permalink #1301 of 1905: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Sun 26 Nov 00 20:30
permalink #1301 of 1905: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Sun 26 Nov 00 20:30
Martha -- I think the wax and cosmetics is the most disturbing bit of it for me. It's not even the body any more -- it's something faintly bodyish. This is the third one of mary's relatives to die, and each time I'm surprised at how little it looks like the person. Amanda -- I've lived in the US for 8 years, and I'm still not sure what they do at Xmas here. (In the UK you get ten days of really good TV, or you used to.) Except the kids always wake me at dawn, and I always wind up opening presents while 90% asleep.
permalink #1302 of 1905: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Sun 26 Nov 00 20:35
permalink #1302 of 1905: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Sun 26 Nov 00 20:35
And here, at 2&ImgID=4781631 is a fun picture of me and Maddy. You cannot see most of the leaf pile that Maddy is sitting in. She's still waiting for her two top teeth to come in.
permalink #1303 of 1905: Amanda Slack-Smith (ancient-booer) Sun 26 Nov 00 21:46
permalink #1303 of 1905: Amanda Slack-Smith (ancient-booer) Sun 26 Nov 00 21:46
Great photo with no red-eye, not even for Maddy! :P
permalink #1304 of 1905: The music's played by the (madman) Sun 26 Nov 00 22:05
permalink #1304 of 1905: The music's played by the (madman) Sun 26 Nov 00 22:05
Cool! Something new for wallpaper on my PC! Just kidding...
permalink #1305 of 1905: Michelle Montrose-Hyman (miss-mousey) Sun 26 Nov 00 23:57
permalink #1305 of 1905: Michelle Montrose-Hyman (miss-mousey) Sun 26 Nov 00 23:57
energy drinks - After all the hunting around in delis, liquor stores and bars all over NOLA, I think I've had my fill of searching out sources. I'll just stick to what I run into and stealing sips from my friends' cans. :) scooby doo - As long as you leave out Scrappy... well, I guess that's about it. Just no Scrappy. dead bodies - Have never been to a single wake or funeral type thing and don't plan on EVER going to one (not even my own, if I can help it). I dunno. I guess the whole grieving thing is just too personal an issue for me to feel like being around anyone else. The only time this might become a dilemma is if my folks were to die... but that's not allowed and they know it (no matter how many twisted scenarios my mother can come up with). ;) Dead bodies themselves don't generally disgust me tho'. Might make me sad, but they don't seem ghastly or ghoulish or creepy or repulsive just because they aren't living tissue. Maybe it's just 'cause I have a friend who is a mortician and she's a really cool girl. Or maybe I'm just that goth... <LOL!> Neil - cute picture! <I miss leaf piles.> -squeaks, who has been listening to Cocteau Twins "Aikea Guinea" on repeat for 3 hours 'cause she's in one of *those* <tm> moods again.
permalink #1306 of 1905: Len (theboojum) Mon 27 Nov 00 05:25
permalink #1306 of 1905: Len (theboojum) Mon 27 Nov 00 05:25
great pic!
permalink #1307 of 1905: Len (theboojum) Mon 27 Nov 00 06:25
permalink #1307 of 1905: Len (theboojum) Mon 27 Nov 00 06:25
btw, I just need to [boast? complain? vent?]: Tomorrow I begin auditions for Midsummer Night's Dream at the Middle School where I teach. I've never directed Shakespeare before, particularly with kids of this age, and I'm both excited by, and terrified of what's ahead of me. Zoiks!
