inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1451 of 1905: The music's played by the (madman) Sat 16 Dec 00 12:19

Amazing coolness to <streak> and Neil regarding the Sandman globe.
Neil: do you know more of the rules to the Oldest Game than were revealed in
"A Hope In Hell"? Or did you just wing it? I suspect the latter, but I'm
just curious... I was considering including the Game in a D&D campaign I was
running (the Endless exist in this particular universe, as well... or at
least an interesting form of them), but decided there were a few things I
wasn't sure about, so I didn't.
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1452 of 1905: Len (theboojum) Sat 16 Dec 00 16:09
Just watched entire Dune miniseries.  Thought how cool it would be if
Kenneth Branagh would do Henry IV parts I and II, then show them with
Henry V.  Now THAT would be a miniseries.  

(OK, not TECHNICALLY, but it would still be a pretty cool 7 straight
hours of viewing.)
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1453 of 1905: shira burton (whispered) Sat 16 Dec 00 18:28
In case this is not a known fact...

There's a new (I think) Japanese restaurant about a block away from
the Uptown Dreamhaven. It's called Fujiya, I believe.

inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1454 of 1905: Jenny B. (ophelia-b) Sat 16 Dec 00 19:39
Michelle - voted, good luck.  :-)

I can't remember if I read three or four of the Dune books.  I do know
that once I set them down I couldn't pick them back up again, and that
the cause of me setting them down was discovering Kratts Kreatures.  I
haven't seen the first movie but I think I'd like to watch the one
that was on recently.  Don't have cable though.

The only time I ever tried the Bloody Mary thing was back in junior
high.  Me and some other kids would hang out in the junior high locker
room which was underground and had no windows.  There was a huge mirror
so we could all fit around it after turning off the lights.  I think
we had to put a couple of fingers from each hand on the mirror while
chanting Bloody Mary.  We stopped after one girl screamed, ran out of
the room and stood shuddering uncontrollably in a corner while crying. 
I'm also reminded of the Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board game. 
You would gather around someone laying down, put two fingers from each
hand under them and close your eyes.  The person at their head would go
through this whole story/chant and at the end of it you realized you
were holding the person pretty far off the ground... at which point
they usually realized they were high up in the air and screamed causing
you to drop them.  Anyway, that was a very interesting article, have
sent it on to others.


Who would like to find some Endless skins for her Sims.
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1455 of 1905: Michelle Montrose-Hyman (miss-mousey) Sat 16 Dec 00 23:25
Totally forgot about those games. But then, Bloody Mary never worked
with me and so it got boring and forgettable. I think I just wanted to
block the Light as a Feather Stiff as a Board thing from my memory. I
was the lightest of the group, so I was the one that was picked up and
dropped the second someone got distracted. Incidentally, when playing
this game, make sure the person at your head is the LEAST distracted of
the group, or you'll wind up with the most painful headaches.

-squeaks, who had not wanted to remember hitting her head that many
times... but doesn't it explain a bit?
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1456 of 1905: Sarah A. Rudek, who *so* remembers Light as a Feather Stiff as a Board... (whispered) Sun 17 Dec 00 00:25
Shira-  I was *wondering* about that restuarant.  It just seems to
have appeared their overnight.  I don't even remember the building
being there before...

And speaking of parlor games...Im remembering hypnotism game where the
hypnotizer would tell the hypnotizee a story...I think the most common
one was being buried in beach-sand...and the sucessful end result
would be an inability to lift your legs until the hypnotizer snapped
their fingers.  Anyone remember that?  I remember being impressed
enough to make up at least three different variations of that sort of
hypnotizm...stories involving trains and rapidly dropping elevators and
rabbit holes.  
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1457 of 1905: The music's played by the (madman) Sun 17 Dec 00 10:15

So, here's a very random question: is there a character named Barb in
American Gods?

