Clients' letters | "I could have stayed all day. All week.... Gave me insight.... Gives me courage.... Gave me faith.... This seminar was one of the most helpful I have attended.... Got me excited.... Stimulated me to think.... Far exceeded my expectations.... Blew me away.... I can't imagine it being any better.... A shot to my motivation.... I am definitely glad I came.... Would like to see more.... It was a lot of fun.... Entertaining, informative, thought-provoking.... I drove home inspired, motivated and determined.... gave me valuable ideas.... I had the time of my life." | ![]() |
Letters from audience members | ||
Comments about the tapes | ||
Comments from evaluation forms | ||
Comments from the National Laboratories |
Joe Flower speaks about change - in you and those around you, in organizations and communities, how to deal with it, how to thrive on it. Here are some typical subjects on which he has spoken recently, and here is a partial list of his speaking clients. For more information, email us at the Change Project.
"Superbly done."
. . . . . . . . . . Alan Hillman
. . . . . . . . . . University of Pennsylvania
. . . . . . . . . . Dan Simpson, Head of Strategic Planning, Clorox
. . . . . . . . . . San Francisco Planning Forum
"You stand now as the most highly rated guest author which we have had in many years. Your analogies drawn from your Disney research were especially timely, given the many forces of change at work today within our industry. Your many metaphors and stories about dealing with change won over the audience and made the urgency of the topic - CHANGE - seem even more personal and motivational. It would be our pleasure to recommend you as a speaker to any other industry group."
. . . . . . . . . . Frank L. Henninger, CSP,
. . . . . . . . . . Villanova University
"Your presence and marvelous sense of humor added a great deal to the success of our event. We look forward to having you again - it was a lot of fun."
. . . . . . CALM (Child Abuse Listening and Mediation) Santa Barbara, California
"Thanks for doing a great job. . . . It's always a pleasure to hear you and learn from you. . . . You are a pro. Good to do business with you."
. . . . . . . . . . Mardeene Mitchell, Writers Connection
"The evaluations we received after the conference were outstanding. The participants were very impressed with the extraordinarily high quality of the speakers, and in particular with your presentation! It was our good fortune to have persuaded you to speak."
. . . . . . . . . . Pamela Frankhouser, Johns Hopkins University
"You have done an excellent job, and we found your presentation to be entertaining, informative and thought-provoking."
. . . . . . . . . . Stephen Bradley, Dean Witter Reynolds
"I especially appreciated your flexibility and willingness to tailor your remarks to our industry."
. . . . . . . . . . J. Michael Patterson, Blunt Ellis and Loewi
"You were terrific."
. . . . . . . . . . Professor Judy Rosener, University of California at Irvine
"Thank you for an informative and thought-provoking speech. . . . quite applicable in a world where change is a way of life. . . Your message was very successful . . . an excellent presentation."
. . . . . . . . . . Linda Gleason, Fresno Women's Network
"Thank you so much . . . I was unable to tape all the commendations and complimentary comments after your presentation, but let me assure you they were as sincere as all those I know you must receive and hear wherever you go!"
. . . . . . . . . . Joseph E. Venaglia, President, College Market Consultants
"Wonderful presentation"
. . . . . . . . . . Terri Rowe, Council for Continuous Improvement
"That was far and away the best seminar of its type I have ever attended. And please believe me, I've attended at least my share. Like another of that seminar's attendees, I fully intend to be at your next one as well. Many thanks for all the extremely useful information you imparted in such an enjoyable way."
. . . . . . . . . . Lee Perlman
"Kudos on your excellent presentation at Saturday's conference. I drove the 100-odd miles back home inspired, motivated and determined."
. . . . . . Connie Young-Johnson
"Do you have room for yet another letter praising Joe Flower? Flower gave me valuable ideas. Evaluated solely on economics, I have already received an 1150 percent return on my investment from Flower's one-day seminar. Better still, Flower's enthusiasm rekindled my own. I had the time of my life."
. . . . . . . . . . Nancy Howe, technical writer
"I am writing to tell you again how much I enjoyed your workshop. . . . My friend and I left your workshop saying that we had never been in a workshop . . . where we actually felt like we got such valuable, useful, nuts and bolts information we could take right home and begin using right away."
. . . . . . . . . . Dio Neff, Institute of Noetic Sciences
"Excellent. . . . The real value for me was to persuade me to get out there and do it. Joe could probably teach a person how to shoe a horse and do it well. I heartily recommend him."
. . . . . . . . . . Sally Whitman, author/illustrator
"Thanks for the informative and well-organized seminar. I like your relaxed presentation style. . . .It was easily worth the price.
. . . . . . . . . . Claude Whitmyer, President, Enterprise Support Center
This is a very good speech, and you are a very good speaker. The stories are frequent and compelling, and you have excellent credibility based on your two major books.
. . . . . . . . . . Brandon Hall, High Performance
"I thought the tape was outstanding."
. . . . . . . . . . Bob Krinsky, Partner, IdeaScope
"SUPER SUPER tape. Very nice, really enjoyed it."