permalink #1308 of 1905: Mimi Ko (miko-chan) Mon 27 Nov 00 07:12
permalink #1308 of 1905: Mimi Ko (miko-chan) Mon 27 Nov 00 07:12
Neil and Pictures - This might be a completely unfair accessment, but are there any pictures of you in print with you smiling? You're not 'looming out of the smoke in a sinister fashion like a latter day Jack the Ripper' in any of them (so far, unless you're going to print that one) but they all look vaguely... Dream-ish in expression. ^_^; And I think you've got a great smile, animated personality and a sense of humor that needs to come out too! So I guess I second your family's choice of goofy pictures. :P (Btw: hopefully something's arrived at Dreamhaven for you by now...) Amanda - Christmas in Hong Kong, we get lights up in the central business districts on either side of Victoria Harbour. Most of the buildings have gigantic christmas-themed pictures (Santa, reindeer, bells...) 'drawn' in lights... and these are lit through most of December and January. Pretty to look at, but I'd hate to think of the energy bill. (Will see if there's a picture anywhere on the web...) And people general go out for dinner/brunch on Chrismas Eve/Christmas Day, wander the streets and look at the lights etc... very commercial and not much homeyness (if there's such a word). Then again, people in Hong Kong don't tend to stay home for any festivals/holidays in general. Michelle - Calling the doormat now...! ;) -- Mimi P.s. Hiding response about funerals etc... rather lengthy
permalink #1309 of 1905: Mimi Ko (miko-chan) Mon 27 Nov 00 07:12
permalink #1309 of 1905: Mimi Ko (miko-chan) Mon 27 Nov 00 07:12
permalink #1310 of 1905: Jenny B. (ophelia-b) Mon 27 Nov 00 07:16
permalink #1310 of 1905: Jenny B. (ophelia-b) Mon 27 Nov 00 07:16
wakes - I grew up catholic and have only been to catholic wakes and such. Random thoughts - when you're little and it's someone you don't know the little kids end up daring each other to touch the body. My first memory is of a funeral, I didn't understand death so the body was just someone I vaguely knew laying down and I didn't want to leave because there were toys there to keep kids quiet and I was having too much fun. It's spooky to me at wakes to not see the body because in my experience this only happens when they have been so horribly mangled in their manner of death that no amount of makeup in the world is going to make it possible. I've just seen it as a way for people to say their last goodbyes face to face (even if said face looks completely fake) and also as a possibility to spook your relatives after you die by briefly returning, sitting up, saying 'boo!' and then lying back down. Amanda - Hi and thanks. :-) X-mas sans presents - of course! That part completely slipped my mind: thanksgiving is where lots of little slips of paper go into a container and are then pulled out randomly in order to find out who is buying who a present in the x-mas gift exchange. And you never get any of the people you know how to buy for. And X-mas celebrating wise - it basically is just thanksgiving with presents, better movies, and little kids fighting over santa hats and trying to figure out New Things We Can Do To Tire Jenny Out Plus The Stuff We Did To Her At Thanksgiving. Neil - Great photo. :-) Good luck Len. Jen.
permalink #1311 of 1905: Daniel Loft (jonl) Mon 27 Nov 00 09:27
permalink #1311 of 1905: Daniel Loft (jonl) Mon 27 Nov 00 09:27
Email from Daniel Loft: On the dead body subject, I used to feel the same way about funeral homes and cosmetics and people not looking real and such. I remeber resenting the fact that they had put that crap on my grandmother. But then my little brother was killed in a car wreck on the 17th, friday before last. He still didn't look real at the short viewing we had for close friends and family but it was good for my mother to see him and realize that he was truly gone. We kept my mother from having to see him at the body ID at the medical examiner's and I'm glad for it. The funeral home folk made him look 10x better, if still not great. Daniel
permalink #1312 of 1905: Randi (randi-ilene) Mon 27 Nov 00 11:23
permalink #1312 of 1905: Randi (randi-ilene) Mon 27 Nov 00 11:23
Been trying to think of something comforting to say, and nothing works. Like words would make a difference or change things, anyway. Condolences, Daniel.
permalink #1313 of 1905: Len (theboojum) Mon 27 Nov 00 13:49
permalink #1313 of 1905: Len (theboojum) Mon 27 Nov 00 13:49
My god. Condolences.
