NYC in 1967) and it specifically ties LSD to TELEVISION -- which, after all, is the "source" of so much that has happened on this very BBS (and at the Whole Earth and its many spin-offs over the past 50+ years). LSD = TELEVISION since, in fact, both are parallel *hallucination* machines and, as a result, your grandson is "tripping" everyday (with VR/AR/HR/MR aimed squarely at his "demographic") . . . !!
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #189 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Tue 30 Aug 16 05:09
permalink #189 of 195: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Tue 30 Aug 16 05:09
Yup, I agree on all counts and thanks for the Tetrad link, asked to join. The neurology of all this is scary and fascinating at the same time. ompt-further-study-suggests-new-research-by-ucla-neuroscientists: "“The pattern of activity in a brain region involved in spatial learning in the virtual world is completely different than when it processes activity in the real world,” said Mayank Mehta, a UCLA professor of physics, neurology and neurobiology in the UCLA College and the study’s senior author. “Since so many people are using virtual reality, it is important to understand why there are such big differences.”" Virtual Neuroscience Lab: "We aim to grow the body of knowledge about virtual presence and also apply this in our primary reality. Some keywords we investigate: consciousness; body ownership; agency; suspension of disbelief. Get ready to redefine the human psyche." Gaming Addiction: h-of-you-911 Legal Heroin: Is VR our next hard Drug
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #190 of 195: Jim Rutt (memetic) Wed 31 Aug 16 08:51
permalink #190 of 195: Jim Rutt (memetic) Wed 31 Aug 16 08:51
In rereading this topic from the top, I notice quite a bit of the use of the word "consciousness" and, as is all to typical, with various, not sharply defined meanings. For whatever reason, "consciousness" seems to be one of those terms like "racism" that wants to expand to fill the available meme-space! Unfortunately, that makes for sloppy thinking. I'd suggest the following glossary to help sharpen the conversation: 1. Per Searle, "consciousness" is a biological function of a class similar to digestion. Like digestion a process in which multiple components participate. Like digestion consciousness is biologically expensive to maintain, and it serves a critical purpose in life of organisms that have that feature. 2. Primary Consciousness, per Gerald Edelman: the kind of consciousness that we share with a dog, a rat, a mouse, and probabaly with reptiles and birds. Consists of a of single threaded multi-sensory (including retrieved memories) scene in which exactly one object is the current focus of attention. Animals with Primary consciousness experience a loss of consciousness in deep sleep and some forms of anesthesia, but can reboot back into consciousness with memories and "personality" in tact (more or less). 3. Extended Consciousness, also per Edelman: that kind of consciousness that humans have in relatively strong form, and that Chimps and Gorillas have in weak form, and that some other advanced mammals such as elephants, dolphins, and orangutans may have in even weaker form. The hall marks of Extended consciousness appear to be meta-cognition including explicit sense of self and theory of mind. It may or may not be tightly linked to symbol processing (i suspect it is). Other uses of "consciousness" are by analogy. Again, much like digestion. In the chemical and pharma industries, the process of using bacteria and yeasts to transform organic chemistry from a less useful to a more useful form is called "digestion", though it not at all like animal digestion in any details. Thus if we say "a computer is conscious" in non-analogous form we would say "no". A computer is not an animal, nothing like one, hence can't be conscious like an animal. On the other hand, if we are speaking analogously, we can say that a computer is "conscious" if we can demonstrate that is performs some of the functions of animal consciousness. I believe the above distinctions help reduce a LOT of confusion in discussions about "consciousness". For the analogic case, there have been some recent attempts to formalize and even quantify definitions of "consciousness". One of the most interesting is Tononi's Integrated Information Theory. Under Tononi's definition everything that processes information, even a little bit, is "conscious" in a measurable way. Thus an "on/off" light switch has a Phi of one bit of Integrated Information "Consciousness". Tononi's Phi can be applied to theories of group consciousness, such as the consciousness of a group of humans or even all humans. Interestingly Phi almost identical for one human or many humans, thus at least in Tononi's definition of consciousness, concepts like "group consciousness" have relatively little meaning.
