He was crazy. We all knew that. All his talk of strange exotic lands he would someday run away to proved it, Since it was well known That here was the only place there was. Still, he could be quite convincing So we had to keep reminding ourselves That he was crazy. Further proof: One night late, driving home from a party or something, As he approached the curve in the road We saw him signal to turn right. He tried to explain about another road to the left They had taught us not to see But that only proved How crazy he was. And so we went, Being careful not to look too hard as we passed the curve, Until One night late, driving home from a party or something, As he approached the curve in the road We saw him signal to turn left And vanish. We all stood there, Telling each other that we could see, Way down in the canyon, His flaming wreckage. I felt it best not to mention That to me the faint red glow Looked more like tail lights Dwindling toward the horizon. Thomas G. Digby written 0420 hr 5/17/80 entered 2115 hr 2/08/92
This page was created by Tom Digby and is copyrighted with a fairly liberal "fair use" policy.
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