permalink #1314 of 1905: Mary Roane (jonl) Mon 27 Nov 00 14:22
permalink #1314 of 1905: Mary Roane (jonl) Mon 27 Nov 00 14:22
Email from Mary Roane: Hey, y'all! Sounds like most of y'all had a good holiday--I'm glad. Daniel--I am so sorry. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. And you're right about the viewing. When I lost my dad a few years ago, it helped me realize that he really was gone, awful as the whole thing was. It's one of the few tools we have left to let us grieve in a society that doesn't like sad people. Amanda--my Thanksgiving is a little different, so I'll give you a different perspective. I'm an only child, and my dad is gone now, so I either travel (last year I had fish & chips in a pub across from Westminster Cathedral) or I eat with a group of friends here. Some are gay, some are straight & include a Catholic priest, several church musicians, a couple of teachers, a couple of opera singers, an ex-nun, etc. We range in age from 30-73. Sometimes we potluck, but the standard is high--some of these people are practically gourmets. So I bring the wine. (Side note--try baking the turkey breast down to keep it from being dry. And I've gotta agree with Neil--best one I ever had was one we had grown ourselves when I was in high school.) Most years we sing before we eat (in 4 parts, of course). Most years we go around the table and name things we're thankful for. And every year we eat too much! This year we watched "Will & Grace" afterward. We never do football. Christmas is a little different--most of us sing in my (Catholic) church choir. So we're at Midnight Mass until 1:30 a.m. and back for the 10:15 Mass the next morning. We exchange gifts before the 10:15, since several of us are there for the 8:00. We bring coffee cake, etc. & nosh a little. In years past, when we were at the same church with our priest friend, Denny, he had us over to the rectory after Midnight Mass for mulled wine & birthday cake for his brother-in-law's mom, known to all as Grandma Rose. That part of his family is Jewish, so it's partly a Hanukah celebration as well. All I know is that drinking Grandma Rose's good health (she's 94 this year, I believe) at 2:00 a.m. made for an...interesting....singing experience the next morning. After all that, we adjourn to my choir director's house (where we spent Thanksgiving) to drink champagne all day. And I mean ALL day. And eat. Neil--great picture. Miss Maddy looks like her dad. You may put out the CD's in any order you wish (magnanimous, aren't I? ;-p) I think the idea of putting the extra 13 minutes on the website is an excellent one. Len--man, I wish I'd gone to your school. Those kids are going to have a great time. Sarah--congratulations on the reading! I wish I could have been there. Mary (who just read "The Alienist" & loved it)
permalink #1315 of 1905: Roxanne Cataudella (rocky-nyc) Mon 27 Nov 00 14:30
permalink #1315 of 1905: Roxanne Cataudella (rocky-nyc) Mon 27 Nov 00 14:30
Neil - When my mother-in-law passed away in Sicily eight years ago, they brought the body home for the funeral the next day. She lay in her own bed unembalmed for almost half a day with chairs all around the room for people to sit and pay their respects. The wake for this particular passing always stuck me as somewhat surreal, with people sitting around talking, eating, and sipping expresso directly in front of the ease with death. And you're right, the dead rarely look like themselves. Whatever it is that leaves the body when people pass takes with it all recognizable features. I passed on helping the women of the family to wash the body, but the funeral procession with the entire town in attendance, was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. And while I'm not fond of cemeteries, the one in this little town in Sicily was an incredible place. Re the picture: Ooh..Maddy looks soooooo cute! And how come you never show teeth in your pictures? We know they're there! ;) Michelle - You miss leaf piles?! The one damn tree that grows in Brooklyn has been showering us non-stop. And to think living on a tree-lined street in NYC is highly desirable! Almost a dozen 30 gal. Glad bags later, I'm harboring some e-vil thoughts toward that tree! For those confused about Xmas in America, it's just another component of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Consumer Confidence Index (CII). That's right! The first day of Xmas shopping, which is the day after Thanksgiving, is when most retailers make 35% of their profit for the year. They usually call it "Black Friday".. because it gets them out of the *RED*. See? Aren't you glad you asked? *grin*
permalink #1316 of 1905: Roxanne Cataudella (rocky-nyc) Mon 27 Nov 00 14:34
permalink #1316 of 1905: Roxanne Cataudella (rocky-nyc) Mon 27 Nov 00 14:34
Daniel, my deepest condolences to you and your family on your loss. Please take comfort where you can.
permalink #1317 of 1905: Jenny B. (ophelia-b) Mon 27 Nov 00 18:12
permalink #1317 of 1905: Jenny B. (ophelia-b) Mon 27 Nov 00 18:12
Daniel, you and yours have my deepest sympathies and anything else as well. Jen.
permalink #1318 of 1905: Amanda Slack-Smith (ancient-booer) Mon 27 Nov 00 18:50
permalink #1318 of 1905: Amanda Slack-Smith (ancient-booer) Mon 27 Nov 00 18:50
permalink #1319 of 1905: Amanda Slack-Smith (ancient-booer) Mon 27 Nov 00 18:50
permalink #1319 of 1905: Amanda Slack-Smith (ancient-booer) Mon 27 Nov 00 18:50
Daniel, I can only echo previous responses. I wish you and your family strength for the difficult times ahead.