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #191 of 195: Jim Rutt (memetic) Wed 31 Aug 16 09:10
permalink #191 of 195: Jim Rutt (memetic) Wed 31 Aug 16 09:10
Thus consciousness in the above definitions is a form of processing. As to what consciousness is processing, I use the term "conscious contents" from Bernard Barr. these include the outputs of perception, retrieved memories, and in Extended Cognition inputs from an internal dialog apparatus. In a very loose analogy "consciousness" is computer, and conscious contents are both the program and the data. Thus transformations like those described by Julian Jaynes are more parsimoniously described as a large scale changes in conscious contents, rather than in consciousness itself. Of course a significant change in the types of conscious contents being processed would be likely to put evolutionary pressure on the machinery of consciousness to be be able to use such contents more efficaciously. I suspect a feedback loop between conscious contents and evolution of the neural substrates of consciousness happened a way much more profound than Jaynes' hypothesis, about 40,000 years ago when we see the the first signs widespread signs of symbols and abstract thought. Separating "consciousness" from "conscious contents" I also find helps make discussions to be less murky.
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #192 of 195: John Spears (banjojohn) Wed 31 Aug 16 12:11
permalink #192 of 195: John Spears (banjojohn) Wed 31 Aug 16 12:11
Still enjoying this topic. Thank you, Mark, for stepping back in. I've got a copy of Richard Bucke's book, and it occurs to me that the change in conscious quality he was describing started long before TV or LSD. That's stating the obvious, I know, but- <sphere3>, are you saying that Bucke's evolution towards Cosmic Consciousness, which(if true) was surely magnified by LSD(and stunted by TV, IMO) has been stopped dead in it's tracks by the digital age? Or was Bucke just mistaken in his assumptions, and the trend he tried to document was an illusion? As per Ted's comments, what is the difference between Virtual Reality and TV, or, for that matter, VR and LSD hallucinations? I would contend that LSD, Mushrooms, Peyoye, Cannabis, etc do much more within the human mind than produce hallucinations. Also, I don't think we've "stopped taking LSD". I see a lot of LSD and mushroom use among millenials. In any case, I know I'm way behind ya'll, but trying to get up to speed. I'm compelled by <memetic>'s concept of a dignity based future.
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #193 of 195: John Spears (banjojohn) Wed 31 Aug 16 12:19
permalink #193 of 195: John Spears (banjojohn) Wed 31 Aug 16 12:19
<scribbled by banjojohn>
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #194 of 195: John Spears (banjojohn) Thu 1 Sep 16 09:46
permalink #194 of 195: John Spears (banjojohn) Thu 1 Sep 16 09:46
<178> #3 Mark, when you say that we need something "more basic" than a UBI, can you be more specific? I'm very curious. scribbled and reworded my previous post
Digital Life - a conversation with Mark Stahlman and friends
permalink #195 of 195: Jim Rutt (memetic) Fri 2 Sep 16 04:26
permalink #195 of 195: Jim Rutt (memetic) Fri 2 Sep 16 04:26
In my opinion UBI is a useful part of the evolution to a new economic distribution model. i especially like that it has a single powerful tune-able parameter: What proportion of the consumer GDP is allocated to the UBI? Which allows a smooth adaptation to the presumably increasing productivity of artificial intelligence. The other interim reform is to fix the rule for non-rivalrous goods. By "non-rivalrous" I mean goods that have very low costs to duplicate. The most obvious and so far pervasive example is digitized music. Costs almost nothing to copy and transmit. A rational world should encourage maximal distribution of non-rivalrous goods. Unfortunately our intellectual property laws are designed to frustrate obvious microeconomic truth. And non-rival applies not only to nice-to-haves like digital music, but more critical resources such as many small molecule drugs that have very low costs of manufacture at scale, and for important intellectual resources like scientific papers. The yet to be solved problem is how to create a feedback loop to compensate creators of new rivalrous goods while not constraining distribution after creation. People work on ideas for that but still an open issue. Here is one idea for dealing with non-rival creation. It's a small step, but like UBI has an obvious simple parameter to increase its force over time:
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