(Why do I ask, you ask? Because I dreamed that there was... and she was in
a list with Mad Hettie and the Star (though upon waking I know that I meant
either the Witch Queen or Ditchwater Sal) of characters that used the phrase
"dearie duck.")
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1458 of 1905: shira, stalling (whispered) Sun 17 Dec 00 12:51
I'm trying to think of a new name for the main character of a story
I'm writing as my 'critiqued written piece' for my high school
application. As of now, her name is Jemme. She's a girl in the future
(not a sci-fi sort of future, just not now) who works trying to find
the secret to controlling one's dreams, and wears a lot of black. I
kind of want to call her something starting with a D, and the best I've
been able to come up with is Dorcas. Anyone have any ideas?

inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1459 of 1905: -N. (streak) Sun 17 Dec 00 14:33
        I'm going to resist the obvious D-name references because by now poor
Neil's probably thinking "I have written one or two other things
besides Sandman, dammit..." :-)
        I like Delia, myself.
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1460 of 1905: shira, crying (whispered) Sun 17 Dec 00 16:39
Well, the D-name thing was sort of because I hate Jemme as a name...
but I did think of the whole Endless thing, of course.

Right now, though, I'm more worried about re-writing the end of the
story that my ultimate jackass of a dad lost somehow.

inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1461 of 1905: The music's played by the (madman) Sun 17 Dec 00 21:01

I had a character in a D&D game named Delia once. She was directly modelled
on Larissa/Thessaly. Just a random comment. :>
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1462 of 1905: Roxanne Cataudella (rocky-nyc) Sun 17 Dec 00 21:31
God Emperor of Dune is still my favorite of the series, the scope of
it was simply breathtaking. Also watched the recent mini-series and
kept thinking it's too bad the actor who portrayed Paul Atreides didn't
have more charisma. Wasn't too disappointed by the overall
presentation, but I still prefer H.R. Giger's interpretation of Dune's
sandworms. And once again they completely glossed over the Bene
Gesserits who are perhaps the most intriguing characters in the whole
series. Maybe one day they'll get it right. Currently plodding through
the second prequel. The first one wasn't bad, but this one is boring me
silly. *sigh*
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1463 of 1905: Jenny B. (ophelia-b) Sun 17 Dec 00 21:43
Michelle - I don't think I ever got up the courage to be the person
being lifted in Light as a Feather...  I've always been afraid of
heights and injury.  :-)

Sarah - I remember that game but I can't recall the name of it.  The
stories were always fun though.  I'm going to have to email some of the
people I used to play that with and see if they remember any of the
stories/rules to these games as I am finding blanks in my memory which
is disconcerting.  Those games were one of my few good memories of
school.  We also tried a couple of seances but other kids would always
come over and yell at us.  

Shira - I'm fancying the name Delphia today.  Losing the ending of the
story... ugh.  I know that pain.  Worse than splinters being shoved
under your fingernails, worse than getting shingles and feeling like
you are having a heart attack and being stabbed in the back with a
stiletto at the same time... worse than, well, lots of things.  Good
luck with the story.

inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1464 of 1905: shira, up far too late. (whispered) Sun 17 Dec 00 22:31
Re: games..

I've been lifted up in Light as a Feather and I don't think  I've ever
been dropped. One time, at a friend's birthday party a few years ago,
we lifted someone up to the (low) ceiling. That was cool.

And I'll be damned if that game wasn't called the Sandman. Of course,
I'm damned anyway. I'm not sure. I think it *was* the Sandman. It never
worked on me.

Re: D names..

I feel like an awful fangirl but I did put a teeny Death reference in
the story, and that's part of the reason I wanted a D name. It is
teeny, though! Also, I hated the name I had. I ended up calling the
main character Dreya.

Oh! And... I found the rest of the story. I am so relieved, because it
would have been so hard to finish the story if I hadn't.

inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1465 of 1905: -N. (streak) Mon 18 Dec 00 01:08
        Okay, serious question for Neil: You are acknowledged by all as The
Man when it comes to referencing interesting, obscure folklore and
history.  I'm curious as to what some of your favorite sources for this
stuff are.  What are some of the books you've lifted the most stuff
from to incorporate into your work?  I mean, Breschau of freakin'
Livonia? (Assuming you didn't just making him up; I wouldn't know)
Where does Neil Gaiman go to dig up these things?
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1466 of 1905: Len (theboojum) Mon 18 Dec 00 05:37
I thought Breschau *was* made up.

Shira-- is it too late to suggest Dasha?

Rocky--  I think being bored silly is part of the Dune experience. 
Chapterhouse Dune floored me with wave after wave of boredom.

Honestly, and despite all that has been said on the Dune discussion
group elsewhere on the Well, I though they did a great job with the
adaptation.  Easily the best miniseries I've seen on American TV--
though (testosterone..screaming...don't say it...!) I completely loved
Pride and Prejudice and thought Jennifer Ehle was the coolist thing
ever. (saw her later in B'way in the Real Thing.  Awesome.)