permalink #1320 of 1905: Amanda Slack-Smith (ancient-booer) Mon 27 Nov 00 20:00
permalink #1320 of 1905: Amanda Slack-Smith (ancient-booer) Mon 27 Nov 00 20:00
Len - what fun! I remember playing a female Oberon in High School. From what I remember I was terrible, but I still had a lot of fun. Miko-Chan - Personally I think that sounds lovely. So much nicer to get out and experience a holiday rather that stay cooped up inside lamenting about not being able to move because of all the food you ate. Jenny – lol. Mary – Sounds fabulous. I love dinner parties like that. Too much food, too much alcohol and way too much laughter. I think I would pass on singing hymns with a hangover though :P
permalink #1321 of 1905: Jade Walker (maidenfate) Tue 28 Nov 00 03:36
permalink #1321 of 1905: Jade Walker (maidenfate) Tue 28 Nov 00 03:36
re: Wakes I attended the wake of my best friend two years ago and vowed to never go to another. *That* is not how I want to remember her, all plastic and inanimate. So afterward, I skipped the funeral, went to our beach and said good-bye in my own fashion. In response, she stole my shoes. :-) re: Pix The one of you and Maddy is priceless. She has the most mischievious grin! If you were smiling, I'd say to use this one on the cover of your next book. Actually, now that I think about it...this could work for Wolves in the Walls. Mimi Ko's right. The moody photos have been done to death. Go for something new. Daniel -- I'm sorry to hear of your loss. No words can ease the grieving process. Still, I hope you are able to heal in time.
permalink #1322 of 1905: Len (theboojum) Tue 28 Nov 00 05:26
permalink #1322 of 1905: Len (theboojum) Tue 28 Nov 00 05:26
Mary-- Your holiday festivities sound amazing-I'm envious. Food, drink and song-- cool. Although technically in my house we celebrate Hanukkah, every year my wife and I host a generic midwinter festival party-- The Interfaith Winterthing (to which all on this list are invited [you especially Mimi-- hop on another plane!],) generally featuring plate after plate of latkes-- I practically never get out of the kitchen. I have a cd of a klezmer version of the Nutcracker Suite that gets a lot of play at that party. Rocky-- when you wrote about the garish Xmas displays in your neighborhood I knew you lived in Brooklyn-- what part do you live in? Amanda-- I refuse to believe you were terrible. Why, if so, would you have been given such a cool part to begin with?
permalink #1323 of 1905: Mimi Ko (miko-chan) Tue 28 Nov 00 08:52
permalink #1323 of 1905: Mimi Ko (miko-chan) Tue 28 Nov 00 08:52
Amanda - I'll definitely have to see what pictures come out this year and show you. The lights are up on the buildings already, I found out tonight while on my way home. ;) Rocky - I remember in some Peanuts cartoon, the gang went to the department store for something right after Christmas (I think. A bit hazy on that), and there were 'Only 364 days till Christmas! Shop now! Buy early!' signs up... Len - Have fun with the kids and Midsummer Night's Dream! And have a great midwinter party... and I've jetset too much these past months to make it over anywhere near there again any time soon. :P (I don't think I've flown so much so often in my life! @_@ ) Daniel - As many have done, I send my sincere condolences and sympathy. I wish you and your family strength in these times of sadness. -- Mimi
permalink #1324 of 1905: Martha Soukup (soukup) Tue 28 Nov 00 10:57
permalink #1324 of 1905: Martha Soukup (soukup) Tue 28 Nov 00 10:57
Daniel, I am so sorry to read about your brother.
permalink #1325 of 1905: Mary Roane (jonl) Tue 28 Nov 00 11:09
permalink #1325 of 1905: Mary Roane (jonl) Tue 28 Nov 00 11:09
Email from Mary Roane: You know, I try not to overload the wonderful Jon & Linda with with my silly e-mails, and what happens? My once weekly post left out one of the most important things I wanted to say.....Congratulations Mike and Elise! The news about the new kidney and Mike's swift recovery is wonderful. Two of my cousins are around today because someone took the time to fill out that donor form. It's a precious, precious gift. Mary (with one more thing to be thankful for!)
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