State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #301 of 338: Emily Gertz (emilyg) Tue 17 Jan 23 08:42
permalink #301 of 338: Emily Gertz (emilyg) Tue 17 Jan 23 08:42
These lawsuits may not sound like much on their own, especially given the scope of the injuries that need healing. But start looking for it, and we can find examples of this struggle in progress all around and the question of which side will prevail (however imperfectly) is very open.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #302 of 338: Brian Slesinsky (bslesins) Tue 17 Jan 23 09:18
permalink #302 of 338: Brian Slesinsky (bslesins) Tue 17 Jan 23 09:18
"Reality bats last" is only a slight improvement as handwaving goes. It's a gesture towards making a prediction without actually doing it. Fill it in from context. Similar to "I will be proven right in the end."
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #303 of 338: William F. Stockton (yesway) Tue 17 Jan 23 10:11
permalink #303 of 338: William F. Stockton (yesway) Tue 17 Jan 23 10:11
I agree with 298. See 254. I also agree with 300. Thanks Emily, and I hope your father can be kept comfortable until his time comes. I like hearing about people actually addressing the Big Problem. It is the most pressing matter requiring our collective attention. Wars contribute to the problem(and distract from addressing it), but they do end, and the need to address the eco crisis won't. "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." - PKD Dismissing the validity of the science around climate change as hand waving, simply because we don't want to clutter these posts with cites from the last 40+ years is a tactic. It's not an assertion. Exxon knew this shit in the 70s, and kept it to themselves. The facts aren't in dispute, only what to do and when.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #304 of 338: Axon (axon) Tue 17 Jan 23 11:22
permalink #304 of 338: Axon (axon) Tue 17 Jan 23 11:22
Dismissing the rhetoric around climate change is not the same thing as dismissing the science.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #305 of 338: Gary Gach (ggg) Tue 17 Jan 23 12:51
permalink #305 of 338: Gary Gach (ggg) Tue 17 Jan 23 12:51
The science of atmospheric warming can be dated back to Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #306 of 338: Virtual Sea Monkey (karish) Tue 17 Jan 23 13:22
permalink #306 of 338: Virtual Sea Monkey (karish) Tue 17 Jan 23 13:22
Thunberg's message is that her audience all understand the science of global warming, they know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done, and they know that they're not doing it. She is calling the question. That's not hand-waving.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #307 of 338: Mark McDonough (mcdee) Tue 17 Jan 23 15:16
permalink #307 of 338: Mark McDonough (mcdee) Tue 17 Jan 23 15:16
Nature bats last.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #308 of 338: William F. Stockton (yesway) Tue 17 Jan 23 18:02
permalink #308 of 338: William F. Stockton (yesway) Tue 17 Jan 23 18:02
An example of her foolish hand waving, and hyperbolic rhetoric. <>
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #309 of 338: Brian Slesinsky (bslesins) Tue 17 Jan 23 18:39
permalink #309 of 338: Brian Slesinsky (bslesins) Tue 17 Jan 23 18:39
I don't object to preaching to the choir due to being from a different church. I'm on the same side. But when people use stale, generic slogans in a conversation as if they're supposed to be persuasive, I don't feel like saying "amen" and it's hard to resist the impulse to poke at them. If I wanted to convince a skeptic of anything in particular related to climate change, I wouldn't use them. There's no learning going on and nothing to be curious about. We might as well share memes, since at least they can be funny.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #310 of 338: Brian Slesinsky (bslesins) Tue 17 Jan 23 20:19
permalink #310 of 338: Brian Slesinsky (bslesins) Tue 17 Jan 23 20:19
I find this conflict rather bizarre. I don't know very much about Thunberg and have nothing against her. But why is anyone supposed to find an argument more compelling because a young celebrity said it very sincerely? I'm sorry I inadvertently insulted your saint, that wasn't my intention.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #311 of 338: William F. Stockton (yesway) Tue 17 Jan 23 21:59
permalink #311 of 338: William F. Stockton (yesway) Tue 17 Jan 23 21:59
The point is that she's twenty, has an excellent understanding of the crisis, and doesn't give fuck one about whether anyone is made uncomfortable by having to hear it. "I want you to panic". She doesn't say that gratuitously. She means it. This SOTW exercise dwelled on lots of things that are interesting, but will become more and more extraneous when the economy and the environment completely collapse because we didn't overthrow the leeches who insist on constant economic growth as the only pertinent model. Hoping we'll pull it out of the nose dive dive with some elusive tech solution is a deadly delusion. We need less tech(which equals more polluting mining and manufacturing), and we need to stop selling consumerism. The belief that how we live now is okay is a delusion. The necessary shift in values and focus is even fought against in this forum. The house is on fire. No time to talk about who should drop whatever they're doing and work to save the biosphere. It's not preaching to the choir, it's rallying the troops. It is apparently necessary.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #312 of 338: Jennifer Powell (jnfr) Tue 17 Jan 23 22:30
permalink #312 of 338: Jennifer Powell (jnfr) Tue 17 Jan 23 22:30
I can't imagine how you define her as a 'celebrity'.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #313 of 338: William F. Stockton (yesway) Wed 18 Jan 23 08:29