I even thought that Paul had charisma-- he looked like a cross between
Sting and Bill Irwin.  My wife adored it, and although she's read
Dune, she's not a screamin' Dune geek like me.  My one minor gripe--
they shortened the little anti-fear prayer thingy (Fear is the mind
killer...).  Kept throwing my rhythm off when I found myself saying it
along with the movie.
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1467 of 1905: Linda Castellani (castle) Mon 18 Dec 00 14:21

Well, since you are a screaming Dune freak, Len, I will admit to a very
modest accomplishment:  I wrote two of the entries in the Dune
Encyclopedia - the entry that describes Pundi Rice (I created an entire
ceremonial history for it, and described what it looks like - it's
tear-shaped) and I wrote the biographical entry for Feyd-Rautha, the
character that Sting played in the movie.  That's my entired publishing
claim to fame.

Now, don't ask "What is the Dune Encyclopedia?" for I shall be crushed if
you do.
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1468 of 1905: Len (theboojum) Mon 18 Dec 00 17:44

Kull wahad!  I have the Dune Encyclopedia on my shelf, next to the
Annotated Alice.  Wow... I perform ritual acts of self-abasement before
you in awe of your coolness.
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1469 of 1905: Linda Castellani (castle) Mon 18 Dec 00 19:48

Well, no need to go quite that far.  %^)
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1470 of 1905: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Mon 18 Dec 00 21:30
Have gone to see fairy goddaughter. Who is, I want you to know, the
cutest thing. Well, not THE cutest thing. That was maddy. but she's up
there. And she has a magnificently goofy smile.

Her mother and I are plotting the next album. Plot plot plot.

I also have a Dune encyclopedia and will post sensibly on all the
other things (Livonia was true, Breschau was made up -- that was the
point, after all, that he was unremembered -- but the name was a tip of
the hat to Coth of the Rocks. 

Mostly I try to get stuff from primary sources. Livonia came from a
wonderful book on Werewolves in History... although these days it's, I
believe, a real communist state again, which sort of spoils the fun.
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1471 of 1905: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Mon 18 Dec 00 21:36
Oddly enough, I was on a plane last week and the man in the seat next
to me said "that's a scifi channel bag you've got.. did you know I
comissioned DUNE there before they fired me, when i ran the scifi
channel?"  ... and he had done at that. 
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1472 of 1905: Martha Soukup (soukup) Mon 18 Dec 00 23:17
You're planning a concept album?
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1473 of 1905: Michelle Montrose-Hyman (miss-mousey) Tue 19 Dec 00 00:53
Neil - Just to completely change the subject (because I'm tired and
should be in bed, and here I am on the computer!), I just ran into
Maria Alexander this evening at the Velvet Acid Christ show (someplace
I never would have imagined running into her). So I've learned that not
only is she rather an amazing l'il writer, but she's also altogether
very fun to hang out with. Thank you for introducing me to her! Had no
idea she was from around here... and am now working on getting her to
move back. ;-P

-squeaks, who really needs to sleep now if she's going to be awake for
Meg Lee Chin tomorrow night.
inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1474 of 1905: Jade Walker (maidenfate) Tue 19 Dec 00 03:21
re: Games

I've also played all those parlor games: Light as a Feather, Ouiji,
Bloody Mary. BM was definitely the most memorable. I still can't look
in mirrors without getting incredibly nervous. Puddles in the road and
window reflections affect me too. As soon as I seem myself in them, I
look away. It's irrational and superstitious, but I always worry that
I'll somehow end up switching places with the image. Read too much Lois
Duncan as a child, I guess.

re: D Names

I really think the character should just tell you her name, but if
she's being about: Dacey, Danae, Delphine, Desiree, or

Neil -- Sorry to hear your writing sanctuary was vandalized. Still,
the story was priceless. I couldn't get the image of a bloodied angel
out of my head. How do you wrap such a statue?

inkwell.vue.73 : Neil Gaiman - SANDMAN:THE DREAM HUNTERS
permalink #1475 of 1905: Len (theboojum) Tue 19 Dec 00 05:04
Idle thought:  Would a librarian shelve a book on Werewolves in
History in the Werewolf section or the History section?


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