. . . . . . . . . . Robert David Steele,
. . . . . . . . . . Management Analyst
. . . . . . . . . . General Defense Intelligence Program
. . . . . . . . . . United States Marine Corps
"I liked your presentation very much - both in terms of its engaging and informal style and insightful content."
. . . . . . . . . . Bob Johnston, Partner, IdeaScope
"Awesome stuff . . . Excellent and pertinent presentation . . . Expanded my views! . . . Excellent, excellent, excellent, would like to hear more . . . Fascinating . . . Fun to listen to - dynamic and good speaking voice . . . Fun, great info, thanks . . . Interesting, futuristic, stimulating . . . Truly revolutionary stuff! . . . Very interesting and stimulating. Excellent . . . Excellent . . . Wow . . . Would like to see more presentations of this content . . . delightfully entertaining . . . exceeded my expectations . . . very interesting speaker! . . . well-paced, organized, well-balanced between humor and good information . . . attentive and responsive to questions . . . passionate . . . well worth the fee . . . practical. . . he covered the subject very effectively . . . Exciting, Excellent!! . . . Absolutely excellent. . . Inspiring . . . Joe Flower is a great instructor. I'd love to do another seminar with him! . . . fabulous . . . Joe is excellent . . . energetic . . . great seminar! . . . outstanding, colorful . . . Extremely well done - full of humor and aliveness - practical, down-to-earth presentation . . . animated, engaging, authoritative, inviting style . . . Joe Flower is an engaging communicator who doesn't hold back. . . . Flower was quite knowledgeable. I was impressed. . . . very valuable, different, unexpected perspective . . . very straightforward and honest . . I am definitely glad I came . . . excellent! . . . opened up new dimensions . . . insightful, humorous, informative . . . It was inspirational . . . lots of terrific, new and very useful information, presented concisely with great humor . . . a clear, concise presentation . . . got me excited . . . it was just what I needed . . . stimulated me to think . . . tremendously inspiring. . . . dynamic and supportive, very motivating and upbeat . . . very effective . . . It's one of the best I've been to so far, and I've been to quite a few . . . a good teacher . . . The seminar was highly entertaining, as well as informative. I could have stayed all day. All week . . . Great! Relates perfectly to all his audience . . . good speaker . . . superexcellent . . . this was worth the flight from L.A. . . . a shot to my motivation . . . lively, articulate, knowledgeable . . . concise but well-organized. An excellent seminar! . . . gave me insight . . . totally practical . . . gives me courage . . . upbeat, encouraging . . . gave me faith . . . knowledgeable and experienced . . .he knows what he's speaking about . . . . this seminar was one of the most helpful I have attended to date . . . gave me inspiration and precise direction . . . good, down-to-earth, helpful information . . . liked the humor . . . felt inspired . . . Great! It was absolutely superb. I cannot imagine it being any better. . . . Everything was useful. I thought the seminar was wonderful. I can't think of how it could be better. . . . far exceeded my expectations . . . very interesting and challenging . . . inspired me . . . great motivation . . . His enthusiasm, skill in speaking, knowledge and experience were very inspiring to me. . . . got me inspired"
What they said at the national laboratories:
This is a verbatim transcript of a letter from the producer of an event before the combined employees of the Lawrence Livermore and the Sandia National Laboratories:
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 969
Livermore, California 94551-0969
August 1, 1994
Dear Mr. Flower:
I would like to thank you for your participation in the Quality Tools Forum '94 on June 29th. We enjoyed hearing your inspiring presentation, and have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback on your presentation.
I have enclosed data from questionnaires distributed after your presentation. Your address was so well received, I thought you might like to see all of the comments.
Thank you, again, for your enthusiasm and your time.
Marvin Kelly
Quality Coordinator
Evaluation of Joe Flower:
Bring him back for more. Have him give open forum to all employees (non-managers and supervisors). He is an exceptional speaker. His topic was extremely relevant to LLNL's current situation and future. Informative, entertaining + a real hit! Excellent - well-delivered + personally impactful. Excellent speaker, suggest LLNL use him as a speaker - perhaps at Directorate meetings. Exceptionally dynamic speaker. Very inspirational. Wouldn't it be wonderful if LLNL adopted many of his precepts. The slitting of the cocoon anecdote blew me away and really made the point of his talk - that sometimes metamorphosis meant you get down to the DNA level, or in organizations, to the person to person level. Excellent lunch time presentation. Presentation was very interesting. An excellent and powerful speaker! He gave his presentation in an interesting "own-it" fashion. I could really relate. I like the audience interaction. Yes, on spreading information. He was interesting, informative, and imaginational. He knows his topic. He hit the nail on the head, describing LLNL and what the organization is going through. His presentation was filled with food for thought. How can I go back to work tomorrow and contribute/support colleagues through our change. Format was much better. Being able to choose which talks you were interested in was productive and provided a more intimate interaction with the speakers. His talk on change was excellent and really helped put things in perspective for those of us that are experiencing change in their organization.