permalink #313 of 338: William F. Stockton (yesway) Wed 18 Jan 23 08:29
When she was 15 she hacked the global media with a piece of cardboard and a Sharpie. She brought intensity and clarity to the discourse, and eclipsed the blather from the monied interests with clear, simply stated truths. She is doing something about the biggest problem the world faces, which is more than the vast majority of adults can claim. She could make a ton of money if she wanted to, but instead denies herself the luxuries that might afford. She is, in fact, pretty much beyond reproach. Waving off the concerns she expresses as being less crucial than she's making them out to be is a mistake. The climate/biosphere crisis is the most pressing matter facing humankind. Everything else is tertiary at best.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #314 of 338: Brian Slesinsky (bslesins) Wed 18 Jan 23 09:49
permalink #314 of 338: Brian Slesinsky (bslesins) Wed 18 Jan 23 09:49
By 'celebrity' I mean someone who is famous. I didn't mean to discuss her and regret my part in making the conversation about her.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #315 of 338: Renshin Bunce (renshin) Wed 18 Jan 23 12:44
permalink #315 of 338: Renshin Bunce (renshin) Wed 18 Jan 23 12:44
Clearly some of us here are feeling the stress of climate collapse more than others, and since Im in that camp, I am so grateful that anyone is doing anything, and therefore I adore Greta Thunberg
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #316 of 338: Mark McDonough (mcdee) Wed 18 Jan 23 15:34
permalink #316 of 338: Mark McDonough (mcdee) Wed 18 Jan 23 15:34
Moi aussi.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #317 of 338: Tiffany Lee Brown / Burning Tarot (magdalen) Wed 18 Jan 23 16:16
permalink #317 of 338: Tiffany Lee Brown / Burning Tarot (magdalen) Wed 18 Jan 23 16:16
maybe i don't adore her, but i'm glad she's rallying the troops. i can't even rally myself and my own family -- to magically find, like, and live an entirely new lifestyle. funny how difficult that can be.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #318 of 338: Jennifer Powell (jnfr) Wed 18 Jan 23 18:40
permalink #318 of 338: Jennifer Powell (jnfr) Wed 18 Jan 23 18:40
Because so much of it is structural not simply personal.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #319 of 338: William F. Stockton (yesway) Wed 18 Jan 23 19:28
permalink #319 of 338: William F. Stockton (yesway) Wed 18 Jan 23 19:28
Calling us the troops is sort of fitting. The effort must be akin to a "wartime footing", All Hands On Deck and that sort of thing.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #320 of 338: Paulina Borsook (loris) Thu 19 Jan 23 09:37
permalink #320 of 338: Paulina Borsook (loris) Thu 19 Jan 23 09:37
recall jimmy carter evoking william james, and the moral equivalent of war?
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #321 of 338: Mark McDonough (mcdee) Thu 19 Jan 23 09:39
permalink #321 of 338: Mark McDonough (mcdee) Thu 19 Jan 23 09:39
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #322 of 338: Hanna Kovenock (hakoveno) Thu 19 Jan 23 10:51
permalink #322 of 338: Hanna Kovenock (hakoveno) Thu 19 Jan 23 10:51
Kids need role models, someone who can state a specific thing that will help, not just do something. She is a celebrity because social media makes young girls celebrities to be picked apart. Sharpies arent good for the environment either. And kids have been skipping school because its bullshit since forever. The scientists with all the evidence did go to school, and did climb through the established ranks. Are we doing a full platonian full circle, where we say science isnt worth all the plastic waste and manufacturing? If it is a war on tech, is this conference the enemy? Only saying this because it has already been established that I say things that are not true and also worrisome.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #323 of 338: Hanna Kovenock (hakoveno) Thu 19 Jan 23 10:58
permalink #323 of 338: Hanna Kovenock (hakoveno) Thu 19 Jan 23 10:58
Is it too terrible to add that I too dont get paid to want to live in a world where all signs dont point to death and would like to be a hero for it. I dont think Greta wanted to be a celebrity. I think she wanted to grow up without being bombarded with info that the world was ending. Thats the problem with social media. Nobody gets what they want.
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #324 of 338: Hanna Kovenock (hakoveno) Thu 19 Jan 23 11:06
permalink #324 of 338: Hanna Kovenock (hakoveno) Thu 19 Jan 23 11:06
There once was a girl who dreamed of being an inspirational artist, who found the whole world was inspiring and one big beautiful artwork and then everyone with money told her to stop or fuck off. The algorithms and coorporations pick and choose who think about and who you will die for. She wants us to panic because that is how she feels when schools serve no purpose but to inspire panic, though everyone should know you learn 20 times faster through play. And you cant even invent without waste, yet everyone with financial sway gets to argue about whose new car is more efficient. More efficient at driving us crazy am I right?
State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
permalink #325 of 338: Hanna Kovenock (hakoveno) Thu 19 Jan 23 11:11
permalink #325 of 338: Hanna Kovenock (hakoveno) Thu 19 Jan 23 11:11
Again just putting in my two cents because its been established that I am full of shit. That is the state of the world. Everyones a fair game celebrity to be eaten alive. The ones in the shadows thrive on it. Though its hard to put this forward as any fathomable kind of plan, it also wouldnt surprise anyone. In fact, they are praying for a big reveal.
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